

This is new.


The shout brought him back to the present. Why is her voice so shrill? He completely forgot about her.

"Oh! If you think this is best, I won't stop you. So long, Zhang Rui." Chen Kai turned and walked away from his now-frozen ex-girlfriend.

The crowd was at first dumbfounded like Zhang Rui then that changed to disbelief.

Disbelief turned to humor for the crowd.

For Zhang Rui, it was a direct slap in the face. Her boyfriend of two years didn't even beg her to stay. He didn't go onto his knees and grovel. What is this? She was incensed.

"CHEN KAI! How dare you walk away from me? Get back here!" Her angel-like visage crumbled as she shrieked to the high heavens. Cameras were on her as she threw a tantrum and cursed Chen Kai's ancestors. Videos were sent to friends, some were posted on the forum, and clips of Chen Kai walking away nonchalantly were included.

{When everything should be about you.}

{The epitome of smooth}

{When things don't go as planned.}

So many captions were made under the video and have been shared countless times. The time it took Chen Kai to reach the library, was enough for Lin Shen to be privy to it.

He was proud that Zhang Rui ditched him. This proves that he can have any woman he wanted. The University's top student's woman was his.

Stealing Chen Kai's woman was Lin Shen's plan from the start. When he became dorm mates with the guy, he felt inferior to him even though he had everything at his fingertips.

But how could he compare to a top scorer in college entrance exams and a top in every class they shared?

The only thing Lin Shen can boast about is his wealth. Numerous times he flaunted it to gain a reaction from Chen Kai but all he could get was indifference.

Claiming Zhang Rui was next.

He succeeded at that.

Then he wanted to push his luck and gain some benefits from him.

They were both Finance majors. If he can use Chen Kai's graduating project, he can get a boost on his resume, even if he doesn't use it, it will be something to gloat about.

Lin Shen left that to Zhang Rui. The plan was to poison him which can place him near death and use his misfortune to gain his reports. He will publish them as his and as a memorial to his dear friend. With Chen Kai out of the picture, his image will rise.

Was it overboard? Yes!

Did Lin Shen care? No!

Chen Kai was a nobody. All he had is his book smarts and looks, nothing else.

But he was anxious. Chen Kai's actions earlier made him put his guard up. That guy saw through their plan.

He had to think of something.


While Lin Shen was thinking of a plan as an amateur villain. Chen Kai made his way to a study cubicle near a window.

[Host would you like to bind with the system to gain your inheritance?]

He smiled when he heard that steady feminine voice. He lived four lifetimes with this guide. Chen Kai knew he was somewhat dependent on it but this system was his only companion in new worlds.

It was weird to say, he only trusted this otherworldly AI system.

[Host would you like to bind with the system to gain your inheritance?]

He chuckled and answer inwardly. 'Yes!'

[This is the Tycoon Inheritance System. This system has been gifted to you as a reward for your outstanding performance as a 'Son Of Destiny' on your last four transmigrations. All of your riches from past lives were calculated and valued equally to this Earth's currency. You will be gifted accordingly as you live your life.]

'That's a lot. I don't know much about this world's economy but can my wealth be equaled here? From the looks of things, this star is still in a 2D technological era. Are you sure system?'

[Yes, dear host. Please do not worry.]

Chen Kai swore he heard a fluctuation in the AI's voice.

'Very well. Please proceed.'

[Certainly, host. You are free to live your life. You can become a slacker or work, you will still gain your inheritance.]

'No missions? No established goals? No leading millions?'

[Yes, host. This is your reward. Thank you for helping us. During our travels, the authorities decided to make this star your new home. It has major similarities to your original home. We hope you enjoy this life to its fullest.]

Chen Kai leaned back in his seat and blankly stared out the tall window. His eyes began to tear up as he took that moment to digest what the system said.

They were giving him what he longed for. Maybe he can start a family on this star. In his past lives, the duty of marrying or having kids was to leave a legacy for the betterment of that world. There were emotional connections but they were fleeting because he knew at any time he would be leaving.

He can have a family without such thoughts. Taking a deep breath to dispel the sob in his throat

'Thank you.'

[You're welcome, dear host. You are in a relatively safe environment, do you wish to receive your rewards?]

He grinned and answered. 'Yes!' This was the first time he was excited to see his rewards.

[ You have received $ 100,000,000 USD, a 100x multiplier on any income you make, and a daily sign monetary add on. This will be sent directly to your account.]

Chen Kai was about to ask about the currency but the system was ahead of him.

[Your present home country is China which carries the official currency called RMB; the principal unit is called Chinese Yuan. The currency of your first reward is USD, a currency of a Western country. Official knowledge will be catered to you.]

'That saves me a lot of time,' he muttered.

[Please be aware of your surroundings. Initializing cultural and layman knowledge of Star E2341 locally known as Earth. Do you wish to proceed?]

'Yes, please.'

He closed his eyes and allowed all the information to rush freely into his mind. His expression changed from time to time till it settled to indifference.

[All languages and hobbies of the host have reached expert level. The host's body will go through minor metamorphosis to match his previous body. All skills learned are now at expert level.]

A surging warmth rushed through his body. He can feel his muscles getting tighter, the flexibility of his limbs was now normal and the familiarity of his body was more natural. His thoughts were clearer and he felt at ease with this new life.

"This is the beginning," he said aloud.

A notification sounded on his phone.

~ $100,000,000 USD has been deposited into your bank account ending with XXXX XXXX 9547. Your new balance is $708,500,000.00.

Chen Kai chuckled and a goofy grin was now plastered on his face.

"Well, this is a great start."

He was thinking of what to do next and where to explore when another notification came in. His expression turned ugly.

What the fuck is this?

~ A sum of $5000 yuan has been withdrawn from your account.