Chapter 1723: Did I just let the wolf into the room? _1

To cultivate and improve one's strength, to break through realms, one needs cultivation techniques. A good cultivation technique can make cultivation twice as effective with half the effort, but if the technique is lacking, it becomes increasingly difficult to progress beyond a certain realm.

This is why a sect with mediocre foundational cultivation techniques will inevitably fall behind, while a sect with top-level techniques teems with talent and grows stronger every day.

Which great sect doesn't have some high-end techniques hidden at the bottom of the box?

If they indeed possess top-level techniques from a super sect in the high-ranked immortal realm, it would make complete sense for these cultivators to join the Heavenly Dao Alliance.

Cao Hechuan is quite worried in his heart, the enemy the Immortal Palace faces is far stronger than he imagined!