Chapter 1744: Seven-colored Jade Rhinoceros? I Must Go_1

Lin Chen accepted the Dragon's Roar. On one hand, this sword was extremely suitable for him, and on the other hand, it was difficult to refuse Chu Yue's generous offer.

The two sat down once again. After a fierce battle and the gift of a sword, their relationship had grown much closer.

Lin Chen didn't expect that his trip to the Bai Ye Mountain Range for Huo Ye Long Cao would result in meeting Chu Yue, ranked first on the True Immortal List, having a fight, and even becoming friends!

"Brother Lin, I saw you lying in the wild. What brought you here?"

Lin Chen was straightforward: "I am searching for Fire Night Dragon Grass to cure a friend's illness… what about you?"

Chu Yue laughed, "I thought you were also here for Poison Mist Valley."

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows: "Poison Mist Valley?"