Chapter 1711: Meng Kaihui, are you confused?_1

Devil Palace.

"Hall Master, opposing the Immortal Palace is akin to committing suicide at old age! You can't be so obstinate!"

Meng Kaihui, a robust man with a straight face, seethed. "Although you're the Hall Master, the Devil Palace isn't solely yours. What about the lives of so many disciples that you're risking?"

Lean and stern, Feng Zhiyin, the Hall Master, declared, "No need to argue further. You still do not understand the backbone and power of the Heavenly Dao Alliance. The destruction of the Immortal palace is inevitable. This provides Devil Palace with an opportunity to rise to a higher level!"

Meng Kaihui frowned, "Backbone and strength? Then why don't you enlighten us all? Keeping all us in the dark, just you knowing everything. What is this?"

Feng Zhiyin shook his head, "I can't disclose that!"

Annoyed, Meng Kaihui retorted, "Why can't you, when the existence of our sect is at stake?"