Chapter 1917: Do you... want to stay? _1

Yao Xiong was busy meeting with major forces, leaving Lin Chen with some free time.

Gu Yuexi had stayed on the ship for two days, too shy to stay longer, she quietly excused herself.

Purple Cloud Immortal Lord was healing her wounds, so Lin Chen spent his days with Yao Xuanji.

The two didn't exchange sweet nothings. Instead, they drank tea, chatted, played chess, or prepared a delicious meal together, much like a typical couple spending their weekend.

The day before they set off, Lin Chen and Yao Xuanji were having tea and playing chess until it gradually got dark.

Yao Xuanji asked, "Are you leaving tomorrow?"

Lin Chen nodded, "Yes, I'm going to take a tour of the Heavenly Demon Continent."

Yao Xuanji pursed her lips, "With Sister Ziyun accompanying you, I won't join you. Take care of yourself."