Chapter 53: Chances of Success

Law was ready to go to Dark Dimension and face Dormamu. He had prepared for most of the unexpected situations if not all.

He had learned a lot about dark dimension from the library and Ancient One.

The Dark Dimension is also known as the Darkforce Dimension, the Hell Dimension, or simply Hell. It is a vast dimension in the Multiverse ruled by Dormammu. It is a strange and hostile dimension, it is an amalgamation of itself and all other dimensions Dormammu had conquered and absorbed into it.

Time does not exist in the Dark Dimension in the same way it does within the regular universe. This allows it to be the power source of life-extending spells and the removal of mortality, at times, giving sorcerers superhuman abilities beyond their magic.

The Dark Dimension is also the source of the energy known as the Darkforce, or Dark Matter, that sometimes has been able to pour into Earth. Law remembered seeing dark matter in the marvel series about Agent Carter.

"Are you ready, Law?" Ancient One asked

"I was born ready." Law said confidently as Ancient One cringed at his statement as she looked weirdly at him.

Law ignored her stare as he said "Well time for me to complete my side of the deal."

"Alright, So I will be opening a portal to Dark Dimension which I will immediately close after you have entered with your astral projection. You would have to teleport back with your own powers."

"Dormamu would immediately sense you and immediately appear before you. He would either kill you or make you his servant. Neither of which we want. So you would have to overpower him and strike a deal with him. You can't just steal my piece of soul from him that would make me lose my immortality and I would die." Ancient One said as she prepared some ritual materials for the portal to Dark dimension to prevent anyone from dark dimension sensing it.

"Alright You don't have to worry about dying. Even if you die, I would stuff your soul in a robot. Imagine a robot doing magic Hahahaha." Law laughed while Ancient One just rolled her eyes as she had gotten used to his jokes which were most of the time not so funny.

But truth be told she enjoyed Law's presence as in the hundreds of years of life, he was the first one to make her smile.

Now this didn't mean she was romantically interested in Law as he was just a 16-17 year old boy. She thought of him as a son she never had due to her duties.

She had even asked him to forget about the deal as she didn't want him to go to any danger and lose his life. She would have seen the future with the help of the time stone but Law's future can't be seen.

Law insisted on completing his side of the deal and said that not to worry about him, he would be fine.

"Have you prepared the ritual materials for the process of fusing your soul?" Law asked

"Yes, But I am still not sure about doing a ritual to fuse my soul with a soul that is marked by the dark dimension. Have you done this before?" Ancient One asked

"I haven't done this before. This would be my first time doing it. I am excited what would happen when a soul with a different energy signature fuses with another soul." Law said excitedly

"Whaaat!!?" Ancient One for the first time ever in her life lost her composure

"You are doing an experiment on me? You don't even know the results of what would happen. And you made a deal with me without knowing how you would help me? I don't believe in this but this situation calls for it 'JESUS CHRIST' how could you."

"Jeez. So much for being acting cool and calm all the time. I thought you didn't have emotions until now. Now look at you right now, It's like I cheated on you with another girl hahahaha" Law laughed at her reaction while ancient one just glared at him.

"Don't worry about it. I am the best expert to deal with anything related to souls in this universe. Well except maybe someone who has the soul stone. Besides, My researcher insticts say that it would work." Law said confidently as he had the memories of the soul society's greatest researcher and scientist Kisuke Urahara.

He had planned to combine ancient one'a soul with the part that is in dark dimension while making her original soul which is inside Ancient One right now adapt to the dark dimension's energy without influencing her mind. It is a complicated procedure.

"What are the chances of it succeeding?" Ancient One seeing his confidence

"The odds are in our favour. 60 percent success that means you will have immortality and access to other dark dimension powers too. 30 percent is you would have immortality but the other part of your soul would be destroyed but you will recover in time. 9 percent is you will get influenced by the dark dimension and would turn brainless and would kill anyone on sight. And there is this teeny- tiny chance that you would die." Law said

Ancient One just sighed. She was not that happy about the 60 percent chance of complete success. But she knew that anything related to souls was complicated. 60 percent was more than she could hope for. She could only hope for it to succeed. As for dying, she was going to die in a few years anyways.

As for protecting the earth, She could leave it to Law.

"Alright Let's do this." Law said


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