
The Mercedes AMG-Roadster drove past Chen Kai slowly but he ignored the two occupants and continued to chat with the ladies. He found them interesting and added them on WeChat. There are places where one will feel awkward to visit alone so a good companion will be needed.

"I'm not ready for a new relationship but I would be glad if you guys can be my companions at times when I call. If it's not what you want, I'm sorry." He clarified his intentions before adding them. With this statement, Chen Kai thought they would refuse right away but his maturity and straightforwardness won them over.

Relationships aren't a priority these days. A career is more stable than a love life.

"It's the same here, Brother Chen. We know you're the one-woman type of guy and it wouldn't hurt to have male companions." Da Mei was one of these ladies who stayed behind after holding a strong conversation with him.

He smiled softly at the ladies and proceed to add them to the app.

"I'll take my leave. Talk to you soon."

"Bye Brother Chen!"

Chen Kai chuckled at the sing-song goodbye and entered his car.

He reached for the unopened fruit juice and quickly opened it. The ladies left to gloat about their luck and rushed back to campus.

Backpack on the floor of the car and the front seat filled with packaged snacks, he pinned in the name of his bank to find the nearest location.

"Why don't I try that 100x multiplier on my income?"

He found the DiDi App and checked in on his work account. Scrolling through the pickups, he spotted one going in his direction. Nabbing it quickly, Chen Kai made his way out of the car park.

While he was excited to start a simple job, two persons were in a tense conversation. Lin Shen booked a private room at a three-star restaurant to convey a few things with Zhang Rui. His afternoon with her as his woman started off rough. This special treatment was to appease her followed by some light shopping. To keep the expenses down, he did the ordering and blessed her with some sweet words.

"I think he knows," he stated after she was comfortable and sated with a glass of wine.

"I don't think so. You're overthinking things," Rui replied with a snort.

"You were probably still out of it to see him alive, I am too but didn't you catch on to his play on words? 'He slept like the dead'.

Zhang Rui rolled her eyes and shook her head. "You're thinking too much, darling. Chen Kai only has book smarts. Since he survived that poisoning he probably thought he was so tired that he slept so soundly. What you have to do now, is get his laptop or thumb drive. We both know he stores everything on that thing and it doesn't have a password. When he's asleep, copy his project then delete it."

Lin Shen eyed her carefully. He couldn't help but feel uneasy. Chen Kai knows something, he can feel it in his bones.

Zhang Rui took note of his wariness. "Don't you want to look good for your father? Chen Kai's projects always bring in high scores. I'm sure this graduation piece will be better. Once you personalize it, and gain recognition, your father will be so proud of you. By that time, he will be in a panic and underperform."

After thinking things over, he decided to believe her words.

"You're right." Lin Shen was finally at ease. He pulled her closer on the cushioned sofa to place a soft kiss below her ear. Her hand moved slowly up his thigh and began a teasing caress. A triumphant smile was on his face. Zhang Rui moved her head slightly and captured his lips, sending them into a passionate kiss. Her hands were now on his belt, ready to thank him for spoiling her.

He had Chen Kai's woman serving him in a restaurant. It felt good.

That poor bastard was an obstacle to him. From the moment, he learned that Chen Kai was a top scorer, he knew that guy had a huge potential that will overshadow him.

As the second son of the wealthy Lin family, his performance was overlooked and mediocre. Applying to xxxxxxxx University in Nanjing was his opportunity to make a name for himself, but he had to be class and dorm mates with Chen Kai.

Lin Shen knew he had to get rid of that obstacle - permanently.

After all, this is one of the rules for the mighty.


The man who was plaguing Lin Shen's mind like a demon was happily driving along the streets to pick up his first passengers.

The novel act of driving on his own and seeing the new yet familiar buildings filled his happiness meter tenfold. Munching on the last of his potato chips, Chen Kai pulled up to the yellow bench which was used as a landmark by his passengers. There were three young women taking selfies with seductive poses which attracted a lot of attention. When he got closer he noticed how they held their purses in a specific way, they made sure the watches on their wrists were shown and that their outfits were kept clean. They were all in high heels yet none sat on the bench to rest their legs.

Chen Kai thought their actions were weird and funny. One of them was teetering in her heels and made like she was hugging her friend so she can stay upright.

Pulling alongside them, he let down his window and spoke. At first, they ignored his presence with a look of disdain but when he mentioned one of their names and customer handle, they put up a vicious front.

"Who are you? How do you know her name?" one shouted.

"Answer us. We'll call the police," another added.

"Do you think you can pick up women who look like us?" This was the Didi customer. She raised her head so high Chen Kai was waiting for her to fall backward. Her friends began to curse him for being young and lecherous. They made it known he was unworthy of them.

This piqued a few passerby's interest. Drama was a great pastime.

Chen Kai was dumbfounded. He was about to curse their IQ but didn't have the energy to do so. He wondered how large their egos were to be this way. From looking at them, he knew they weren't genuine second-generation belles or nouveau riche.

He reached for his phone while keeping eye contact with them. His unbothered and mocking gaze annoyed them greatly.

Opening the job ticket, he spoke. "You requested a taxi for three. I am your driver. The name and ending numbers of your contact are displayed. If you no longer require a taxi, please cancel the ticket."

An onlooker couldn't hold back and laughed loudly at the girls' idiotic actions. They were so arrogant and looked high profile but cursed the driver they requested. If they were so rich that they claimed to be why wasn't it their personal driver and not a random Didi driver?

"Y-You should have said so," the customer yelled.

"But he did. HAHAHAHAHAHA!" the onlooker retorted before Chen Kai can speak. "Oh my. What a laugh on my lunch break." The man continued walking with his body still shaking with laughter.

Chen Kai chuckled at the guy's love for simple amusement.

"Hmph!" The girls snorted in embarrassment and entered the car. He held back a laugh when the newbie in heels dove into the car to shorten her steps.

When they were in, he let the GPS on his phone secure the route to their destination then drove off.

"You should have called first. Isn't that part of your job? You are a driver, how can you be so sneaky."

Chen Kai didn't answer but looked at her in the rearview mirror. 'Dear customer, get that God entitlement out of your head,' he said inwardly.

"A stupid gigolo he is. He's probably earning cash from this job. It's our duty to support people like this. Enough about this cretin. Let's confirm today's outing," her friend said haughtily.

'Gigolo? Am I that much of a pretty boy?' Chen Kai was having full-on comebacks in his head while the three stooges talk about their outing.

Overhearing the conversation, he was flabbergasted. He couldn't believe this encounter. Protagonists usually encounter these rude people.

Fake Socialites.

He read about these women from light novels in his original world. He never came across them during his life as a budding nouveau rich CEO but here he is now - a driver and met these people.

'Ah, the stars are so funny,' he joked.

Fake socialites are young ladies who create an entire life on lies to look for rich husbands or gain better opportunities. They pool money together to eat at Michelin restaurants, visit exclusive spas and rent hotel rooms for perfect photos of their daily life. They even purchase branded clothes and then return them with the tags still on to get a refund. To make their 'high society' life seen and known, they are always haughty and boasting of things to gain the envy of others.

Chen Kai was inwardly laughing and kept his eyes on the road while listening to them. The girls didn't like his inattentiveness. They were dressed in luxury brands and looked beautiful and he didn't speak to them even once. He didn't even ask where they were from or why they were going to Dragon's Tail, one of the most popular restaurants. Wasn't he interested in rich women like all those other minimum-wage freaks? He's a fricking taxi driver.

"Aiya, Chu Fang how was your date with the young master last night?" one said loudly.

The other two sent quick glances Chen Kai's way hoping the words will pique his curiosity.

"He was such a bore. He picked me up in the new Bentley he bought but I told him I already knew of that car because of my ex. He tried to shower me with gifts to appease me but I didn't like any of it. He's still trying to get my approval. Doesn't he know he has to work for it? I can easily buy those things," Chu Fang boasted.

'Isn't the watch on your wrist rented? Weren't the three of you discussing payment plans for the meal you're about to eat with two others? Such professionals,' he said once more inwardly.

"No one can compare to our Sister Chu. Even the young masters of today don't deserve her," her friend flattered her.

Chen Kai gripped the steering wheel to compose himself when the one named Chu Fang flipped her hair to show off her pale slender neck and the thin gold necklace glittering in the sunlight. He knew if he laughed it would bring a new round of shrill voices.

He was thankful when he turned onto the final street for their destination. Pulling up in front of the restaurant he confirmed his arrival which alerted the customer.

"Why is it so much? Did you add on extra charges?" one began.

Chen Kai stared blankly ahead. The energy required to deal with customers is a high amount, dammit.

"Miss. The charges are listed and it's for three people. Please confirm the payment, we have reached your destination. The total is 69 yuan," he said politely.

"You two owe me," Chu Fang huffed and paid via WeChat.

The trio left the car arguing over the taxi fare, leaving Chen Kai in a fit of laughter. Seconds later his customer review came through.

Two stars.

"That Bitch!"