Chapter 1712: You've Played This Hand Beautifully!_1

Meng Kaihui's face turned pale, he forced a bitter smile, "It's too late to say anything now, we need to withdraw as soon as possible, or else it will be too late."

Zhao Chiha coldly retorted, "Tens of thousands of disciples, how do we withdraw? Where do we go?"

Meng Kaihui gritted his teeth, "I've given a list of names to the Immortal Palace. Those on the list only need to withdraw quickly. Tell them you discovered my betrayal and left urgently. I believe that the people of the Immortal Palace will not blame the other disciples, as in fact, the vast majority of them know nothing."

Vice Hall Master Gong Weihe coldly remarked, "So we all withdraw and the Devil Palace is left to you, Meng Kaihui. You've played a beautiful game indeed!"

Feng Zhiyin stared at Meng Kaihui, his eyes full of doubt.

Is Meng Kaihui trying to fool him with some kind of reverse psychology?