Chapter 337 Stroke of Luck

Tens of thousands of blue-quality Item Cards were depleted in an instant, replaced through the sacrificial card draw, which was undoubtedly a massive gamble.

And with the emergence of a brand new set of one thousand cards, all starting with blue quality and potentially exceeding it, the scene before Kyle was enough to make him not want to blink.

Kyle held his breath nervously, calmly watching as countless cards appeared out of thin air, gradually filling the previously empty space.

This was a genuine one-thousand consecutive draw (blue quality)!

As the one thousand cards were drawn by the system and suspended in front of Kyle, the subtle Shock within the Card Space finally came to a halt.

Taking a deep breath, Kyle's gaze didn't linger half a second longer on the new blue-quality cards or the familiar Life Increase Cards. Instead, it swept past the majority of the stack of Blinking blue cards, landing directly on the top.

There, only one card hung alone at the apex, emitting a dazzling golden light.

Golden Quality.

Above purple, just below colorless, a rarity rarely seen throughout the entire Nine Realms!

After all, up to this point, Kyle only knew that the quality of Infinity Stone could reach colorless. Otherworldly weapons of alien races, such as the Eternal Flame and Thor's Hammer, were considered to be of Golden quality.


Kyle knew that seeing the golden light meant that this one thousand consecutive draw was definitely a jackpot. But upon closer inspection, he realized that the newly drawn golden card was even brighter and more radiant than the golden aura of the Eternal Flame he possessed.

Could it be... an ultra-rare draw? A golden rarity?!

Kyle's eyes reddened. With a trembling hand, he reached out and grabbed the newly drawn golden card, struggling to contain his excitement. He lowered his head, afraid to miss any details in the messages.

After a while...

Kyle's avatar pursed its lips, his facial expression uncertain, as he tightly held the golden card in his hand. Waves of shock and astonishment had already surged within his heart.

While ability cards were undoubtedly the best, what he had drawn this time was an extremely rare Lifeform Card...

More accurately, he had drawn a 'person', a rare golden-quality extraterrestrial infant.

"Kryptonian Baby": A mysterious orphan of a certain extradimensional alien race. Golden Rare Lifeform Card.

Kryptonians bear a striking resemblance to the gods and humans of Earth and lack lifeform isolation.

Within a Kryptonian's body lies an energy reactor capable of directly absorbing pure energy generated by fusion (i.e., stars), achieving near-perfect fusion between physique and energy.

Kryptonians' eyes can freely adjust focus within a range of micrometers to thousands of kilometers, allowing them to see everything clearly. They can also discern electromagnetic waves with their eyes, see through walls, and receive or emit X-rays and thermal energy.

Kryptonians can sense the flow of energy in space; their bodies act as large-scale radars, coupled with super-long-distance hearing, allowing them to clearly perceive events in every corner of Earth.

As long as there is enough pure energy, Kryptonians possess almost limitless strength, super-speed flight, unparalleled strength, steel-like bodies, and extraordinary self-healing abilities.

Their only weakness: is Kryptonite. It can weaken Kryptonians (currently, there are no such items in the Marvel Universe).

This lifeform is a Kryptonian Male Infant, currently three months old, with healthy physical development. By the age of eighteen, various extraordinary talents will continue to emerge with age.


The explanation of this rare golden Lifeform Card was lengthy, but the more Kyle read, the more shocked he felt. Until he finished reading, he was silent, unable to utter a word, with only one thought raging in his mind—

This extraterrestrial race's talents are too overpowered; how could such a freakish race exist?

Hulk and the Norse gods were already synonymous with ceiling-level power, but compared to the mindless abilities of Kryptonians, they were like the difference between primitive apes and modern humans.

Kyle had always thought that the gods were the perfect evolution of human deification. However, aside from their tens of thousands of years of lifespan and their abilities to wield divine power and control Divine Weapons, Kryptonians seemed to be a bit unfair to the gods in terms of power.

Even the gods would cry if they saw this!

Of course, the almost unbeatable power of Kryptonians was mainly due to the special conditions on Earth.

If it were on Planet Sakaar or any other planet without sufficient sunlight, Kryptonians wouldn't be much stronger than ordinary humans.

But here was Earth, a world with abundant sunlight and no Kryptonite!

Within the Card Space, Kyle held the rare golden card in his hand, gazing at the baby's face on the card, his mind rapidly weighing the pros and cons.

Even half a century ago, when Kyle was still a rookie and drew the difficult-to-control Venom, he didn't show such a fearful expression.

But you see, adult Kryptonians, in today's Earth, can be said to have no natural enemies.

Even Kyle now wouldn't dare to say he could deal with an adult Kryptonian, despite the limitations of the master-servant treaty of the card system. The existence of Venom as a special precedent indicated that the Extracting Card System also had its flaws.

"His birth will definitely shock this world, and even the gods in the heavens will fear him."

It was precisely because of the lack of control that Kyle felt both excited and apprehensive about the "Kryptonian Baby" card, hesitating on whether to use it.

"Alright, let's take a look at the other cards first."

Kyle took a deep breath, pushed aside the clutter in his mind, and focused on the new purple card above.

In the previous one thousand consecutive draws, in addition to obtaining one rare golden card, there were also thirty purple-quality cards.

Of course, among them, 26 were the tasteless but valuable "Life Increase Cards," leaving only four others that piqued Kyle's interest.

With a wave of his hand, Kyle summoned the four purple cards into his hand and proceeded to examine them one by one from left to right.

"Extra-Large Planetary Engine" × 2: A planetary-level engine. Purple Item Card.

The size of a small mountain, once installed, it cannot be removed. This extra-large engine, constructed with extremely advanced technology, generates energy through fusion reactors and accelerates plasma to extremely high speeds electromagnetically. This special engine can provide ten trillion tons of thrust!

Friendly reminder: Collecting ten "Extra-Large Planetary Engines" can make the Earth rotate on its own; collecting a hundred can turn the Earth into an Interstellar Warship.

Kyle's mouth twitched slightly. Moving the Earth? Only someone as eccentric as Elon Musk would do such a thing.


"Deadpool's Head": A black box containing Deadpool's head. Purple Item Card.

A sealed cubic black box, locked, containing the head of a Mutant named "Deadpool."

So, is the focus on the black box or the head? Did the system classify lifeform heads as items?

Kyle couldn't help but furrow his brow. There were too many plot holes, but he didn't want to dwell on it. After a quick glance, he moved on to the next card.

The last one.

"Soul Split Clone": A mysterious ability of the soul. Purple Ability Card.

Divides one's own soul into two parts, with the essence remaining in the original body and the other half transplanted into a suitable life form to serve as a second incarnation.

When the soul occupies the chosen lifeform as a second incarnation, it can only target juvenile or weakened targets, with a high probability of failure.

The original body and the second incarnation share visions and thoughts but not life.

Warning: The practitioner's soul must be strong enough, and the split will be accompanied by extreme pain. At most, only two incarnations can be created.

With each split of the soul, the life force of the original body will be halved!

"This card..."

Kyle's mind trembled, and almost instantly, a bold idea emerged in his mind.

(End of the chapter)

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