Chapter 295 Invincible Kyle

"It's almost over."

In his full Venom symbiote state, Kyle's tone was cold, devoid of any humanity or emotion. Combined with his dark appearance and ferocious style of action, he truly resembled a demon from hell.

Natasha and Sam stood respectfully behind him, fully obedient, waiting for Kyle to give his orders.

"Master, now that we're sending this Helicarrier out of New York City to crash in a remote, uninhabited area, what should we do about the two people still on board?" Vis raised the question, and everyone's gaze followed the bombardment of shells and crashed aircraft on the deck.

Smoke and flames raged, the missile impacts created holes in the Iron Fortress, and the wreckage of the aircraft scattered everywhere.

Among the wreckage were two tall, blond young men. One held an Adamantium shield that could absorb kinetic energy, and the other relied on a mechanical arm capable of delivering tons of impact force.

They were engaged in an intense and relentless struggle, fighting fiercely back and forth, and their sweat and blood sprayed onto the Iron Man deck.

"Steve and Bucky's fight is not our concern. Their bond is too deep, they have a life-and-death friendship. Even if Bucky has been brainwashed, his subconscious won't let him harm Steve," Kyle saw through the situation clearly.

The camaraderie between these two had been tested over half a century.

The most perfect interpretation of a "love-hate" relationship was probably no different from this.

Kyle waved his hand and said coldly to Vis, "Issue a program command to have this Helicarrier fly out of New York City, land, and self-destruct when it reaches a desolate area. They're both not ordinary people; it won't be easy for them to die."

"Yes, Master," Vis nodded and immediately raised its antennas, editing and modifying the Helicarrier's autopilot course.

Wasn't that a bit too casual?

Natasha and Sam exchanged glances and mourned Steve in their hearts for three seconds.

The Helicarrier quivered slightly, no longer ascending into the sky. It exited the triangular area, accelerating towards the outskirts of New York City.

"One down, two to go... Let's go."

Kyle's expression was indifferent as he spread a pair of dark wings. Climbing onto his strong left shoulder, he jumped heavily in place, leaving two deep footprints on the Iron Man deck.

Accompanied by a sharp gust of wind, there was also a supersonic boom.

Kyle turned into a streak of black light, leaving the deck and rushing toward the second Helicarrier, which served as the central hub.

On the original Helicarrier,

"Bucky, snap out of it! I'm Steve, remember me?"

Steve battled while trying to engage Bucky in conversation. However, the Winter Soldier remained unresponsive. The fingers of his mechanical metal hand tightened on the vibranium shield, and with technological assistance, he delivered a powerful blow.

The shield absorbed most of the kinetic energy, but Steve was still forced to retreat repeatedly. He only came to a halt when he reached a damaged section of the deck.

The surging flames couldn't deter the ice-cold heart of the Winter Soldier. He advanced expressionlessly, closing in on the enemy who had stirred ripples of memory in his mind.

About thirty meters away from their battle, Sam asked Natasha, "Are we really going to leave Captain, like this?"

Natasha lightly sighed, parted her lips, and exhaled, "Sir is right. This is the Captain's battle and battlefield. It's not appropriate for us to intervene. Believe in him; he's overcome all kinds of wars and challenges, there's no reason for him to lose to one of our own."

"All right, I believe in him too!" Sam slightly clenched his hands and pressed the control button fastened to his palm. The metallic wings on his backpack, made of metal, extended immediately, and he began to flap them slightly in the hot yet icy-cold high-altitude air.

"Let's go, hold on." Sam took the initiative to extend his left hand.

Natasha held Sam's palm, and in a deep voice, she said, "Sir has moved to the second Helicarrier. Let's go there first and see what's happening."

"Okay." The engines of his mechanical wings roared to life, and Sam's feet left the deck. He pulled Natasha away from the first Helicarrier and followed the trajectory along which Kyle had flown away.

The Helicarrier, shrouded in thick smoke and fiery flames, carried Steve and the Winter Soldier. It flew in the direction of the setting sun, approaching the mountains in the west.

At an altitude of 2,000 meters, on the second Helicarrier, near the central control console.

Parked on the deck, four armed personnel surrounded the console, vigilantly guarding the area. In the protected zone they formed, Pierce stood alone in front of the console, rapidly typing on the keyboard, trying to personally control and modify the program commands, just like Vis had attempted.

According to the original Hydra Project Insight, the Helicarrier had to climb to nearly atmospheric levels for Hydra's computations to start. It would lock onto numerous targets in the Americas region and carry out remote precision bombardment.

However, by now, the altitude hadn't reached that level, and the computations hadn't officially started, yet Hydra's many bases had already been destroyed one after another.

Pierce even took off his suit jacket. His white dress shirt was soaked with sweat, and his face, full of hatred and resentment, contorted slightly as he pounded the keyboard forcefully with his ten fingers.

"Symbol of Peace, Kyle, you forced me into this! I have to use the entire city of New York as a burial ground for Hydra's Soldiers!"

Pierce growled low in his heart. He was in the final stage of rewriting the commands when, suddenly, a burst of radio waves surged from the floor and entered the console.

Crackling white electrical sparks exploded from the keyboard.

Pierce was startled, and he drew back his hands. After wiping his eyes, he looked back at the computer screen, where a Devil Card's ace was displayed, complete with a comical mechanical smiley face.

At the same time, a dull crashing sound came from behind, as if something had descended onto the Helicarrier's deck.

Pierce turned slightly stiffly and saw the muscled, bulging, dark lifeform crouched on the Iron Man ground of the deck. As soon as he met its crimson eyes, his body and soul felt as though they were plunging into an ice-cold abyss.

The Symbol of Peace had arrived!

Four armed personnel instinctively pulled their triggers, and their upgraded modern firearms opened fire. Blue flames blinked at the muzzles as bullets turned into tiny laser beams, leaving pockmarks and craters on the Iron Man deck, creating a terrifying scene.

However, when these bullets struck Kyle's tough and dark Venom exterior, they were all rendered ineffective and bounced off, falling to the ground with crisp, chilling contrast.

"Kneel," Kyle spoke coldly.

With a sweep of his fierce gaze, the four armed personnel, unable to resist the immense psychological pressure that had subdued them, released their firearms, dropped to their knees, and cowered in fear, unable to move.

"Alexander Pierce, do you have any more tricks up your sleeve? If you don't use them now, you won't have another chance." Kyle stood his ground, looking down at Pierce, with a hint of mockery and amusement on his face.

At this moment, apart from the yet-to-appear Ancient One, he was truly invincible on Earth.

Pierce clenched his fists stubbornly. He was the temporary leader of Hydra and the current Director of SHIELD. He wouldn't lose his composure under any circumstances, let alone back down.

But at this moment, looking at Kyle before him, he faced an unbeatable opponent.

Pierce's teeth began to chatter. His muscles involuntarily trembled, and even his once-proud soul began to quiver in fear.

(End of this chapter)

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