Chapter 54: Bargaining with Dormammu (1)

"Alright Let's do this." Law said as both of them entered the mirror dimension.

Ancient One began creating the portal while using a ritual to hide it's presence. Though, once Law goes there his presence would automatically be sensed.

It was just to prevent antimatter from dark dimension to leak to Earth.

"Alright I am ready. Use your Astral Projection form now. I will take care of your body." Ancient one said

"Cool." Law used his Astral Projection as his soul got out of his body.

The mirror dimension shook as en emmense pressure enveloped it. The surroundings got cracked and even Ancient One got on her knee feeling the pressure as she immediately used the time stone's power to protect her from the pressure.

"What is this?!" She asked as the pressure lessened on her.

"Oh just my spiritual pressure." Law replied nonchalantly which led to Ancient One twitching her eyebrows 'Just his spiritual pressure he says.'

She opened the portal immediately as Law immediately entered it.

Law looks at her as he said "Take care of my precious body." as the portal closed.

Unlike other people whose Astral form is ghost-like, Law's was similar to his body as his soul is much much stronger than anyone else.

Law appeared in an obscure place with dark skies and strange shapes all over, reminiscent of destroyed planets and asteroids. There were objects of varying colour all around.

Although the atmosphere was eerie, Law found the scenery to be beautiful.

Law's spiritual pressure spread through dark Dimension as the surroundings trembled.

Another pressure suddenly appeared in front of him.

A massive head made out of energy comes in front of Law as it releases its own pressure to counter Law's but it was not strong enough to counter it.

"Who are you or rather what are you? Your appearance is that of a human but your soul is stronger than a cosmic being, no it's even stronger than most cosmic beings." Dormamu questioned

'Oh cosmic beings have a soul? That's interesting. Maybe that's why they have emotions. Maybe their soul is also made up of cosmic energy.' Law thought

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the flaming pumpkin head himself, Dormammu! You look uglier than I expected. I am just a human soul who decided to say hi." Law said

Dormammu's eyes glowed with rage "You dare to mock me, human soul?"

Law just chuckled "Mock you? Nah, I'm just here to offer some fashion advice. You know, I've seen a lot of bad fashion choices in my time, but the whole "head-on-fire" look is a bit overdone, don't you think?"

Dormammu glared at him "My appearance is a manifestation of my immense power! The likes of you can never imagine."

Law grinned "Yeah, yeah, power, schmower. Have you ever considered trying a new hairstyle? Maybe something less 'I just walked out of a volcano' and more 'I just stepped out of a salon.' "

Dormammu annoyed said "You are testing my patience, human soul."

Law pretending to ponder "Maybe a little hair gel or a snazzy hat would do the trick. Or hey, have you thought about going bald?"

Dormammu furiously shot a beam of cosmic energy from his mouth.

'Awaken Benihime'

Law used his shikai as he created a crimson barrier in front of him which managed to block the cosmic beam of energy.

Law looked at Dormammu as he said "Lighten up, big guy! Just trying to help you join the ranks of the fashion-forward villains. But hey, if you're committed to the whole fiery skull thing, more power to ya! Or, you know, less power since you're already pretty powerful."

"Why are you here human?" Dormamu asked curiously seeing the human soul was powerful enough to defend himself against him.

"I have come here to bargain, Dormammu." Law said as he inwardly thought 'I always wanted to say this. One more thing done in my 'to do list'.'

"Oh, What do you want?" Dormammu asked

"I want the sorcerer who protects the Earth's soul which you have." Law said

"And why would you think I would give you the soul of someone that has been protecting the planet that I want to devour." Dormummu asked

"My spiritual pressure is already destroying your dimension. You can barely protect it with your pressure. If you don't give me her soul, I would just continue releasing the pressure and destroy your dimension." Law said but he was not that confident with his plan. He was just bluffing since his spiritual pressure won't last for long as it would eventually be depleted.

Before Dormamu could reply or attack Law, There was another presence that appeared near them. As soon as the newer presence felt Law's pressure she too couldn't bear it and fell on her knee.

Dormamu quickly protected her niece.

Yes the newcomer was Clea, Dormamu's niece. [A/N:Well she is mostly comic, but she was in the post credit scene of Dr. Strange's movie. So she would soon be a big part of mcu so I decided to add her in story. Besides, I like her character.]

"Why are you here, Clea?" Dormamu asked

"I sensed your anger and immense pressure so I decided to check out what was happening." Clea answered after recovering from the immense pressure she felt as she looked at the man from whom the pressure was coming from.

"I changed my mind Dormammu. Along with the soul, I want her too." Law said looking at Clea while blushing


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