Chapter 110- Infiltrating Hala

"And that makes seven!" Law announced cheerfully as he closed yet another portal behind them. The team had island-hopped across space, moving from Xandar to increasingly strange worlds. "Welcome to Hala, home of the fun-loving, totally-not-xenophobic Kree Empire!"

The blue-tinted world sprawled before them, its massive cities stretching toward the horizon like chrome mountains. Law had teleported them to a relatively secluded area on the outskirts of the capital.

"Please tell me we're done with the portals," Wanda groaned, looking slightly green. "I think I left my stomach somewhere around planet four."

"Motion sickness in space? That's rough, buddy." Law patted her shoulder sympathetically while applying the final touches of blue skin paint to Pietro's face. "Now remember kids, we're going for 'generic Kree citizens' here. No powers, no speed, no chaos magic – looking at you, Wanda."

"You're one to talk about chaos," Mystique commented dryly, her form already shifted into a perfect replica of a Kree female warrior. "So what's the actual plan here?"

Law's grin widened. "Well, our resident AI overlord, the Supreme Intelligence, keeps all military records in the central command. Including where our friend Ronan parks his ride." He tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Though I should mention she's less 'helpful AI assistant' and more 'genocide-happy computer god.'"

"Wonderful," Mystique muttered. "And you want me to break in?"

"You're the best infiltrator we've got! Plus, you look fantastic in blue." Law wiggled his eyebrows. "The rest of us will set up a distraction if needed. I've got some fun ideas involving Pietro, three rubber chickens, and-"

"No." Wanda's voice cut through. "We're not doing another one of your 'fun ideas.'"

"You're no fun at all, Wanda." Law pouted. "Fine, fine. Mystique goes in, gets the data, gets out. Simple and boring it is."


Supreme Intelligence prided herself on being exactly that – supreme. Her vast network of sensors and processors monitored every aspect of the Kree Empire, analyzing patterns and detecting threats with perfect precision. Which was why the anomaly in the military database caught her attention immediately.

Someone was accessing classified files about Ronan's fleet. Someone good – they had bypassed several layers of security from retina scan to handprint scan. But there was something... off about their access pattern. It reminded her of...

*Skrull infiltration protocols.*

Her algorithms shifted into high alert. The shape-shifters had grown bold indeed to attempt infiltration of Hala itself. She began activating defensive measures while tracking the intruder's location.


"Shit." Mystique's fingers flew across the alien keyboard. "Law, we have a problem. The AI's onto me."

"Already? Damn, she's good." Law's voice crackled through their comm. "Did you get Ronan's location at least?"

"Yes, but-" Mystique cut off as alarms began blaring throughout the facility. "We've got company!"

"Get out of there!" Law ordered, all joking gone from his voice. "I'm coming to you."

Mystique turned to run, only to find her exit blocked by a holographic projection of a stern-faced Kree woman – the Supreme Intelligence's preferred avatar.

"Interesting," the AI said, her voice echoing from every speaker. "You're not Skrull. Your shapeshifting operates on entirely different principles." Her eyes narrowed. "What are you?"

"Someone who really doesn't have time to chat!" Mystique dove for another exit, but security forces were already pouring in.

"Neither inferior nor Skrull," Supreme Intelligence mused, watching Mystique fight. "A new variable. Fascinating. And dangerous." Energy weapons powered up around the room. "Therefore, you must be eliminated."


The familiar blue sphere expanded through the walls just as the weapons fired. Law stood in the doorway, his Benehime drawn "Benihime: Blood Mist Shield!"

A crimson barrier materialized, intercepting the energy blasts. Law's casual smirk was back in place, but his eyes were sharp.

Supreme Intelligence's sensors went wild trying to analyze the energy emanating from the intruder. It was like nothing in her database – something entirely alien to her understanding but sone of his energy matched with of the six infinity stones. The Soul Stone

"What... are you?" she demanded, genuine uncertainty in her voice for the first time in centuries.

"Oh, you know, just your friendly neighborhood Death Surgeon!" Law's grin widened as he expanded his Room. "Sorry about the breaking and entering, but we really needed to borrow a ship. Nothing personal!"

"The energy readings from your body..." Supreme Intelligence's avatar flickered as she devoted more processing power to analysis. "Impossible."

Law deflected another barrage of weapons fire. "Mystique, you got what we need?"

"Got it!" She was already sprinting toward him, dodging fire from the Kree soldiers.

"Then it's time for a tactical retreat!" Law created another barrier using Benehime.

A transparent barrier split the room, cutting off pursuit. Supreme Intelligence watched in fascination and growing concern as the strange energy patterns multiplied.

"The Kree Empire will not forget this intrusion," she warned. "You have made a powerful enemy."

"Story of my life!" Law laughed. "But hey, maybe next time we can chat about your genocide hobby. I know a great therapist!" He gave a mock salute. "Shambles!"

In a flash of blue light, Law and Mystique vanished, leaving behind very confused Kree soldiers and a deeply disturbed artificial intelligence.


"Did you really have to antagonize the all-powerful AI?" Mystique asked as they regrouped with the others.

"Of course! It's tradition!" Law was already studying the stolen data. "Besides, did you see how freaked out she was by my powers? Priceless! The mighty Supreme Intelligence, bamboozled by little old me."

"She seemed more fascinated than frightened," Emma commented telepathically. "We should be careful. She'll be analyzing everything she learned about you."

"Let her." Law's grin turned sharp. "Sometimes it's good to keep the big players guessing. Now, who's ready for some grand theft starship?"

Wanda raised her hand. "Can we please take a break first? I'm still dizzy from all the portal jumping."

"Fine, fine. Fifteen-minute power nap, then we go steal from space cops. Sound good?"

"You're insane," Mystique informed him.

"Thank you!" Law replied cheerfully. "I try my best!"

Meanwhile, in her vast digital consciousness, Supreme Intelligence reviewed the encounter again and again, analyzing every scrap of data about the mysterious intruder who called himself the Death Surgeon. For the first time in millennia, she had encountered something she could not fully comprehend.

'How... intriguing. Did not he say about steal a ship? The data that they were trying to retrieve was also of Ronan's location.'


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