Chapter 22: Pranking the Mutants

General P.O.V

As Charles,Magneto, Mystique and the other recruited mutants walked inside the warehouse.

They saw a young man and a woman fighting against each other. The young man had a pink glowing Bo staff in his hand while the woman's body had turned into diamond.

Both were fighting in close combat. Though they could tell, the man was superior in close combat, he couldn't cause much harm to the diamond women much.

'I wonder if she can sell her diamond nails after cutting them down.' Charles thought

As the fight was coming to a conclusion, the man slammed his Bo staff into the ground causing a shockwave. Erik tried to control the metal nearby to defend us. But before he could do anything, We weren't standing at the same place anymore. We were now standing 20 feet away from our previous spots.

"Now now Gambit, You are going to hurt our dear guests with your tricks." A voice came from behind them. They turned back to see who it was. They saw a weirdly dressed man with a cane. The man's face was hidden by a mask from which only his eyes could be seen.

"Candy?" The man offered them some candies which the mutants that were recruited by Charles and Erik happily took and then even Charles took one.

"Did not your parents teach you not to take Candy's from strangers? What if they are poisoned." The strangely dressed man chided them

"They never told me about that. They were already dead before they could teach me that. And I am here to ask you to join my and Charles team to take down the mutant responsible for killing my mom. Apparently that mutant also wants to start World War 3 so we would be stopping that too. I don't have time to eat your stupid candies." Erik said angrily

"Good luck recruiting mutants with that attitude. If I didn't know better, I would think you were a woman on a period." The strangely dressed man who was Law in his death Surgeon persona said.

'He was the one that I had sensed with Cerebro. The most terrifying mutant I have ever seen. This guy was the one that teleported us from the range of the shockwave even without touching us. There should be more to his power.' Charles thought

Charles tried to read his mind but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't read it.

As Charles was thinking about this, Law looked at him and said "Before we get started with our conversation, You should respect others people's mind privacy. Using your powers to read others minds without permission can kill you some day. You are lucky I am a peaceful guy who doesn't go and handicap or kill people like you for such small offenses like these hahahaha"

Erik looked at me and said "Told you. No one likes to get their mind read without permission."

Raven aka Mystique also commented on this "I have been telling him that for years."

Law looked at Raven and then asked "and who might you be pretty lady?"

Raven laughed at that and said "Me pretty? Tell that to my real form." She turned into her blue form as she said that.

Law literally had stars in his eyes seeing this as he said "So my guess is your power is shapeshifting? You can turn into any person you desire?"

"Yes" Raven replied

"That's amazing. You know that you would make the best wife there can be. Imagine having a wife that could take the body, face and voice of any woman you like whenever you want. As for your blue form, It has its own charm. Believe me some guys are into that stuff." He said while winking at Raven.

'Why didn't I ever think of that?' Charles thought

"That's the first time someone has said that to me. Charles always told me to hide my blue form His powers were different from me so he couldn't understand the feeling of hiding them." Raven said with a sad tone. Charles couldn't deny her words as he never understood the need to hide his powers as they were already hidden.

Charles saw Law had a mischievous look in his eyes and he suddenly had a bad feeling regarding this.

"Why don't we make him understand your pain then?" Law said as he pointed his cane towards Charles and then towards raven as he said "Shambles".

Charles vision suddenly changed and he felt different. All the voices that he used to hear due to his powers were gone. He felt heavier in his chest region than usual as he looked down to see his body and to his surprise, shock and astonishment he saw himself in Raven's body.

"WHAAATT THEEE FUCCCKKK" Charles shouted in his original voice. Thankfully he still had his voice.

"What's wrong Raven? Why do you sound like Charles?" Erik asked concerned

As Charles was about to explain, another voice sounded

"I don't know Erik. I feel different. Oh my god Why do I look like Charles? I don't remember changing my appearance into him." Raven's voice came from Charles body

'Now I know what happened to my body but HOWWW' Charles thought

"Charles, Why are you sounding like Raven now? Something is wrong here." Erik said

"I can't shapeshift back. What is happening?" Raven's concerned voice sounded

"Our bodies have been switched Raven. You are now in my body and I am in yours." Charles said as he looked at the man responsible for this who was trying to hold his laughter.

"What did you do to us?" Charles asked him

"Hahahahahaha, You guys should see your faces hahaha, I mean your new faces hahaha" He could not hold his laughter anymore as he laughed his guts out.

"What did you do to them?" Erik said angrily as he floated all the metal around and aimed at Law.


Author Notes

Thankyou Pierre-Louis, Joe-A, TheFuzzySamurai, Noctis11, Cameron Price and Austin Pierce for becoming a pat*ron.

You can read extra chapters on my pat*reon.
