Chapter 1751: You are Real, I am Fake_1

Chu Yue, holding the body of the Xuan Water Toad, asked, "How do we operate it?"

"This thing is really bloody!"

Lin Chen fanned his hand and pinched his nose, but the smell of blood was still overpowering.

The Xuan Water Toad was quite bloody on its own, but now that Lin Chen had beheaded it, the blood was gushing out, making the smell even more intense.

Chu Yue too was frowning, the scent was far too pungent.

After some thought, Lin Chen said, "Since we have this body, we won't need to search slowly. Let's fly quickly over different areas, stopping periodically."

"If it doesn't appear, it might not be in this region or we might not have lured it out. No matter what, let's fly over the entire region first and see what happens."

Chu Yue neatly answered, "Okay!"

With the body as bait, the two were not as careful as before, instead flying like a gust of wind. The scent of blood spread instantly, filling the whole area. The smell was so dense it made one gag.