"What's happening? What is happening to His Highness?"

"You're asking me? Who should I ask then?"

"No way, our king… could he be losing?"

The native citizens watching were generally horrified. They hushed their discussions to a minimum, nervously fixing their gaze on the one-sided domination of the battle.

From a third-party perspective, within the arena, Black Panther was eager to regain his stance. However, each time he launched a swift and forceful attack, Kyle effortlessly saw through it and preemptively countered and smoothly neutralized his combat moves.

"How can this be…" Under his beast-like vibranium mask, the old king's face was filled with astonishment and confusion.

Despite being an experienced veteran of recent years, compared to Kyle, who was a few decades younger, his fighting skills and combat experience were far superior.

Indeed, their fighting skill was the greatest gap between them!

This gap only manifested clearly when their physical strengths and suit equipment were not significantly different, and they were engaged in close combat— a style that both of them favored.

"Your retraction is not decisive enough. Lift your stepping a bit higher." Kyle murmured as if he were instructing a child in the family, simultaneously blocking Black Panther's fierce and sharp attacks while verbally guiding and training him.

"Damn it." The old king gritted his teeth. As the mighty Black Panther for several decades, this was the first time that he was experiencing this kind of humiliation in a battle.

Vibranium metal's hardness ranked first among Earth's metals. When used to create a full-body suit, it was naturally impenetrable. However, it didn't significantly enhance offensive capabilities.

The vibranium claws were the only semi-auxiliary weapon; offensive skills primarily relied on primitive combat techniques honed against beasts and invaders.

The primitive combat techniques passed down for thousands of years had made him unrivaled in the nation. But in Kyle's eyes, these techniques were quite rudimentary.

"Seeing that you can't hit me, it's my turn to attack now." Kyle chuckled as he spoke while clenching his fists tightly and he began to execute counter-combat techniques with superhuman strength and speed.

Black Panther's expression changed. He shifted from attacking to defending. In the brief moments of contact, under Kyle's full display of combat techniques, Black Panther was forced to repeatedly retreat.

Kyle sneered. At this stage, the vibranium suit was indeed impenetrable. But the king's inherent main combat ability was gone, leaving him only able to withstand defensively. He had transformed from the predator Black Panther into a turtle that could only take hits.

Asserting his dominance with his superior control of techniques, Kyle effortlessly suppressed the Black Panther, denying him any room to breathe, slowly forcing him toward the edge of the hundred-meter cliff.

The fight had evolved into a one-sided domination, a battle where an adult was toying with a child, leaving the citizens watching on the sidelines utterly silent.

"This feels great!" Kyle's eyes shone as the more he fought, the smoother it became. His whole body was burning with passion, like a furnace under the pressure of battle. His external demeanor remained icy and ruthless as he relentlessly chased Black Panther, who was struggling to escape.

Each of his punches released an impact exceeding a ton, and the splashes of water struck by his fists scattered in all directions.

The old Black Panther was in a plight beyond words, he looked akin to a small boat in a sea storm. He had completely become a moving sandbag, pushed relentlessly towards the edge of the cliff.

"You still won't admit defeat?" Kyle asked coldly. As he spoke, he sent Black Panther tumbling and soaring, almost hurling him off the cliff.

As Black Panther was about to be launched off the cliff, a hand wearing a Vibranium Bracer grabbed onto his foot, forcefully pulling him back.

"You?" Black Panther reluctantly opened his eyes. He found himself hanging outside the cliff, his body turned around. However, it was Kyle who held his leg with one hand, lifting his entire body.

He was puzzled. Why would his opponent save him?

Then, Black Panther heard Kyle muttering, "With a full-body vibranium suit, you would be fine even after falling off a cliff. A durable sandbag like you shouldn't escape this quickly."

Black Panther rolled his eyes. He was so frustrated and humiliated that he almost passed out.

"Get back up here!" Kyle suddenly swung his arm like throwing a javelin and forcefully hurled Black Panther back onto the platform. Black Panther's body rolled and pushed up water waves as he tumbled, only coming to a halt when he slammed into the cliff face.


"Your Majesty!"

Several meters away, Prince T'Challa and the Female Guards yelled out. They were about to rush over to Black Panther, but he stopped them with a trembling hand.

"The battle isn't over. The ancestral rules cannot be broken…" Black Panther said stubbornly, using the wall for support as he pushed himself upright. Kyle descended in a leap, landing in front of him, his feet causing numerous water splashes.

"You still want to fight?" Kyle coldly gazed at the nearby Black Panther. Beneath the towering full-body suit, he resembled an invincible figure, blocking out the golden sunlight behind him. His shadow cast an icy chill that enveloped the slightly trembling Black Panther.

"Can you tell me how many kinds of fighting skills you've mastered?" Black Panther asked with a strained voice. While he didn't suffer substantial physical injuries, his stamina and mental energy were nearly depleted, nearing the limits of his aging body.

"A hundred and forty-one." Kyle calmly revealed this despair-inducing number.

"No wonder…" Black Panther shook his head with difficulty, then clenched his fists forcefully. "I will continue, our battle is not yet over! As Wakanda's Guardian, as the Black Panther, I must fulfill my duty of defeating the outsiders!"

"Then, as you wish!" Kyle smirked faintly and swiftly threw a punch.


Black Panther's body crashed completely onto the wall behind him. Before he could struggle or resist, another heavy blow from Kyle's fist followed immediately, landing on his chest armor. The immense impact spread, causing even the vibranium to crack as it failed to withstand the force, leaving the wall behind Black Panther to crumble.

Punch after punch landed on the Black Panther!

A light flashed through Kyle's eyes as he unleashed a storm of punches, and Black Panther's body was progressively beaten into the cliff wall. The entire waterfall cliff seemed to tremble with each punch.

This extremely brutal and violent scene caused countless citizens to shudder, some even dropping to their knees, their voices trembling in fear and supplication. "Stop… please!"

"Please, stop!"

"Your Majesty, please, surrender!"

"I am begging you, please stop!"

For a moment, the sky above the waterfall cliff area was filled with the pleas of the native people.

Seeing the kneeling native citizens, Prince T'Challa trembled all over, suddenly understanding why his father had chosen to fight Kyle alone.

"Enough, please stop!" Tears glistened in his eyes as Prince T'Challa jumped onto the platform, raising his hands and saying in a solemn tone, "I, Prince T'Challa, on behalf of Wakanda, formally surrender!"

The powerful punch abruptly halted, and the humanoid monster-like Kyle raised his gaze, stopping his assault with a calm expression.

Before him, Black Panther's entire body was embedded into the solid cliff wall. With him at the center, the smooth and solid surface was covered in spiderweb-like cracks.

(End of Chapter)

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