Chapter 340 Clone

At this moment. On the other side of the Earth.

Kamar-Taj, the secretive Sorcerer's sanctuary.

Dozens of Sorcerers, dressed in robes of various colors including white, black, and yellow, most of them bald-headed, wielding metallic artifacts such as staffs and scepters, and wearing strange rings on their fingers, gathered in the main hall. Regardless of age or gender, each person's face was shrouded in a heavy gloom.

What they were about to face was a matter of Earth's survival, against a hostile entity so powerful it was almost unbeatable!

"So, is everyone ready?"

The Ancient One asked calmly while standing with her hands behind her back on the platform. She was still wearing the ordinary yellow long-sleeved robe, but even her clean and youthful face couldn't hide the unprecedented seriousness in her expression. Her body was also highly tense, ready for battle.

"We are ready, Sorcerer Supreme!"

The Sorcerers responded in unison, their eyes filled with determination and a willingness to face death.

"Very well, then let us depart for New York immediately."

The Ancient One took a deep breath, lifted her left hand to make a gesture, and with her right hand slowly rotating around, she began to cast the peculiar spell of opening a portal, leading to New York, where the infiltration of dark dimension forces had been detected.

A glaring spark ignited in the air, but before it could even rotate into a circle, it abruptly extinguished and disappeared...

"Sorcerer Supreme?" The Sorcerers looked at the Ancient One in confusion.

"This is strange." The Ancient One frowned and began to murmur to herself, "The dark dimension's power has just vanished from the downtown area of New York."

"That's great news!" The Sorcerers rejoiced, some even clenched their fists and jumped for joy. However, as they relaxed, they realized they were drenched in sweat.

The Ancient One remained impassive, still puzzled. According to Dormammu's nature, infiltrating New York wouldn't have been just a spur-of-the-moment decision.

But in less than half a minute, Dormammu withdrew on its own. It was truly baffling!

"Mordo." The Ancient One turned her gaze to a young black Sorcerer named Mordo.

"What's your order Sorcerer Supreme." The Sorcerer named 'Mordo' respectfully bowed.

The Ancient One looked at him and said in a deep voice, "From now on, you are officially transferred to the New York branch for stationing. If you detect any abnormal situations, report back to me immediately."

"Yes." Mordo bowed slightly and left.

Meanwhile, in the top-floor office of the Emperor Building.

"I will return!"

As if abandoning even the part of his body that had crossed over to Earth, Dormammu, looking somewhat disheveled, left behind a harsh remark and then retreated completely into the dark dimension, forcibly closing the spatial rift in the ceiling. 

The severed piece of purple tentacle immediately dissipated into an energy mist, completely absorbed by the floating Kryptonite Baby in the room.

"Boss, now's the time!" Seeing this, Raina quickly released the psychic barrier, exposing Kyle's split soul back into the air.

As if hearing her words, Kyle's split soul suddenly moved, waving his hands and rushing towards the Kryptonite Baby in the air!

Should we say Kyle's half-soul was too powerful, or that the soul of the Kryptonite baby had not yet taken shape?

With almost no obstacles, Kyle's split soul merged into the baby's body, blending soul and body together seamlessly.

The baby closed its eyes and mouth, becoming calm and quiet once again, falling back into a peaceful sleep, and Raina casually caught it as it fell.

"All's well that ends well."

A voice full of experience came from behind, surprising Raina as she turned around to see Kyle's main body awakening from the sofa.

"Boss, what was that just now?" Raina asked nervously while holding the baby.

"That was the ruler of the dark dimension, Dormammu." Kyle snorted coldly, his fractured golden eyes flashing with a chill as he spoke. "It has always wanted to conquer Earth and plunge it into the dark dimension. It is the number one enemy of human Sorcerers, and now it dares to target me."

"But Kryptonians are its natural enemies. In their first encounter, Dormammu definitely didn't have it easy. Not only did it suffer a setback from a baby, it also sent so much nourishment for raising a single infant."

Kyle smiled and looked at Raina, feeling a clear connection with the sleeping baby in her arms. However, he knew that the baby's body was still too small at the moment, coupled with just absorbing pure dark energy, it would probably need to sleep for a while to digest the energy.

Anyway, the mission of the split soul was considered accomplished.

"Boss, about your body..." Raina looked at Kyle's slightly aged appearance with concern. It was the first time she had seen the seemingly invincible and immortal Boss in such a weakened state, both physically and mentally.

"Yeah, both humans and gods have to acknowledge aging. Halving my lifespan has caused my extraordinary body to deteriorate significantly." Kyle lowered his head and looked at his hands, which had lost their luster and resilience, replaced by dullness and wrinkles.

"Unfortunately, what I fear the least is the loss of lifespan"

Kyle smiled faintly and effortlessly pulled out twenty cards, holding them in his hand like a deck of poker cards. These cards were blinking with a dazzling purple light, illuminating the room's hall like daylight.

The Life Increase Card, the only consumable Ability Card ranging from white to green, blue, and purple qualities, could extend lifespan from three months to three years, thirty years, or even three hundred years!

Yes, the purple-quality Life Increase Card could extend life by up to three hundred years with just one card!

And twenty cards meant a total of six thousand years!

With an abundance of Life Increase Cards in storage, Kyle didn't hesitate at all and used all twenty of them on himself simultaneously.

"Phew!" As if enveloped in a milky-white light, Kyle's aging body quickly regained its youthfulness after being infused with the rich breath of life, undergoing rapid rejuvenation.

Anyone witnessing this scene would be dumbfounded.

His hair, skin, blood, bones, muscles... everything on his body underwent a reverse growth process abstractly.

In just a moment.

Kyle had reverted to his appearance as a young man in his early twenties, handsome and youthful. Every strand of silver hair on his head was translucent, and his perfectly proportioned body exuded a powerful and astonishing aura with every move.

"The feeling of youth isn't bad at all." Kyle took a deep breath and began to stretch his limbs. With a snap, his joints made crackling sounds, and the strength of over ten tons condensed effortlessly in his hands and feet.

"Boss." Raina, still holding the baby, approached gently and brought up a very practical question, "Your split soul, despite having potential far beyond that of gods, how do you plan to arrange for his growth and development during the long period of maturation?"

"That is indeed a problem." Kyle nodded slightly. Originally, he had intended to secretly shelter the split soul in the Emperor Building and let someone take care of its growth.

However, Dormammu's sudden attack made Kyle realize that hiding the existence of the split soul was basically unfeasible.

In that case, he needed to arrange a proper public identity for the still-infant split soul.

As Kyle contemplated, a rare hint of crimson appeared on Raina's face, and she smiled faintly, "Boss, I have a good suggestion!"

(End of Chapter)

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I have also posted 2 new novels on My website and web novel. They are- 

1. I am not Interested In Devil Fruit 

2. Marvel Disassembler