"What's going on here?" Thor was utterly bewildered as he looked at this scene with wide eyes and his mind racing a mile a minute.

After an exhilarating and hard-fought battle, with his stamina nearly depleted, Thor had been ready to deliver the finishing blow and return to Asfard for some well-deserved rest. However…

The ancient lifeform he was facing not only had fully regenerated, but it had also become stronger. Had it suddenly experienced a genetic explosion of evolution after remaining unchanged for thousands, even tens of thousands of years?

Is this some kind of joke?

Thor didn't have time to ponder this further. The black dragon had already begun flapping its remaining pair of wings and, amidst a storm of dust and sand, soared towards him at breakneck speed, its blood-stained maw wide open, ready to strike.

"This beast!" Thor's face twisted with shock as he threw his mighty hammer toward the approaching black dragon. The hammer landed with a resounding thud on the dragon's lower jaw, forcing it to close its gaping maw. However, the black dragon continued its high-speed charge.

Thor's hands desperately clung to the dragon's lower jaw as it rapidly descended towards the ground. This caused Thor's back to be slammed hard into the earth as he tried to use his feet to anchor himself.

Amid the black dragon's charging flight, Thor's body plowed a deep trench into the ground, extending for ten meters, before he was sent soaring into the air.

"Its defense, strength, speed, everything has truly been elevated by more than a notch. I'm depleted of divine power… I can't defeat it!" Thor muttered as his face a mixture of disbelief and uncertainty.

As he tumbled through the air, Thor suddenly opened his right hand, and in response to his call, his thrown hammer sped back towards him in a straight line.

His five fingers gripped the handle of the hammer as he skillfully adjusted its flight path to evade the relentless pursuit of the black dragon.

"Whoosh, Whoosh, Whoosh!"

Yet, before he could fly a mere ten meters away, the sound of rushing air reached his ears. Several black tendrils shot towards him, taking him by surprise. They quickly bound his limbs, with each limb securely ensnared.

As Thor's grip on the hammer weakened due to the unexpected attack, the hammer plummeted straight to the ground. Before he could summon it back, the black tendrils were ready, wrapping tightly around his wrists and palms.

"It's over." Thor grimaced as he looked back and saw that the other end of the tendrils was connected to the black dragon's body.

The black dragon suddenly flapped its wings and, dragging Thor along the ground, continued plowing the earth. On a nearby hill not far away, a shadow stealthily emerged.

"It's about time," Kyle observed the suddenly reversed situation with a victorious shrug, rubbing his chin in contemplation.

The logic was simple: if there were no opportunities, then create them.

Now, an opportunity has arisen!

"Curse This Monster."

Thor, being dragged along the ground by the black dragon, was extremely frustrated. He struggled fiercely, even using his teeth to try and free one of his hands to control his hammer.

But the tendrils were unexpectedly tough, and with the constant movement, he found it impossible to break free.

Just as Thor felt utterly helpless, the roar of a mechanical engine suddenly echoed in his ears, growing louder and louder. Clearly, someone was speeding towards this location.

"What's this?" Thor turned his head in bewilderment, only to see a motorcycle approaching, ridden by a silver-haired young man wearing sunglasses. Despite the deafening roars of the black dragon, the young man paid no heed and continued to approach.

"I'm here to rescue you!" The silver-haired young man shouted, and it was as if he was a valiant hero coming to the rescue.

"Don't come any closer! You'll be killed!" Thor's expression changed slightly, but it was already too late.


The black dragon had noticed the presence of the silver-haired young man. Lowering its body, it swung its tail, creating a hurricane of sand and dust as it rushed towards the motorcycle.

"Nice performance… cough, I mean, perfect timing!" Kyle coughed, feigning casualness as he accelerated without backing down, and at top speed, he suddenly raised the motorcycle's front wheel!

The motorcycle seemed to sprout wings as it soared high into the air, just as the black dragon's tail missed its target beneath the wheels.

The rear wheel touched down first, and with Kyle expertly handling the motorcycle, it kicked up a flurry of gravel and dust. To Thor's astonishment, it came to a smooth stop right in front of him.

Kyle's expression remained cold and impassive as he looked down at Thor on the ground. He operated the motorcycle's controls, causing flames to burst forth from its built-in weapons. The black tendrils of the black dragon were met with scorching flames and instantly melted away like snow.

"Get on!" Kyle started the motorcycle and twisted the handle, just as Thor, who had just broken free from the tendrils, instinctively flipped himself onto the bike.

With the roar of the engine, the motorcycle shot forward at breakneck speed. In less than half a second, the front limbs of the black dragon pounded into the ground where they had been standing, creating a massive crater.

Its crimson eyes locked onto the receding motorcycle. The black dragon flapped its wings and exhaled hot breath, relentlessly pursuing the motorcycle as if possessed.

"Thank you for saving me," Thor gasped, still catching his breath and clutching his chest plate with a sigh of relief.

"What kind of person are you to dare provoke such a monster?" Kyle inquired with feigned ignorance.

"I am… Watch out!" Thor's words were cut short as Kyle suddenly changed direction. The black dragon's claws narrowly missed the motorcycle as it flew by, but the forceful gust and flying debris grazed the backs of both riders.

"It's too fast. At this rate, we'll end up as that monster's meal!" Kyle yelled in a slightly panicked tone.

"Watch this!" Thor nodded and extended his left hand outward. In less than a second, Mjolnir, Thor's hammer, returned to his hand.

"Young man, follow me."

Thor said this without waiting for Kyle's response. His empty hand grabbed the back of Kyle's shirt, and with Mjolnir propelling them forward, the two shot into the sky.


The dragon's claws came crashing down, reducing the motorcycle to a pile of scrap metal in an instant. The black dragon roared in fury and unfurled its wings to pursue them in the air.

"Could you go any faster?"

Kyle, who was being dragged through the sky at breakneck speed by Thor, looked terrified as he glanced back at the black dragon, which was maintaining a distance of about five meters. He could feel the hot breath from its nostrils on his back.

"The speed of Mjolnir is already at its limit," Thor gritted his teeth and took a deep breath. Then, he shouted loudly, "Heimdall! Can you see us? Get us out of here!"


Thor shouted a second time, and a rainbow beam suddenly descended from the gloomy sky, instantly enveloping him and Kyle in mid-air.

"We made it!"

Seeing the familiar Bifrost light up, Kyle finally let out a sigh of relief and acted quickly on a thought.

Unnoticed by Thor, the black dragon that had been pursuing them from behind convulsed and shuddered. It transformed into an invisible card-like form and flowed into Kyle's body.

In the next instant, with Bifrost carrying them and their destination already predetermined, the two of them crossed the vast expanse of the cosmic galaxy at a speed exceeding tens of millions of times the speed of light!

And at the end of Bifrost's destination, their arrival had long been determined!

(End of this chapter)

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