
"Hahaha!" A trembling laugh left Chen Kai's parted lips. He fisted his hand and kept it at his side to stop the reflexive wave of greeting his men, back then, received.

He missed the family he created in that kingdom. Every citizen was his dear family and they all were a permanent mark on his heart.

'This..... I thought I buried it all', he sighed inwardly. He quickly adjusted his emotions.

"Hello and thank you for your welcome. Since it will be a while for us to go up to the main Villa, you can disperse. I shall leave the introductions for later," he voiced.

There was no wavering in his voice. No fear or intimidation in his eyes or on his body. No arrogance. He stood with confidence in a perfect noble posture. Things like this couldn't be faked. Their new master was trained well. There are so many wealthy families, which one he hailed from?

His words left no space for argument. They had to be honored.

"YES, YOUNG MASTER!" they returned.

They turned in precision and left in uniformed steps back to the headquarters.

"Young master, let's go inside. I will have the chef fix a quick meal for you." The guard had a good impression of Chen Kai though they were a few years apart. The two entered the courtyard of the villa under the guard's introduction of the place and its facilities. He was led to the meeting room where a young woman hurriedly entered with a tea set on a carved wooden tray.

Chen Kai didn't stand on ceremony and sat as the young woman began to brew the fragrant tea leaves for him.

When she gave him the second cup, he was visibly pleased with it, leaving the young woman beaming with joy. It was her first time brewing tea the traditional way for a guest after so many lessons. She was visibly nervous when she learned she will be doing this for the new master of The Sleeping Dragon.

Her confidence boosted knowing the young master was pleased.

She left the room, leaving the guard dutifully standing outside the door waiting for further instructions.

Fifteen minutes passed when Manager Bao Chang and Commander Liu Yun entered the waiting room.

"Is everything resolved?" Chen Kai asked softly. He created a fresh pot of tea with the remaining tea leaves and personally poured two cups for the men and gestured for them to have a seat.

The men stood before him and bowed their heads in respect. They were already shaken with excitement by Chen Kai's tea gesture. It is known such actions are interpreted as an olive branch for great cooperation and acknowledgment.

"Yes, young master. The higher-ups have been alerted. An investigation has started, and we should have a conclusion within an hour." Liu Yun gave a small reply and took a seat with Bao Chang following.

"This Villa. It's very unique. I've never heard of a Villa being sold with its own staff and many .... features. That is usually left to the new owner," Chen Kai commented.

The two wore a sad smiles and told him the history of the Sleeping Dragon.

He was impressed, touched, and felt a bit of similarity with the man who designed and developed the land. As the story was told, Chen Kai had to focus on keeping his emotions stable.

From what he learned, this Villa can be seen as a modern castle for royal blood. Everything was built with a touch of nobility and luxury, the mixture of traditional and modern was rampant and the training of the staff was very high. They were all things similar to his past lives. He didn't expect to reclaim them in this life.

Was this the main purpose of the system? To replicate everything he had, on this Earth?

When the two finished. They all stayed in a sentimental silence. Chen Kai resonated with the developer on his wish to leave his life's work for someone.

This entire land and all that is within it was a legacy inheritance.

"I give you my word to respect this place with all that I am."

"Thank you, young master," they chorused.

Manager Bao took the lull in the conversation to bring up the day-to-day runnings of the Villa, and the documents that needed to be signed. Liu Yun made contributions to the conversation and took it upon himself to mention the delivery of his cars and the on-site mechanics they had.

"This is all amazing. I feel like I've just been crowned as a prince," Chen Kai joked. He was looking over the final documents and making little plans for them as he spoke.

"You can say that," Manager Bao added to the amusement.

A knock sounded on the door and Chen Kai gave them a swift permission to enter.

"Young Master. Manager Bao. Commander Liu. Lunch is being served in the back garden. Chef Mu will personally serve." The stationed guard delivered the message and promptly left.

"Is he the chef you've mentioned?" Chen Kai asked as he got to his feet.

Manager Bao secured his documents and held them for safekeeping. Liu Yun led them to the garden as they spoke.

"Yes. He was the only disciple of Master Chef Lai De and a private chef to Developer An. I'm sure he's excited to cook for you and not just the staff."

"It's been a while since I ate great food." Chen Kai held his stomach and it cried out for food once more. He miscalculated how long his breakfast would last and didn't snack on anything.

The garden was perfectly kept as a hidden oasis. The gazebo held a four chair-table made of metal and wood. The grounds around the structure were neat and the flower beds were of colorful local and foreign plants with the butterflies enjoying each and every one of them.

They sat in waiting while Chen Kai informed them of his plans.

The schedule for staff entering his home was given and his schedule was in terms of leaving the house for the next week.

"There are ten maids for your choosing and three house managers are available. When would you like to make your selection?"

"How much do you think will be needed to do a thorough cleaning twice a week and also the laundry?" He was on the fence about having live-in staff but after seeing the exact size of the place. He gave in to having them.

"Four at the maximum. They can use housekeeping robots for simple cleaning and attend to other tasks. If you're wary of them, the surveillance system is there to help you." Manager Bao learned from his new client's precise way of talking and actions that he wasn't comfortable with many people around and usually kept counsel with himself.

"Have the thirteen candidates meet here for ten tomorrow."

It felt good knowing, his need for privacy and space was understood. A few seconds later, Chef Mu entered the garden leading a parade of food carts.

"Welcome to the Sleeping Dragon Villa, Young Master! I am Mu Chengqian, your personal and head chef. Behind me are my disciples, my son Mu Xuan and Miss Jian Li. They are both well-trained in the kitchen and social etiquette. Their educational background is top tier and their work ethic is something I am most proud of. We are ready to serve you when you open your doors." The old man was robust, loud, and energetic. Chen Kai knew his peaceful living will be random with this man around. He was pleased with this personality. It showed their love for life and it will be seen and tasted in their cooking.

His attention turn to Mu Xuan, Chef Mu's son. Age-wise, he looked to be the same as him. The young man stood proudly beside his father and had a look of curiosity and wariness when he looked at Chen Kai.

The sole female chef was now under scrutiny. She looked stern and visibly proud of her position. Jian Li wasn't optimistic about working under Chen Kai but stayed due to the pleasing pay and working under her mentor. In her eyes, this young master was another child playing with his parents' money. After seeing the Godly looks and physique of her boss, her impression of him fell.

'Men like him who has money and looks are the worst scumbags.' She complained bitterly in her heart but kept her pleasant smile.

"I'm looking forward to it all. There's a staff villa on the property, as you should know. One chef is needed for my daily meals and can live there. A chef has to be assigned to the guard villa. Decide amongst yourselves in an hour. Western and Eastern dishes are to my likes but a nice porridge is a must for me in the mornings. Meals are to be on time and nutritional intake can be loosely handled. If you require any additional equipment consult me and I will do the best that I can."

Mu Chengqian and Mu Xuan's eyes lit up. To cook every day in the Sleeping Dragon was a dream. The specifics of the kitchen were known knowledge to them. It was an ideal place to have their freedom even if it was cooking for one person. Father and son glanced at each other - their silent competition began.

Jian Li was torn. She wanted to go to the main house but being around this rich young master made her throw that excitement away.

All three were indecisive.

Chef Mu came out of his silent war with his son and served the meals he made for the young master.

"As requested, simple, light, and quick. A prawn, chicken, and pak choi noodle soup. Honeyed Duck and Vegetable Stir Fry. Black Bean Tofu and Fresh Glutinous Rice."

The fragrant scent from each dish filled the airspace in the gazebo and Chen Kai's stomach rumbled with impatience. He laughed heartily and was the first to take a sip of the clear water of the soup. The heat flowed down smoothly and fell into his stomach, placating the angry beast. He then took a portion of prawn, chicken, and pakchoi together. The tastes melded beautifully. The tenderness, the compatible seasoning, it was perfect. The smile didn't leave his face and this pleased everyone in the garden.

Chef Mu wanted to brag to his old buddies at this moment. His new master was eating so heartily.

His food.

This scene will make any chef proud. This is what they trained and worked hard for.

"Eat. Eat. Don't waste Chef's efforts," Chen Kai commented animatedly.

His gusto was infectious.

Bao Chang and Liu Yun dug into their share and were similarly captured in the taste of the first dish. They went to the other dishes with the same enthusiasm, pleasing Chef Mu even more.

Mu Xuan and Jian Li were both witnesses to this and saw that this is truly what their profession is. To serve their customers or masters great food; to see their smiles.

Chen Kai spoke to all of them amicably and ironed out details for the running of the house. One thing he didn't comment on nor brought up was 'family.' He didn't mention parents, relatives, or siblings not even friends who may visit. They silently took note of this and labeled it as the young master being self-reliant. His riches were on his own strength, no matter how young he looked.

They all pledged in their hearts to protect and care for the home he bought for himself. Their young master was now the core of their little world.

Jian Li on the other hand didn't see it that way. In her eyes, Chen Kai was earning sympathy and loyalty from these people as the new owner. She didn't bother with his words and only focused on her job as a chef.

During the serving of the soft dessert, Mango Sherbert and ending conversations, Chen Kai's phone rang. Glancing at the caller ID, he was a bit confused. He quickly picked up the call before it ended.


The person on the other end of the call didn't wait for a greeting.

"Mr. Chen. I am Manager Xie from Bright Ace Investments. I wish to inform you that we are no longer recruiting. There's no need to honor your previous appointment."

The initial bright smile that was on his face moments ago, dimmed to a dull and cold one. Liu Yun was the first to pick up the change in him and immediately put up his guard, looking around the surroundings covertly. Manager Bao tensed slightly then asked the chefs to go do their preparations. The two men looked at their boss.

"May I know the reason for this cancellation, sir."

Chen Kai was polite. Too polite.

"Why the fuck do I have to explain my business to you? You're no longer needed. Accept that. Welcome to the real world, bastard."

The sneer was heard in the man's voice and it also confirmed Chen Kai's thoughts.

An uncomfortable feeling ran down the spines of Bao Chang and Liu Yun. The boss looked dangerous in their eyes at that moment. Whoever was on the other end of that call was the cause of this change.

"Oh! Is that so?"