Chapter 109:The Great Space Adventure Begins... Sort Of

"Now hold up right there, where are you going?" Emma asked

"Big sister Emma, thank God you arrived just in time. You need to hear what Master did in Asgard." Wanda said as she began to tell Emma about their misadventures in Asgard. Law muttered 'snitch' under his breath.

"I still can't believe you took the kids to mess with Asgardian politics," Emma Frost's icy voice cut through the air as she stood with her arms crossed, giving Law her patented frost queen glare. "Do you have any idea how dangerous that was?"

Law lounged back in his chair, feet propped up on his desk, wearing his signature smirk while hiding his inner fear "Come on, Emma! It was a valuable learning experience. Cultural exchange and all that jazz. Plus, watching Loki's face when I dropped that adoption bomb? Priceless!"

"He cried, you jerk!" Wanda chimed in from where she sat cross-legged on the floor.

"Details, details," Law waved dismissively. "Sometimes the truth hurts. Besides, that family needed some serious therapy. I just... expedited the process."

Pietro zoomed around the room, unable to stay still as usual. "And then Thor showed up all angry with his hammer and Law was like 'Sorry Point Break, wrong neighborhood!'" He mimicked throwing punches at superspeed.

Emma pinched the bridge of her nose. "You fought Thor. The God of Thunder. Because...?"

"Because it was funny?" Law offered with his best innocent smile. "Look, everything worked out fine! And now we're going on an even better adventure – stealing from the Kree!"

"We're what now?" Mystique spoke up from where she'd been quietly observing, her yellow eyes narrowing.

"Borrowing! I meant borrowing. Technically. We're just going to... liberate one tiny warship from Ronan. He's got plenty!" Law's grin widened. "Come on, Mystique, you know you want to see some alien tech. Think of the infiltration possibilities!"

Mystique's lips twitched despite herself. "Someone needs to keep you from getting these kids killed. I'm in."

Mystique then looked at Emma giving her a reassuring nod as if to tell her that she would keep Law in check.

"Fine, Y'all can go."

"Yes!" Law punched the air. "Team Death Surgeon goes cosmic! Let me just..." He made a elaborate gesture, attempting to open a portal. Nothing happened. He tried again. Still nothing.

Emma raised an eyebrow. "Problem?"

Law's face flushed slightly. "So... funny story. I may have slightly overlooked one tiny detail in my brilliant plan."

"You don't know where Kree planet is, do you?" Emma's tone was deeply amused.

"Listen, space is big, okay? Like, really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is," Law defended, before pausing. "Wait, wrong franchise. But the point stands!"

Pietro stopped his zooming to stare. "So we can't go?"

"Oh no, we're definitely going. We just need to make a quick pit stop first." Law stood up, straightening his coat. "Time to visit our favorite cryptic bald lady!"


The Ancient One was already waiting for them when they arrived at Kamar-Taj, sitting serenely at a table with tea prepared.

"I wondered when you'd show up," she said, her lips curved in that knowing smile that always made Law feel like he was back in school getting caught pulling pranks. "The timeline has become quite... interesting since your arrival."

"Interesting good or interesting bad?" Law asked, plopping down across from her.

"Yes," she replied, making Law roll his eyes.

"You're worse than Yoda, you know that?" He reached for a cup of tea. "So, about that universal map..."

The Ancient One's smile widened, already ignoring Law's comment about her comparing her to some Yoda, she had gotten used to his weird musings "You've caused quite the ripple effect. Peter Parker with a living uncle, the Brotherhood destroyed, Sebastian Shaw eliminated years early, Me who is not dying anytime soon and now Asgard in upheaval. I used to look into the future regularly, but since you arrived..." She shrugged elegantly. "I've found it more entertaining to simply watch events unfold naturally."

"You're welcome?" Law offered. "I'm spicing things up! Adding some zazz! Making the timeline more... flexible."

"Indeed." She produced an ornate scroll from thin air. "This will show you the paths between worlds. But remember, unlike me..."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. No fancy direct portals for me. Planet-hopping like cosmic grasshopper it is!" Law grabbed the scroll eagerly. "Any chance you want to join? We could use a powerful sorcerer on this totally legitimate acquisition mission."

The Ancient One's expression remained serene, but her eyes twinkled. "I think I'll leave the space piracy to you and your team. Do try not to break the universe."

"No promises!" Law called back as he gathered his team. He unrolled the scroll, studying the intricate map of celestial bodies and mystical pathways. "Okay gang, first stop is... huh, looks like we're heading to Xandar. From there we can hop to..." He traced the path with his finger. "Seven more planets before we reach Kree space. This is gonna be fun!"

Wanda groaned. "We're going to die."

"Probably!" Law agreed cheerfully. "But think of the story we'll be able to tell afterward! Now, everyone hold hands – yes, Pietro, you too – and let's get this cosmic road trip started!"

With a flourish of his hands, Law opened a portal to their first destination. The swirling gateway revealed the gleaming spires of Xandar beyond.

"Last chance to back out," he offered, looking at his team.

Mystique sighed "And let these kiddos go without you without anyone keeping you in check. No way!"

"That's the spirit!" Law stepped through the portal, pulling his team with him. "Operation 'Steal Ronan's Ride' is officially a go!"

The portal closed behind them, leaving the Ancient One shaking her head with amusement. "The Time Stone hasn't shown me a single coherent future since that man arrived," she mused to herself. "How refreshing."


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