Chapter 344 Departure and Destination

Three days later.

The departure time originally planned by Kyle finally arrived as scheduled, in early April of the Earth's Gregorian year 2009.

On this day, New York was as peaceful as ever.

In the morning, sunlight bathed the economic capital dotted with massive buildings. Professionals in suits and uniforms were active on the streets, while cars and motorcycles from various brands flowed incessantly on the roads.

At the Emperor Building in the city center, media reporters who routinely staked out the location arrived early. With no recent news able to push the topic of "Caesar" off the front page, almost all journalists wanted firsthand information about Kyle's son (his clone) Caesar.

However, they were surprised to find that the business office on the ground floor of the Emperor Building was not open as usual.

Not only that, but the empty space in front of the main entrance was also cordoned off by heavily armed American soldiers, and the entire area around the Emperor Building was under comprehensive blockade by fully armed special forces, strictly prohibiting entry and exit.

As the journalists discussed in confusion and puzzlement, three armored vehicles bearing the conspicuous insignia of swords and shields, accompanied by more than a dozen suit-clad special agents on motorcycles, drove past the various checkpoints of the armed forces and stopped in the front square of the Emperor Building.

Although few knew about Kyle and Tony's departure for the universe, it was virtually impossible to conceal within the Carl Family, the Avengers, and the upper echelons of SHIELD.

So now, the newly established Avengers and the core members of SHIELD deliberately came to bid farewell. SHIELD Director Fury had arranged for troops to come in advance to seal off and guard the area around the Emperor Building.

This was also due to Kyle's strict prohibition of the scattered followers from rushing back, otherwise, the empty space inside and outside the Emperor Building would be filled with vehicles or helicopters.

A tall young man stepped out of the special forces team on the motorcycle, removed his safety helmet, revealing a head of dazzling golden hair and a handsome face with a determined expression.

Isn't this none other than Captain America—Steve Rogers?

Dressed casually in a T-shirt and jeans, Steve glanced around at the tightly guarded military blockade and shrugged as he addressed the SHIELD vehicle at the head of the convoy, "I thought we were supposed to keep a low profile? Why is there still such a big scene? Kyle won't be pleased later."

The car door opened, and a dignified and cold-looking Fury, with his bald head and eyepatch, stepped out of the passenger seat calmly and said, "With his identity, even if he wants to keep a low profile, he can't. Every move he makes will be closely related to the city of New York."

"Captain, good morning."

Natasha Romanoff, also known as Black Widow, and Clint Barton, also known as Hawkeye, got off the third car behind, waving to Steve familiarly.

Steve nodded, and just as the second car, sandwiched between the two, opened its rear door.

Under the watchful eyes of several female agents, Dr. Bruce Banner, looking like a programmer who stayed up late frequently, with one hand in the pocket of his crumpled coat and the other hand messing with his already messy hair, eagerly asked the people outside the car, "Are Kyle and Tony really leaving Earth? Exploring space sounds like a great thing, why not take me along? The guy inside me might be able to help a bit!"

Fury frowned and reminded in a low voice, "Keep your voice down. Although this matter can't be hidden from the outside world, it's better for the public to know as late as possible."

"I'll try my best," Banner shrugged.

"I guess you've been too bored in New York," Natasha glanced at Banner with flirtatious eyes, making Banner awkwardly scratch the back of his head.

"Banner, do you think you going with Kyle will help or cause trouble?" Steve followed up with a playful smile. The members of the Avengers currently have a very harmonious relationship with each other.

Of course, as they exchanged banter, they also deliberately concealed their inner anxiety and worries.

After all, the current Avengers were still a bit weak. Once Kyle and Tony left Earth, relying solely on the unstable Hulk, Bruce Banner, to bear the burden of high-end combat capability would be too much of a stretch.

At this moment, everyone realized the importance of Kyle. As long as that man remained on Earth for a day, not only ordinary people, but even superheroes would feel relaxed and worry-free.

The Symbol of Peace is more than just a symbol; it has become the unique cornerstone of peace on Earth!

From eighty-year-old seniors to eight-year-old children, everyone knows it.

When the sky falls, there's someone to hold it up. And Kyle is indeed that towering figure, taller than the sky itself, so the sky of Earth will never collapse.

But if Kyle were to leave Earth, everything would be up in the air.

As the members of the Avengers and the upper echelons of SHIELD stood in front of the main entrance of the building, a black-haired young man in the uniform of an unnatural affairs office walked out and stopped in front of them amidst the surprised gazes of the crowd. 

Politely, he greeted them, "Good morning, everyone. I'm Eddie, a temporary worker for this office. The boss asked me to come down and take you up."

At the top of the Emperor Building, on the towering rooftop terrace.

The ready-to-launch Eagle-class Interstellar fighter jet resembled a Giant Beast, crouching in the center of the spacious terrace. Its silver-painted shell blinked with a faint light under the rising sun, while some carders were still transporting supplies to fill the fighter with Kryon energy.

Beside it, the three-person team for the Interstellar expedition, Kyle, Tony, and Lorna, were surrounded by people for their final farewell.

Although this was just a search mission, the universe was indeed vast and boundless. Even the estimated Galactic Alliance civilization would be ten times larger than the solar system where Earth was located.

The risks, the planets to pass through, and the time required were all beyond the judgment of current human technology.

If the leader were not Kyle himself, everyone would think that this was a suicidal, one-way journey.

Kyle chatted with the acquaintances who came to bid farewell one by one. When it was Fury's turn, Fury, with his stern and dark face, sighed with a bit of reproach, "You've only been back for a short time, less than a year, and now you're venturing into space again. This time, don't take decades to return; I can't wait that long."

"Don't worry. Once I find Lucy and the others, I'll return immediately," Kyle said with a relieved smile, patting Fury's shoulder with both hands. Half-jokingly, he added, "Then I'll leave the task of maintaining world peace to you."

"You better," Fury shook his head helplessly, grumbling, "If we encounter something we can't handle, don't blame me for borrowing people from your Carl Family. Or better yet, transfer that temporary worker named Eddie to SHIELD."

"You always think about poaching people from my side," Kyle cursed.

In the end, after Tony and his girlfriend said their farewells and parted ways, Raina's instructions to Lorna were finally over.

Kyle looked at Steve, the only one who hadn't come forward to say goodbye, and couldn't help but walk over to lightly tap his solid chest, asking, "What are you thinking about, buddy?"

"I'm thinking about a lot of things," Steve's gaze was deep as he met Kyle's, and he said firmly, "Kyle, I will find Bucky and bring him back safely, and you must find Howard and the others, and return to Earth safely together!"

"It's a must," Kyle nodded solemnly.

Steve gave Kyle a bear hug and promised, "Don't worry, Raina and your child, I will take care of them. I won't let them come to any harm!"

"I... I don't think that's necessary," Kyle stiffly pulled at the corners of his mouth. Leaving aside the problematic implications of that statement, Raina and the clone Caesar didn't seem to need protection from others.

It would already be considered quite good if these two didn't cause trouble for anyone.

However, the clone Caesar had been asleep since absorbing the rich dark energy, and hadn't woken up until now.

Kyle didn't think much about it anymore. He glanced at the familiar faces present, and said in a deep voice, "Well then, everyone, it's time for us to set off. Hope to see you again in the near future."

With that, Kyle, Tony, and Lorna boarded the rear cargo deck of the Interstellar fighter without looking back.

Destination: Galactic Alliance!

(End of this chapter)

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I have also posted 2 new novels on My website and web novel. They are- 

1. I am not Interested In Devil Fruit 

2. Marvel Disassembler