You’re Fucked Up

"See!" I said as I was thrown into a tree, as the vine snapped me quickly around a curve. I grunted out of reflex, but my suit absorbed the abuse, and I actually didn't feel anything. And the force of that hit would have easily broken a few bones if I was not protected. "We keep using the same word. I wanted to know if there was anything else that we could use and have it make sense."

"Are you serious?" asked Jun Li, flabbergasted.

"What can I say? My brain works in mysterious ways," I replied as, once again, I was thrown into another tree. This time it was the tree that cracked and toppled over. We must be getting into a denser section of the jungle if I keep hitting so many trees. It was a good thing that Jun Li could pick me up anywhere on the planet. Otherwise, I would have been concerned about finding my way back.

"Your brain is fucked up; you know that, right?" he asked.