
"What a fucking immature brat!"

The call was ended by the other party, leaving Chen Kai with a grin on his face.

It didn't take much brain power for him to figure out the reason behind the cancellation of his interview. A second interview for any college graduate was a spark of hope, a tiny light on the path of their chosen career.

This was Chen Kai's.

He was looking forward to the experience but that fucking Lin Shen placed his kidney-failing corpse where it isn't wanted.

Taking a deep breath to suppress his anger, he resumed his calm, smiling demeanor.

Liu Yun and Bao Chang shuddered when they saw this. What kind of bipolar young master did they have?

"Shall we?" he chirped. He led the way back into the Villa with the commander and manager following obediently behind.

Chen Kai's smile died the moment he turned from them. His eyes were filled with danger as he created plans to deal with idiots like Lin Shen.

No one was allowed to mess with his retirement. He deserved it.

"The younger generation of the rich tend to be rampant, aren't they?"

The indifferent question caught the following two off-guard.

"They tend to do so when their family's name has a high influence in the area," Manager Bao answered. He wanted to add that he may fall into that category but didn't. His young master was a bonafide young tycoon.

Chen Kai nodded. He knew any drastic actions against Lin Shen will have to wait. His foundation isn't strong at the moment. The parting gift he gave them will have to do. A dark laugh escaped him as he got lost in his thoughts.

It amused him greatly because of the high expectations he had of Lin Shen and Zhang Rui.

They were similar to each other.

Arrogant. Immature. Simple-Minded. Egotistical. They will blame all their shortcomings on others and will reap the benefits of something that isn't theirs.

If he had a friend who knew what he did to those two, he would have made a bet at that moment.

Checking the time on his watch, the sun caught the polished titanium and flashed domineeringly, garnering the attention of everyone. Chen Kai ignored them and walked to his car.

He deduced that around this time, those two are probably having a breakdown or about to have one. Unless they visit a certified and skilled Computer Technician, they wouldn't know that they planted the virus on their devices themselves.

The virus worm he enhanced from a known cyber-terrorist of this Earth was placed on his old laptop and hidden in the files they probably wanted. It enters the device from the thumb drive and attacks or in this case, eats the main system. The file that is the host of the worm will automatically delete itself after the device system is compromised.

There is no sure way to get rid of it. Like its name 'virus', it will spread to other devices once connected via USB. The devices will become mere junk in a matter of minutes.

Those two will have no opportunity for a quick resolution.

It was clear what they were after.

Following his first death, Zhang Rui was unexpectedly interested in his project. Lin Shen and Li Feng were too friendly whenever he worked with them in the dorm. A strong password was made for his laptop and a search for other countermeasures.

Thanks to the old Chen Kai's efforts, the present host used them to find what he needed.

'They're probably screaming their lungs out,' he gloated inwardly.

It's amazing what you can find on the internet.

On the stretch of the private road, a convoy of four cars lined up. Chen Kai and Manager Bao entered the Jetta while Commander Liu and his elite team entered the three customized Black Mercedes G-Wagons. Passers-by saw this commotion at the mysterious property in their district and promptly spread the news. Seeing the cars drive further in with a simple car positioned in a protective spot, they took photos and shared them on their WeChat Moments. Private chatrooms stirred at the sight of the photos and news.

> Who do you think it is?

>Is it a family? A couple, maybe?

>Maybe it's a young heir's first home?

>Which family is so rich to do so?

> Do you think we will meet them? It will be grand to be invited in!

>Yes!!! Why don't we send over help for them? Everyone knows how stressful it is to create an excellent staff.

>Smart! Then they will be indebted to us and we'll become good neighbors. Tomorrow is the start.

>But why are they using such a crappy car? Isn't that tarnishing the prestige of the place? We should make a complaint?

> Yes, make a complaint about something that isn't your business. Oh, don't forget that it's the owner of the most exclusive and expensive.

> Hahahahah! Forgive them. Their brains are being used to figure out how much money to pilfer for the next year.

> Oop!

>At least this money can show its worth than placing it on a tragic model.

> My model is undoubtedly so but I don't have to worry about my backyard while yours is constantly burning.

> O.O

> Hheheeheh!

> So.... the topic of the day is Our Neighbor.

> How broad is this topic?


While the new resident's presence raised a few neighborhood issues. Lin Shen was returning to his apartment with a determined expression on his face. The threat of living like a peasant rat for five years scared him and also raised his sense of urgency. His father was serious about this matter. He even called his mother to confirm this.

After lunch, he accompanied his father and brother as they toured the selected places to start their Jiangsu branch.

Each dazzling building heightened Lin Shen's vanity. He saw himself walking into the building in tailored Versace suits after he's dropped off by his driver from a Rolls Royce. He even saw the envy of workers and his classmates when he shows up for the inevitable class reunion.

Desperation for that future life was added to his urgency.

There was one more week to hand in their projects. Using the little he started, Chen Kai's thesis can be added to it.

"It won't take long and it will be a perfect time for me. He's probably at his wit's end trying to start all over. Maybe he's requesting extra time. Fucking bastard, you should know your place."

Lin Shen muttered curses at Chen Kai's name until he reached his apartment door. Taking a deep breath, he entered.

His plan was simple.

Relax under some vigorous exercise in bed. Finish up his project and submit it. Slack off after everything.

He had a big smile on his face as he walked further into the apartment.

That smile dropped seconds later when he realized someone didn't greet him. The place was quiet. There was no sound of the TV blasting dramas or her wild laughter amidst silly gossip talks.

Where is she?


He checked the kitchen.

No sign of her.

"Zhang Rui!"

The bedroom. The bathroom. The balcony.

She was nowhere to be found.


During his search, he realized that her bags weren't there.

"Did she return to her dorm? Didn't she agree to move in?" he muttered to himself and called her number.

The phone rang more than four times before it was answered.

"Hi, baby. Are you back?"

"Where are you?" Lin Shen didn't bother with pleasantries. He was pressed for time.

"I had to make a trip back to my dorm for my laptop. The girls aren't there to forward my drafts to your email, so I had to make the trip."

"Oh! I forgot. Sorry, babe. I was a bit agitated since you weren't here. I really need help with my thesis. Where did you put the thumb drive?" he asked. He made his way to his laptop and placed it on the dining table.

"I have it here. Brother Li wanted to copy some of the Multimedia project."

Lin Shen snickered. The thought of the three of them gaining high scores for their project and Chen Kai failing each one was already playing out in front of him.

"Alright. Hurry back. I miss you." He made sure to add a few words to soften her attitude then ended the call.

Under pure giddiness and the distracting thoughts of pining Zhang Rui down, he opened his laptop and pressed the power button in a practiced action. He didn't pay attention to the screen. He saw the black screen in his peripheral, deciding to let it boot up while he took a shower.

As he went on, humming a happy tune, back in xxxxxx University, Girls Dormitory, Room 408, Zhang Rui was crying out of anxiety and fear as she paced the floor continuously. Her head ached at the thought of what to do.

Her laptop was unusable.

That worm.

That worm was on her laptop smiling at her with a smug grin on its face.

It was basically mocking her.

"Why is this happening? What should I do? Shen's laptop is ruined. Mine is ruined. How? How can this be?" "Oh no! Lin Shen will kill me when he finds out." Zhang Rui clutched at her hair and tugged harshly to feel the pain on her scalp. Her tears created deep rivers through the makeup on her face. Her clothes were disheveled due to her rushing out of that apartment. Her eyes were red from the continuous crying and her face was equally red and splotchy, peeking out from behind the shedding makeup.

She was not her beautiful and proper self.

"I - It's not my fault. I simply opened the file and this happened. This isn't right." Zhang Rui was trying to think of what possibly happened to both laptops. As a woman who focused on gaining a realistic life, her knowledge of technical terms was limited. Her understanding was basic in terms of knowing how many megapixels the sharpest camera on a cellphone has. Things like computer viruses, malware, and the importance of scanning were all foreign languages to her.

That's why her answer to this issue went far beyond what one will think.

"It's him!"

Zhang Rui's eyes were crazed as she blamed one person for misfortune.

"It was him! He did something to my laptop because I broke up with him. Yes! That's it. Chen Kai you fucking dog. You're doing this for me to come back to you. You were acting so proud that day. This is your true colors." Zhang Rui laughed at the audacity of Chen Kai's actions.

"Idiot! I bet you didn't think that Lin Shen's family will be in Nanjing, huh? They will deal with you." Her eyes showed a maniacal light as she envisioned him being thrown out of college without graduating. He messed with the son from a prominent family. They will destroy his living.

Just as Chen Kai said, it was ingrained in her body to blame others for her own created misfortune.

She grabbed her phone to call him to let him know what he did was useless. Selecting Chen Kai's still saved number, she waited for it to ring.

Your network number has been blacklisted.

She was dumbstruck at the prompt on the screen.

"HOW DARE YOU BLOCK ME!" Zhang Rui was shocked at this development. In her mind, she believed that she was the best thing that ever happened to Chen Kai. He never cheated on her. He kept other girls at arm's length. He pampered her. She was his only girl. Why would he block her?

Her face adopted an ugly expression.

Once again her reasoning became askew.

"Your tricks won't lure me back into your arms. You will be the one to beg. Not me."

To vent her anger, she took to social media.

Caught up in her self-created anger, Zhang Rui forgot about her present boyfriend.


"That feels so much better. Father raised my stress levels with that stupid plan of his." Lin Shen left the confines of the shower feeling extremely relaxed. His muscles felt good after the pressured hot water on his body.

He was in a better mood.

Wrapping up in a patterned robe after drying himself, he made his way back into the living room to await Zhang Rui's arrival. He made an order of takeout and then went to his laptop.

When he sat before it. He froze.

Where was the HP logo?

What the hell is with this worm?

Why the fuck is there a cartoon worm on the screen?

Lin Shen was confused.

He reached out and held down the power button under his finger to do a hard reset.

Seconds passed.

Minutes passed.

The laptop wasn't rebooting.

"Why was this happening?" Lin Shen pressed the button repeatedly and then clicked the mouse touchpad. He was repeating everything Zhang Rui did earlier.

Frustrated, he banged the laptop shut and called the woman. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO MY LAPTOP?"

"Don't you fucking yell at me for something I didn't do." The reply came swiftly.

Lin Shen's eyes widened in realization.

"You knew my laptop was ruined. That's why you left. You vindictive bitch. After all, I did for you?" He was livid. He spent a good lump sum to secure her in his bed now she messed with his stuff.

"Oh shut up! I didn't do anything to your laptop. It's that damn, Chen Kai."

Zhang Rui began to explain her theory and like one brain thinking for another, Lin Shen found her theory reasonable.

Both forgot about the plot they created against him.

"Damn you, Chen Kai. If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you will get."