Chapter 1752: Hand over the Huo Ye Long Cao, or face the consequences!_1

Poison Mist Valley is perpetually shrouded in a grey mist. The further down you go, the denser the fog becomes. Sunlight has a hard time penetrating it, even at high noon, it feels like the twilight after sunset.

This little bit of red light, although very subtle, stood out against the grey surroundings, making it more noticeable.

Lin Chen steps forward and flies towards the red light, closely followed by Chu Yue.

Meanwhile, the disciples of Five Poison Hall trailing behind them also notice the red light up ahead.

"Huo Ye Long Cao!"

One of them recognized the plant on sight and exclaimed it–before the whole group of disciples from Five Poison Hall charged forward.

Huo Ye Long Cao is a highly valued medicinal herb, which is incredibly hard to find. Since they've come across it today, how could they let Lin Chen and Chu Yue take it away, especially when they have numbers on their side!
