
~ A sum of $5000 yuan has been withdrawn from your account.

Chen Kai checked the notification once more. It was obvious that he didn't make that withdrawal. He frowned and tried to make some sense of the situation.

Then it clicked. He laughed bitterly. "There's going to be a major upheaval in this so-called family." The past Chen Kai allowed this dealing to happen out of respect for his father but that's going to change.

This account was made by his father and stepmother which gave them both authority to access his account. The stepmother has been taking money on a monthly basis for either herself or her two children. This was money Chen Kai earned from his part-time job as a delivery boy and taxi driver. When he confronted her about this, her response was pure bullshit.

He knew what he had to do.

Forgetting that issue for a while, Chen Kai took that time to go over his personal documents and practice his signature. He took note of his birth certificate and shook his head. The past Chen Kai figured out the hidden secret also but left it as is. He respected his father too much.

High school transcripts, certificates of his accomplishments, receipts - everything was kept in a waterproof envelope. It was all organized.

Was he already planning to leave?

Putting these things aside, he moved to the laptop. It was a secondhand Lenovo model. It was kept running smoothly and was cared for. All his university work was on the device even his graduation projects for all his majors. He glanced at his phone.

"Let's deal with the account and then upgrade all devices. I can keep them in the car until I get an apartment. Who knows what those two will try," he murmured to himself.

He stayed in the library until noon then head to his only class for the day. Media Studies covered a broad spectrum. Listening to the teacher of this class won't be so bad.

As he walked along the halls, many students called out to him or whispered behind their hands when they saw him. Those who were acquaintances to him felt a difference in Chen Kai. His entire demeanor screamed majestic noble. He walked with pride most wish they had, as he spoke to them even if it was simple words of greeting, it wasn't too loud or too soft.

When he arrived at his class, a few girls rushed towards Chen Kai and grabbed his hands.

"We heard the news. Brother Chen, are you alright?"

"What do you want to do? We can expose any dirt on her."

"Please don't be sad. There are a lot of girls who will want to be your woman. Don't let her materialistic ways hinder your future."

He chuckled and looked at the girls before him. They were trying their best to comfort him but also letting him know that they were available.

"Thank you for your kind words. Don't worry about me. A new relationship will have to wait. After all what woman would want an unemployed man who didn't finish university?" he calmly stated. He arched his head to the side in a curious manner as he spoke. The girls watching from afar captured this moment on their phones and quickly uploaded it on the school forum.

{Handsome Chen following the lonely road. :')}

{Focusing on a better life to care for his future woman. Lucky!}

The comments below each photo were mostly from females showing their support and expectations. As expected there were the guys who couldn't wait to voice their opinions.

- Ah, finally. It's our time guys. We can get a girlfriend before him.

- So it's true then... Zhang Rui dumped him? Wait for me Sister Zhang, let me show you how much better I am.

- Even your handsome god Chen can be dumped. Just shows how high your females standards are.

- Upstairs. It's better to be tied to a handsome guy with morals than a two-legged dog that's in permanent heat.

- Agreed.

-Agreed +1

Chen Kai on the other hand was oblivious to the battle of the sexes happening on the school forum. He was too interested in the media of this star. He fiddle with the phone in his hand and got acclimated with the various apps, social sites, and productivity tools. He wasn't a fan of the interface but found during his internet search a brand that was familiar. On his home star, the brand familiar to it was the first company to break through the 2D tech era and dominate the 3D tech era. It seems like they are close on this star but in one country.

He frowned upon noticing the harsh competition and the newcomers struggling to be on a higher level. "It would be good entertainment to see how far they will go."

As he browsed through the various places in the city he was in and social scenes, the professor entered the classroom. Hearing, the rhythmic steps, he tucked away his phone and prepared himself to listen in.

During the class and observing the students around him, a new idea for his multimedia graduating project surfaced, he can also combine it with this class. Each will have its own thesis but the main project will include both. His Finance project is seventy percent completed, he can tweak it a bit or use some existing knowledge to do a new one.

"That settles it," he murmured to himself.

When the bell rang to signal the end of class, the girls surrounded Chen Kai instead of leaving. They offered to carry his bag, grab a quick lunch for him, and even help pack his things when he was leaving. Through all this fawning, Chen Kai's calm expression didn't waver. This set the girls' hearts on fire. If the scene was animated, red hearts will be these girls' eyes.

"Thank you for your offer. I'm heading off campus to do some errands." His voice was smooth and that hapless smile on his lips made his female fans swoon.

"That's okay, Brother Chen. We will walk you to the car park," one commented. The others instantly agreed. This was their moment to be in the presence of their school idol. They respected his relationship in the past and stayed far. Now they have a chance to be near him before they all part ways.

"Since Brother Chen is leaving campus, he may get thirsty."

"You're right. He will get hungry on the way. Let's get him some snacks quickly"

Four girls left the crowd and rush to the cafeteria leaving the others to escort him out. The loud chatter and crowd drew attention from afar.

Men voiced their disgust loudly and took to social media dubbing Chen Kai as an unwashed gigolo. They sneered Chen Kai's way reeking of jealousy and envy.

The girls kept singing his praises and asking him questions. He patiently answered them all and kept the leisure pace they created. It wasn't long before they crossed the sprawling green lawn and nearing the car park. He pointed out his second-hand Volkswagon 2018 Jetta and they made a beeline for it. They didn't look down on the car. It was still impressive for a university student to have his own car, working part time and still gain high scores in his studies. Though the car was used, it was still pristine and well kept.

"Brother Chen! Wait!"

He turned and saw four girls running carefully towards him, holding bags in their hands. The bright smiles on their faces couldn't be diminished. Walking forward, the crowd parted for them to meet easily.

At the same time, a couple was entering the car park making their way to a car four spaces away from Chen Kai.

"Oh my god, how shameless. Isn't that Zhang Rui and Lin Shen?"

"No way! So that's the reason why she broke up with Brother Shen. How disgusting. That is his dorm mate, his brother."

"Come now. I know you guys can guess why she did it. She's the impatient kind and will always seek fast benefits. Lin Shen is from a big family in Jiangxi, she's climbing the ladder."

"Tsk! Still, if the guy is willing to steal his friend's girlfriend won't that mean he would cheat also? Probably look for higher quality?"

"Maybe better quantity." The girls looked at Rui's assets and caught their friend's innuendo. The laughter couldn't be contained. What she said maybe proven soon.

The discussion grew louder. The couple heard and turned their attention to the crowd surrounding Chen Kai.

Zhang Rui's face was dark with anger as she watched the four girls gift her ex with bags of snacks one by one. She watched on as they blushed from his individual acceptance. They went as far as helping him pack the stuff away in his car after snatching the keys from his hand.

She was livid. It hasn't been a day, yet he had a flurry of groupies.

Lin Shen on the other hand was green with jealousy. 'This guy didn't have to lift a finger and girls are at his beck and call. He had to spend to get that kind of attention,' he complained inwardly. His grip on Zhang Rui's waist tightened. It didn't matter fully to him because he claimed Chen Kai's woman. He can use that fact to shame that arrogant prick.

He was about to go closer and gloat but the woman beside him beat him to it.

"CHEN KAI! How disgusting are you to parade your bunch of sluts in public."

The smile on his face faded when he heard that accusation. He lifted his head and met Zhang Rui's fierce eyes while Lin Shen held her close to his body with a smirk on his face.

"Zhang Rui..." he began in an icy tone.

"Brother Chen, don't waste your time on such rabble. Let her be. She's trying to diminish the fact that she jumped ship in less than two seconds for a few yuans," a young lady said. She stepped out of the crowd, her makeup-free face shone brightly under the high sun, and her body swayed as she walked forward in her strappy heels. Chen Kai couldn't help but admire her slim waist and perky rump. Her silky black hair was in a ponytail revealing the diamond earrings in her ears. Her slender body was revealed by the tightness of her jeans and the close-fitting top. She was one of xxxxxxx University's beauties and one of the ladies who loved to pamper Chen Kai.

"Su Lian, how dare you insult me?!" Zhang Rui shouted.

Su Lian stood before the couple with a mocking smile on her face. "Insult you? No, no, dear. I was speaking the truth. You left Brother Chen a few hours ago and now you're in the arms of his dorm brother. Anyone looking in doesn't need to use their mind to do the calculation. I feel sorry for Brother Chen for trusting such filth."

"Su Lian, you better watch your mouth. Not because you're pretty you can say what you want," Lin Shen stated. He had to make a show of protecting Zhang Rui to let them see that he's a good man who is comforting her. In truth, he wanted to conquer this woman also but she kept ignoring him.

"Says the guy who wanted to have a special meal with me last night," she countered.

Lin Shen was about to retort but Zhang Rui pushed him away. "How could you?" She was ready to accuse him of infidelity. The irony of that question.

"Su Lian!"

"Yes!" The woman's stern demeanor turned to a docile one when she heard Chen Kai calling her name. She forgot the idiot couple and returned to the school idol's side.

"Don't get too worked up. Thank you for defending me," he said softly and patted her head. A giddy smile took over her face and a blush stained her cheeks.

The girls around her voiced their jealousy and began to clamor for the same attention. Lin Shen and Zhang Rui saw this and bit their tongues in individual anger. The former made a show of unlocking his Mercedes AMG SL 63 Roadster and the latter entered coquettishly.

Of, course these actions weren't spotted by the crowd. They were duly ignored.

Lin Shen maneuvered his car out of the parking space and drove in Chen Kai's direction. He blew the car horn obnoxiously to disturb them and also to show off his car. Zhang Rui donned her large-frame sunglasses and adopted a seductive pose in the front seat.

Again they were ignored.

Chen Kai already dispersed the ladies and they were talking away but only a few stayed by his side.

If it was any other day, most of Lin Shen's mates will be flattering him on his choice of a luxury car that was hard for most students to afford. Now he was ignored by women for an old model Jetta.

What is wrong with women today?