
"To think I dubbed her Oscar-worthy with her rich girl performance. Hmph!"

[You have received 59 Yuan for your income. $5900 Yuan has been sent to your account from the 100x multiplier.]

"Oh! This is nice. So 10 Yuan is taken by the company. It's really a nice side income. Onto my regular schedule," he continued. Excitement stained his voice over the workings of the multiplier.

Though Chen Kai of the past was known for being polite and friendly, carefreeness can be added now with the new Chen Kai along with his steady and dominant presence. Anything can make him amused or capture his interest and he was indifferent to anyone's opinion of him. Even more so after traveling to different worlds.

Shrugging off his encounter with the contradicting socialites, he made his way to the bank. It should be the afternoon period which may be busy but he was eager to start his new life.

The bank was two blocks away from the restaurant. Finding a park was easy. Gathering the needed documents in a leather pouch he found in his closet, he made his way into the imposing stone structure before him. As he walked forward, he praised the intricate moldings and clean surroundings silently and entered the lobby. A lot of customers were either seated as they waited their turn or queued at the different tellers. The wide expanse of the first floor was majestic, the uniformed staff made one feel like they were royalty, added to the sparkling floors and gold fittings of door handles, chained pens and so for.

Chen Kai gave the two security guards a sharp nod in greeting and made his way to the information desk. The two men were caught unaware thinking the guy probably mistaken them for someone and not a simple courteous greeting.

"Good afternoon, dear customer. How may I assist you?" The woman behind the desk subtly eyed Chen Kai in appreciation and inwardly gushed as she spoke. When he smiled she wanted to take a quick photo of it. The man before her reminded her of the C-drama actors she watch religiously.

"Hello. I wish to create a new account and close the present one after transferring the remaining balance to the new account."

"We can help you with that. May I see your ID and your bank card to start the process then I will assign you to an available sales associate."

Chen Kai gave her the two cards, highly pleased by her professionalism. After a few clicks of her keyboard, she pulled up his basic account information and printed it alongside the form for a new account. "Your clerk is in Section B, and your waiting is number A15. You can fill out your form while you wait."

"Thank you." He took the documents and the small ticket and moved to the designated section.

This area had four clerks with their individual desks and two cushioned chairs for customers. Each clerk was separated by frosted glass walls, creating small office areas to show their individuality and space to work. Above them, was a large LCD screen indicating which clerk is free by displaying their work photo, their name, and the customer's ticket. Chen Kai saw that two people were ahead of him and took a seat in the waiting area. On a coffee table on the side of the seats were pens, information brochures, and a bowl of sweets. Beside it was a mini fridge filled with bottled water.

Grabbing a pen, he filled out the form and waited for his turn.

In everyone's daily life, they may have encountered different types of people. These characters have the ability to affect one's attitude for the day. It seems like it's Chen Kai's turn to meet a character type that anyone would like to punch. Today was his day to meet an overly ignorant, self-entitled man during his trip to the bank.

When the bank's number system transitioned to his number and his assigned clerk, Chen Kai made his way to the young man who will help him.

He was about to sit in the chair before the clerk but was harshly pushed aside causing him to right himself quickly. Sharp gasps left the mouths of other customers and the clerk himself. Chen Kai righted himself upon one step and was about to give in to his reflexes but stopped before his hand struck his offender.

The customers behind them saw this scene and were shocked. The man who violently pushed Chen Kai didn't know how close he was to gaining a few internal injuries. The older generation within the small crowd commended him on his composure. The younger ones were looking forward to a major altercation. The clerk also saw Chen Kai's actions and silently thanked him for not escalating the situation.

While all these thoughts were flying around, Chen Kai was trying to suppress the surge of anger and violence that erupted. It's been a while since someone disrespected him like that but he reminded himself that this was a lawful era.

"Customer, what is the meaning of this? Please be mindful of your surroundings. Wait until you are assigned a clerk."

"Do you know how long I've been made to wait by you people? Move aside, kid. I have more important things to handle than your minor query." The overbearing tone and minor assault came from a stout man with a bad receding hairline. Beads of sweat dotted his red face as he tugged on his ill-fitted suit. He boldly sat on the chair and slammed his documents on the clerk's table demanding that he should be helped or they would be fired.

The clerk lept to his feet and spoke sternly. They have been trained on how to handle such customers. Usually after earning a million yuan a year most of these business owners act like they were Elon Musk.

"Customer, please wait your turn and return to your seat. I would not take kindly to your threat. Whatever your issue is, the assigned clerk will help you. Now leave. You are disturbing other customers," The clerk said politely.

"Do you know who I am? How dare you speak rudely to me. Are they hiring retards in this shitty bank?" The man shouted for everyone to hear, due to the marble floors and walls, his voice was now echoing and blasting everyone's ears harshly. "Handle my affairs now. I'm the elder here and you should respect me."

"Oye!" Chen Kai called out.

"What the fuck do you want? Didn't you hear me? Wait until I'm finished then you can go back to play with your meager savings." He turned to Chen Kai harshly while he rebuked him.

Steady and cold eyes looked down at the man. Chen Kai's body was rigid as he didn't trust himself to move. "It will be best if you follow the rules of this establishment." A charming smile bloomed on his face but it didn't reflect in his eyes.

"Fuck off, you fucking brat," the old man yelled.

The clerk pressed a button below his desk and returned his attention to this rude customer. "Sir, why are you causing unnecessary trouble? Return to your seat, please. You are not the only customer in this section waiting to be served. You are affecting everyone's schedule."

"They can handle their affairs after you deal with mine. Stop being a fucking sissy and handle my problem. I make more money than you receive as a salary. It's your job to be at my beck and call." The slobby man's words angered both the clerk and the customers behind. They never witnessed such arrogance.

A low rumbling laugh cut through their shouts, and at the same time, security came rushing towards them. The crowd was more focused on the person who was laughing.

It was the young man who was struck by the old man.

"Oye! Fatty! Do you know who I am?"

The man frowned at Chen Kai and sneered at his question. "Should I know a pipsqueak like you?" he said with a disdainful snort.

Chen Kai didn't pay attention to his idiotic actions, he simply continued with his questions. "Do you know who this is?" He asked pointing at the clerk. Before the man can answer, he asked if the man knew the people waiting before him and the security guard who was approaching them.

"Enough with your useless questions and get lost. You! I know your superior. Get your manager here, right now. This is deplorable service - AHHH!" The man's words were cut short when his body jolted and flew backward.

Everyone followed his trajectory then his body as it fell on the ground and flopped like a dying fish.

It was Chen Kai who kicked the man away in his chair until the friction vanished causing an abrupt stop that was followed by the backward teetering.

How much strength did he have to exert to kick that weighty chair? Impressive!

"I will sue you. You will be paying for my medical bills until you die," the man shouted as he tried to get to his feet. His face was red as a cherry tomato, he was huffing and puffing, rolling from side to side trying to get a good momentum to get to his feet. His comical actions had the crowd in laughter. The security guard had to hold back his laughter and tried to help the man up. The other clerks turned their heads away to hide their laughter, it was too much.

Chen Kai, on the other hand, pulled the second chair forward, took a seat, and waited for the clerk to attend to him.

"How can you sue me when you don't know who I am?"

While the clerk relayed what happened to the security guard and trying not to laugh at the sarcastic comment, a middle-aged gentleman came bustling through the door of the clerk's office.

"Little Chang, what is going on here?" the man asked tersely.

Before the clerk can answer, the roly-poly finally righted himself and began to throw the cause of his misfortunes Chen Kai's way. "Do you know who I am?" the man asked once again.

"No. Who are you?" a young lady asked mockingly.

"I am the manager of Nanyung Hotel....." He didn't get to finish his little braggart speech when everyone began to claim they were managers or CEOs of popular companies. The man's face was now purple from the teasing, he turned to the gentleman behind the desk and demanded that Chen Kai be thrown out for his rudeness.

"As the branch manager of this bank, I must hear both sides of the story, don't you think?" the gentleman asked calmly. It was obvious that he had a clear understanding of the situation but was giving each party a chance. The bank's reputation couldn't be sullied.

"It's my word against his. Who are you going to believe a successful career man that brings in thousands of dollars for you or a mere college student with a few cents in his pocket."

His demeaning comment was ignored. The clerk relayed the situation to his boss and a few customers and clerks spoke their truths.

The branch manager turned to the sweaty man and shook his head. "Sir, please leave the premises. If you wish to conduct any business at our bank, do so at another branch."

"Do you know how far the next branch is? Why is this entire staff incompetent? I will tell this to your higher-ups. I will sue everyone in this place....."

The clerk handed the man's documents to the security guard as he escorted the troublemaker out the doors.

Peace was regained at the bank, minus the low discussions of the man's behavior and the young man who was unbothered by it all.

"Apologies, dear customer. I am Chang Tao, how may I assist you?" The clerk regained his composure and claimed his seat once more. The Branch manager stood silently behind him to supervise the area until he was satisfied.

"I wish to open a new account and close my old one. The funds on the old account will be transferred to the new one." Chen voiced his request clearly and provided the required documents for the process.

The branch manager was pleased by the young man's readiness and clear actions.

The clerk pulled Chen Kai's present account to import matching information for the new account. "Do you wish to maintain the guardian's access?" he asked.

"No, thank you. This account is the start of my adulthood."

Chang Tao chuckled and nod in agreement because he did the same when he began to work in college. Managing one's finances without the family's interference was rewarding.

Reminiscing on his college years, Chang Tao moved to the customer's balance page to begin the transfer. At first glance, his eyes caught the ending number of 900 and silently cheered Chen Kai on to keep working for more. When he right-clicked to copy the amount he realized his mistake.

It wasn't 900 RMB in the customer's account.

It was $708,500,900 RMB!

"Umm... Sir... Ummm... one second," Chang Tao said with a forced smile. He turned his head to his manager without waiting for a reply. The branch manager was already monitoring the transaction and saw Chen Kai's account balance. His eyes darted from his silent worker to the monitor and then to the unbothered customer.

'What is this? Is this my lucky star? Did I forget to check my calendar? Such a customer walked in so quietly. If I had handled that issue badly, he would have slipped away. Buddha blesses the wise.'

"Mr. Chen. Let me introduce myself officially, I am Zhong Fan, the branch manager. Your new account requires more explanation to help you on your future path. Please allow me to help you," the gentleman said politely.

'Way to go, Manager Zhong,' Chang Tao inwardly cheered. A customer like this young man is rare. This new account will be this branch's new VIP customer putting them in the eyes of the higher-ups.

"Oh? Thank you, Manager Zhong," Chen Kai returned the man's polite speaking and rose to his feet. He was directed where to move after gathering his documents.


In a large well-decorated office on the fourth floor, Chen Kai was being catered to by the manager's secretary while he retrieved documents he said will benefit him greatly.

He had an inkling of knowledge of what the manager meant. His account had over $ 700 million and can keep growing, it's best to rope him in with the best programs the bank had to offer. Chen Kai didn't mind. If he can simply text and do his banking online it will be the best part of his lazy life.

The secretary left the office with a forced smile that dropped when she closed the door. She wanted to know why her boss had her serve a layman like Chen Kai. The guy was dressed simply, used an old model phone, and didn't wear any accessories. Isn't it a waste of energy to pull in new customers? Her boss is probably going senile. Wanting someone to relay the happenings to, she messaged the secretary for the Chief Auditor. She got immersed in chatting with her friend that she didn't notice her boss returning along with the Finance Manager for the Wealth Management Program - Zhao Bailong.

The men entered the office and greeted Chen Kai cheerfully. The three began their discussions promptly due to the young man's straightforward attitude. The two elders appreciated this a lot and found him easy to talk to. They answered his questions sincerely and showed him the results of the benefits they wish to give him.

"As a VIP customer, you will be assigned a private secretary who will help you handle any complicated transactions locally and internationally, and also help you with advice in the investment sector," Manager Zhao explained.

"That's a good perk. What about online banking... do I have to download a new updated version or use the same."

"When the accounts are finalized we will email you the encrypted app for VIP customers. When you sign in, it will be your personal space along with your secretary who will have access to only your records and the chat service. Everything has your privacy as a top priority," Manager Zhong answered.

"I like it all. Let's get started."

Manager Zhao and Manager Zhong were overjoyed. A new VIP customer has been signed. The bonuses on their salaries are in the palm of their hands. This kid was a lucky star.

After rounds of reading the contracts and signing disclaimers, two cards were placed before him. A platinum and black card. The platinum Credit Card was filled with perks, as soon as the card was activated, his name was added to the VIP list of all the merchants, the numerous bank branches, the signed service list in the medical and travel industries, and insurance.

His photo and name were added to the lists of hundreds of millionaires in the country.

It was the same when his black Debit Card was activated.

Chen Kai's new life has officially started.

[Cheers to your new start! Congratulations, host! You have received The Sleeping Dragon Villa One, a customized Lamborghini Urus S, and a customized Lamborghini Revuelto.]

"Heh! Let's change the address. The stars have aligned."