Today, on Planet Sakaar, the situation has taken a complete turn!

The main entrance of the Arena acted like a giant mouth, continuously spewing out a multitude of alien spectators. If they raised their heads, they could witness a spectacular sight in the city's night sky.

A Starfighter, transformed into a shooting star, streaked across the horizon, heading towards the wilderness beyond the main city. In its wake, dozens of Guard Spaceships chased relentlessly, their searchlights and engine flames illuminating the night sky as bright as day.

"Don't lose sight of them!" Slaughter, seated in the co-pilot seat of one of the larger Guard Spaceships in the middle of the formation, watched the rapidly escaping Starfighter and issued orders through his communicator. "Get in close and open fire immediately!"

"Copy that!"

The front-most Guard Spaceship immediately targeted the tail of the Falcon-type Starfighter and started firing relentlessly. Dozens of laser beams formed a crisscrossing net of destruction.


The Falcon-type Starfighter maneuvered like it had eyes on its tail. Facing the dense barrage of laser fire, it calmly maintained its speed. At a critical moment, it suddenly flipped sideways and slid downward gracefully, evading all the laser beams with a skillful tail flick and creating an additional ten-meter gap.

What the Guard Spaceships thought was a coincidence, they immediately opened fire again, creating a blindingly bright moment in the night sky as a terrifying laser curtain formed, covering the area where the Falcon-type Starfighter was.

*Swoosh Swoosh—*

The Falcon-type Starfighter's tail flames sputtered, and through a combination of flips, climbs, descents, and slides, it moved with such agility that it hardly seemed like a machine made of metal.

The laser beams once again missed their target, only creating a dazzling display of lights that outlined the Starfighter's acrobatics.

This was like a live broadcast of stunt driving on a grand scale. The guards chasing in their Spaceships were left awestruck.

Was the Starfighter's pilot some kind of monster?

Little did the guard pilots know that, at this moment, the Starfighter was under complete control of Vis.

Vis was seamlessly connected to the computer systems, achieving a perfect fusion of "man" and machine. Even if the most exceptional Spaceship pilot in the entire universe were here, they would still be no match for this artificial intelligence mechanical lifeform.

"Enjoying the shooting, huh? Let's give them something in return…"

In the Starfighter's pilot seat, Vis murmured softly. Its mechanical arms, now resembling electrical plugs, transmitted flashes of electricity. Its thoughts flowed through the supercomputer system, controlling the Starfighter with lightning reflexes.

Kyle had only instructed it to avoid confrontation and maintain high-speed flight to buy time, but he hadn't said not to retaliate against attacks!

Underneath the Falcon-type Starfighter's fuselage, two cannons emerged and swiveled backward, aiming at the Guard Spaceships chasing behind. In the next moment, two small Guard Spaceships at the forefront were hit, turning into fireballs and crashing down to explode on the garbage mountain in the wilderness.

"What kind of monster is their pilot? Facing the pursuit and constant attacks from so many Spaceships, they still have the energy to fight back?!"

The pilots of the Guard Spaceships were stunned and dared not blindly pursue and fire in the rear. Consequently, their speed decreased, and they could only maintain a certain distance from the Starfighter.

"You idiots!" Slaughter cursed in English, then fell into deep thought. After a moment, he issued a new command through his communicator, "Tell the other Guard Spaceships still inside the main city not to follow us. Instead, have them encircle in another direction and slowly close in to form a net."

Time ticked away, second by second.

Inside the Falcon-type Starfighter's cockpit, Kyle was half-leaning on Kratos' body, teetering between semi-consciousness and wakefulness.

His hands clutched Kratos' clothes tightly, refusing to let go, regardless of the Starfighter's acrobatic mid-air maneuvers.

The countdown for the **Godly Gene** Ability Card was still ongoing.

'10000, 9999, 9998…'

The purple Ability Card required three hours to draw out.

This period of time, whether long or short, felt like an eternity. In the face of imminent danger, they were undoubtedly racing against death.

Vis, relying on its perfect control of the Falcon-type Starfighter, led the Guard Spaceships on a wild goose chase across the Sakaar wilderness.

As it continued its high-speed and precise maneuvers, Vis remained in top form. On the other hand, the guards, who had to maintain vigilant piloting for an extended period, silently grumbled.

Chasing without catching up, yet not stopping either – they were caught in this pursuit stalemate, and time seemed endless.

It wasn't until more than two hours later that Vis, while still maintaining a certain distance from the pursuing Guard Spaceships, suddenly detected signs of another group of Spaceships ahead.

Vis was about to adjust its flight path to escape to the left or right when its sonic scan revealed that large numbers of Guard Spaceships had also appeared on both sides of the Starfighter.

"Master, we're completely surrounded. They've sent Spaceships to encircle us from the opposite direction, forming a net," Vis urgently reported. However, there was no response from Kyle behind it. Vis turned around in surprise.

Inside the cockpit, Kyle had let go of Kratos' clothes and was lying unconscious on the floor.

His brows were tightly furrowed, sweat dripped from his forehead, and his handsome face displayed a painful expression. The surface of his perfect human physique seemed to emit a faint divine radiance, and it appeared as if a golden ethereal flame was burning fiercely within him.

Kyle was undergoing the final transformation to ascend to godhood.

If one could peer into his inner workings, one would undoubtedly witness the genetic structure within him, originally on the verge of collapsing and restructuring the Super Soldier genes due to radiation, now with a code complexity multiplied a hundredfold.

These genes were forcefully invading, obliterating genetic fractures, and reconstructing themselves into a perfect genetic strand.

This fundamental transformation of human genetics brought about changes to his skeletal structure, muscles, blood, hair, and even his entire physique. Everything synchronized with the divine transformation.

As if aware that this was a critical moment, Vis refrained from disturbing Kyle. It sensed the Guard Spaceship fighters approaching from all directions and didn't hesitate, making the most suitable decision—

The Falcon-type Starfighter suddenly tilted upward, transformed into Rocket mode, and shot into the sky as if fleeing the planet's surface and heading for the depths of space.

"Hahaha, they can't escape now!" Slaughter laughed manically, throwing the lifeless body of the co-pilot beside him backward, taking the pilot's seat himself.

Piloting the large Spaceship, it led the chase, following the Starfighter at full speed into outer space!

Above the dark expanse of the night sky, an imperceptibly small spatial wormhole silently opened. In the blink of an eye, it expanded to become a massive, dark crimson rift in the sky.

The Falcon-type Starfighter and the large Spaceship charged right into it, directly into the center of the massive rift in the sky.

A storm swept around the rift, forcing the surrounding Guard Spaceships to scatter and retreat!

At this very moment, inside the Starfighter's cockpit—

Kyle's body floated off the ground, and silver hair, which had grown to shoulder length without him noticing, billowed around him. His body radiated a crystalline divinity, harmonizing perfectly with the cosmos.

He calmly opened his eyes, and within his golden irises, flames raged and consumed!

(End of this chapter)

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