Chapter 1745: Five Poison Hall_1

Many Demonic Beasts are active at night, making Lin Chen's evening flights through the skies quite a dangerous act.

Lin Chen had no wish to take such risks, alas, venturing out at night seemed the only way to search for the elusive Huo Ye Long Cao amidst the dense vegetation.

Fortunately, Lin Chen's mastery of the spell 'Reducing Land to Inches' was exceptional. Though he might not be strong enough to fight, escaping was not an issue.

Lin Chen flew for most of the night, being pursued and attacked by Demonic Beasts no less than twenty times. Among those were two exceptionally formidable Great Demons, however, his efforts yielded nothing.

As morning dawned on the second day, Chu Yue asked Lin Chen with concern, "Did you find anything?"

With a bitter smile, Lin Chen replied, "I was pursued and attacked by various Demonic Beasts all night and found nothing."

"The Bai Ye Mountain Range is vast. The area you searched last night wasn't large, so don't be disheartened."