Chapter 23: Joining the team

General P.O.V

"I was just trying to help the young lady jeez. Looks like no one counts the good deeds in this big bad world. Allow me to introduce myself fellas, Y'all can call me the death Surgeon. Here is my card." Law said as he gave them his new mercenary and miracle doctor card.

"I offer mercenary services as well as medical services. My medical services include life-saving operation, a complex organ transplant, or the removal of a deadly tumor."

"What did you do to them?" Magneto again shouted pointing towards Raven and Charles.

"I performed the Personality Transplant Surgery on both of them. In simple words except their voices, They both have exchanged their bodies. Now Charles can experience the same pain Raven bears by living in her body for an indefinite period."

"You can do stuff like this?" The young recruited mutants asked in astonishment.

"Oh I can do much more than this." Law said

"Wait, have we only switched out bodies or can we still use our powers?" Charles asked while still in Raven's body.

"Oh you can use the powers of your new body. The reason Raven is not having a headache from all the voices that a telepath receives is because I am protecting her mind with a temporary barrier (Curtain)."

Charles tried to use Raven's power of transformation and transformed into Erik and then back to his blue form.

"This is so brilliant. You said you can deal with any disease and injury. Can you help me treat my big feets due to becoming a mutant?" Hank McCoy asked hoping that he could get rid of his ugly mutation.

"Sorry to burst your bubble but removing the X gene would mean changing your entire DNA sequence. This is something that even I can't do without killing you." Law said

"Can you switch us back to our bodies? Although I love the idea of Charles being in my body and understanding my pain. I am not liking the idea of having a penis." Raven said

"Fine" Law pointed his cane back to both Charles and Raven


"There you go, You both are as good as before." Law said

"Now can we get to business?" Magneto impatiently asked

"So what can I call you? Is Erik fine?" Law asked

"Magneto would do. Erik is only for those I like and you are not one of those people." Magneto replied

"Ah, Magneto it is, then! Just trying to be friendly here, buddy. So, I hear you can control metal, like, move it around and stuff. You know what that means? You could probably fashion yourself an awesome set of spiky armor. And you'd be the king of magnet-themed fashion!" Law said with a mischievous tone

Magneto looked at Law and said "Fashion advice from the guy with a big mouth? That's rich. My control over metal is far more than just a fashion statement, It's about power, control, and survival. And yes, I could fashion myself an armor, but I prefer to showcase my abilities in other ways.

"Power, control, and survival, huh? Sounds like a Tinder bio. But hey, I get it. You're a serious dude with serious powers. But have you ever tried using your powers for something fun? Like, magnetically levitating pizzas straight into your mouth? Or building a magnetic roller coaster? Now that would be a ride!" Law said

Magneto with a snarl said "Fun? Levitating pizzas? You have a peculiar way of looking at things. My powers are meant for much greater purposes than levitating junk food. I strive to take revenge against the one who killed my mother and then protect the mutant kind, to ensure our survival in a world that fears us. It's about fighting for a just cause."

"Whoa, Magneto, take it easy! I'm just here to lighten the mood a bit. We can still fight for a just cause and have a good time. Ever been to a mutant karaoke night? You could use your magnetic powers to turn the microphone into a lightsaber. Trust me, the crowd goes wild!' Law said

Magneto became irritated with all the jibber jabber" Mutant karaoke night? Lightsaber microphones? Y you really have an imagination. Perhaps one day, when mutantkind is secure and our struggles are behind us, we can engage in such frivolities. But for now, our focus should be on the bigger picture. Are you up for joining the team or not? Unlike you we are busy individuals."

"Fair enough, Magneto, fair enough. Bigger picture and all that. But just remember, life's too short to be serious all the time. Sometimes, you gotta let loose, crack a joke. That's what keeps us sane in this crazy world." Law said

"Are you on the team or not?!" shouted magneto as several metal items aimed at Law

At this Law's expression behind his mask turned cold as he looked at Magneto and said "Look man, I am being friendly here and you clearly are not making it easy. So if you don't want to be cut down into dozens of pieces and still be alive then you better lower down both your voice and aggression."

Charles nearly had a heart attack at that as he tried to calm down Magneto.

"As for joining you on your mission, Like I said I am a mercenary. You can hire me for the mission for a price. Since you are my first client, I will even give you a discount."

"You are thinking about money when someone is going to start World War 3?" Raven said

"I have to pay for food too you know. I have my needs. Now let's talk about money." Law said

"We don't have any money to give to you so I guess you are out of the team." Magneto said as he started walking off

"Wait, What's your charges, I will be paying you." Charles said

"Oh man, I had a bad impression of you at the start but you don't seem like a bad guy." Law said as he discussed his price with Charles and concluded the deal.

"Whenever you are going to attack this Sebastian guy. Contact me. I will be there." Law said


Author Notes

Thankyou Primordial_Will, mozart 111, Davis Nguyen, vampiric_cat, Ouraga_n and Jemarco Ballard for becoming a pat*ron.

You can read extra Chapters of the novel on my pat*reon.
