Chapter 1724: The Reincarnation Scripture, Can it Really be Possible?_1


Isn't this an outright threat?

The middle-aged man really wanted to slap Lin Chen, but he was hesitant, wary of escalating the situation.

He believed him!

He believed that Lin Chen really had a terrifying weapon in his possession!

Suddenly, interacting with Lin Chen felt risky.


Can't kill?

Don't kill?

And instead, treat him like an ancestor? That wouldn't work either!

Lin Chen, seemingly oblivious to what he had just said, curiously asked, "The things I just brought out, although not top-notch, are not too shoddy either. Maybe I'll add some more, so I can take a look at that Reincarnation Scripture?"

The middle-aged man nervously laughed, "I need to consult about that, let's go have some tea first, you can rest."

Lin Chen replied with a smile, "As you wish, you're the host."

The middle-aged man led Lin Chen into a quiet, private room and indeed brewed a pot of tea to entertain him.