Going For A Ride

If I never go camping on an alien planet again, it would be too soon.

I was not one of those 'in touch with nature' types of people. My idea of roughing it was a two-star hotel that had a spotty Wi-Fi connection and may or may not have air conditioning. I didn't do camping, I didn't to tents with no indoor plumbing, and I more than definitely didn't do eight-legged arachnid creatures who were the size of my torso and whose six eyes I could see perfectly on top of their giant head.

The fact that one had been following me around for the past few hours was enough for me to call an end to this hunt and return to Jun Li. Hell, I would have sent his ass down here, but he pointed out that he had a fragile human body, and he felt it was too soon for it to get damaged in such a hostile environment.

An android was worried that his body would get a boo-boo and so decided to send the actual human out into the wilderness to find snakes.