Chapter 1918: The Father-in-law's Alcohol Test for the Son-in-law_1

"It seems I've made the right decision?"

A smile crept onto Yao Xiong's face: "There's no right or wrong, only what's appropriate or inappropriate."

"If it were just you and Xuan Ji here today, you two in love, anything you do is justified. But tomorrow you are going to leave with Purple Cloud Immortal Lord, to live and travel together. If tonight you sleep in the same bed with my daughter, I won't stop you, but I will look down on you."

"I won't explain why, because you understand."

Yao Xiong grabbed a few peanut kernels, tossed them into his mouth, and laughed: "Although this matter is destined to be imperfect, at least you passed the test."

Lin Chen nodded, and took the initiative to explain: "Although my relationship with Xuan Ji is not public, I still hope that she gets everything she deserves. One day, I hope to give her a ceremony and get your blessing. After all, love without parental blessing is incomplete."