"We arrived a bit late…" Kyle muttered as he glanced at the two alien lifeform corpses nearby. He shrugged slightly but soon seemed to realize something. His gaze unexpectedly returned to the body of the silver-armored soldier.

His thoughts stirred, and a few Item Cards quickly materialized, displaying detailed information in front of his eyes.

**Uru Longsword:** A longsword infused with a very small amount of Uru Metal. Blue Item Card.

Uru was a unique metal from the Divine Realm, known for its hardness, flexibility, and strong affinity with divine power.

This single-handed longsword, primarily made of silver with a small amount of refined Uru, had an incredibly sharp blade. It could be empowered with divine energy to significantly enhance its killing capabilities.

**Current Status: Extractable.**

**Uru Armor:** Armor infused with a small amount of Uru metal. Blue Item Card.

This complete set of armor, primarily composed of silver with a small amount of refined Uru metal, was both comfortable and sturdy. When activated with divine energy, it provided increased physical and elemental resistance.

**Current Status: Extractable.**

"Uru Metal," Kyle murmured to himself as he extended his left hand forward, and after a three-second reading period, the silver longsword impaled in the ugly monster's abdomen disappeared instantly.

Simultaneously, he now held another Item Card in his hand, displaying an image of the longsword along with its information.

Vis had long since become accustomed to such occurrences and maintained its sunglasses shape, hanging on Kyle's forehead. It continued to emit radio waves across the barren wilderness, searching for anything suspicious.

Kyle's actions didn't require him to leave the motorcycle at any point. It seemed as though he was casting a spell to retrieve objects from a distance.

With a simple manipulation of his divine power, flames surged from his arm and enveloped the longsword's hilt and blade. Under the intense heat of nearly a thousand degrees Celsius, the dirt and blood staining the silver sword evaporated completely, leaving the blade gleaming silver and radiant.

The flames of divine power naturally adhered to the Uru longsword, creating a perfect synergy. The seemingly ordinary silver sword had transformed into a dazzling, fiery laser sword.

"Master, is this a Divine Weapon?" Even Vis couldn't help but be amazed by this miraculous sight, unable to provide a scientific explanation or conclusion based on its system data.

"No, it's just a weapon infused with a small amount of Uru metal. It's far from being a Divine Weapon," Kyle replied, shaking his head lightly. He deactivated the divine power, gazing at the sword in his hand with a sense of wonder.

To think that just a small amount of Uru metal, compatible with divine power, could elevate a simple silver sword to the status of a Blue-grade item!

Uru metal was undoubtedly far more precious than Earth's Vibranium and Adamantium. However, weapons and equipment forged from Uru could only be effectively used by lifeforms with control over divine power.

But that wasn't what concerned Kyle the most right now.

"Vis, we need to expand our search range. We must find any surviving extraterrestrial lifeforms," Kyle said in a determined tone.

Equipment made from Uru was a standard issue for soldiers of Asgard. The appearance of Asgardian Soldiers on this ancient battlefield meant that this planet still had a close connection to it!

"Understood! I will continue broadcasting radio waves and scan for all lifeforms within a ten-kilometer radius, as well as any scientific instruments emitting signals," Vis replied.

Kyle nodded and started the motorcycle again. After raising a cloud of dust behind him, he continued to speed forward.

Although it seemed like he was aimlessly wandering the wilderness, Kyle and Vis were actually collaborating to systematically search for any signs of suspicious lifeforms.

Half an hour later…

Kyle was driving his motorcycle, swiftly passing through another wasteland of bones. He felt a bit frustrated by the lack of progress when suddenly, a green marker appeared on the inside of his sunglasses.

Vis's report followed, "Master, I've detected an anomaly in a specific location!"

"What kind of anomaly?" Kyle quickly inquired.

Vis replied, "The details are not entirely clear. As I approached that location with radio waves, it seemed to be subjected to intense electromagnetic interference. The power source appears to be close to the surface and exhibits unstable fluctuations, likely not caused by natural lightning."

"Guide me to it," Kyle ordered without hesitation.

Following Vis's route guidance displayed on his sunglasses, he swiftly maneuvered the motorcycle. While speeding through the air, he skillfully performed a controlled skid and adjusted the direction of the bike, landing smoothly.

Kyle had gained confidence in himself as an Asgardian now. In the face of any situation in the vast galaxy, he no longer needed to be as cautious as before.

In just a few moments, Kyle, following Vis's lead, arrived at the designated area. However, before reaching the center of the power source, he keenly sensed the sharp and eerie atmosphere in the air.


A localized thundercloud in the sky was dark and unpredictable, occasionally releasing lightning strikes with thunderous roars. Amidst the intense thunderclaps, there were faint, beastly roars.

Kyle reduced the motorcycle's speed and ascended a small hill. Upon reaching its peak, he hit the brakes, stowing the motorcycle away in his Card Space. He then crouched down to hide.

Peering downward, he saw a sight that left him completely astonished. Fifty meters away on the plains below, a blond young man confronted an enormous monster. The size disparity between the two was staggering.

The blond young man had a rugged and heroic face, closely resembling a human. He wore a metal helmet with what looked like two horns on top, and his tall, muscular figure was clad in silver armor. A red cape billowed behind him in the wind.

The lightning from the sky struck the young man, and the blue electric currents interwove around his armor, accentuating his majestic stature. He looked like an immortal, invincible Thor…

No, he wasn't just like Thor; he was Thor!


The blond young man swung a small hammer in his hand. It spun at incredible speed, generating a whirlwind, and with a swift motion forward, he launched himself into the air, entwined in lightning.

He reached the giant monster and, enveloped in the power of a thunderous strike, he hammered the creature's head, which was as large as a truck. The colossal monster let out a mournful cry as it was slammed onto the ground.

"Thor?" Kyle blinked his eyes as he stared at the familiar figure. This situation had taken him completely by surprise.

It seemed like Asgardians were popping up everywhere nowadays. He had just dealt with one, and now another one had appeared, and it was none other than Thor!

Thor played a prominent role with his Axe in the final battle against Thanos in the future, a battle where he awakened his powers and proved to be the main character capable of facing Thanos wielding the Infinity Gauntlet.

"Vis, I think it's time to find a way back to Earth," Kyle pondered for a moment, then suddenly smiled.

How had he initially left Earth? Through the spatial transportation ability of the Space Stone! It allowed him to traverse thousands of stars in an instant, from Earth to the far end of the galaxy, Planet Sakaar.

Although he had lost the Space Stone while traversing the cosmos, in the Marvel universe, Spatial Teleportation wasn't exclusive to the Space Stone.

For instance, the Bifrost used exclusively by the Asgardians…

"How can I borrow Thor's family Bifrost?" Kyle squinted his eyes, hiding on the hillside as he watched Thor, who was wielding his hammer and surrounded by lightning. He began to formulate his own plans and schemes.

In the midst of the intense battle in the wilderness, Thor, suspended in the air thanks to his hammer, exuded an imposing and majestic aura.

He was about to launch an attack on the ancient extraterrestrial creature that had just managed to get back on its feet when he suddenly felt a shiver down his spine and an inexplicable sense of foreboding gripped his heart.

He hesitated for a moment.


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