Chapter 377 Three Years

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The crisis of Stark Industries, which had plunged into a low point, was dismantled and dissolved after the arrest of the villain behind the scenes, Kilian. The remaining surviving genetically enhanced humans were left for SHIELD and the Avengers to clean up.

Thanks to the Skynet and holographic VR helmets, the economic and technological development of New York has accelerated several times faster than in previous years, making it at the forefront of the era's trends, transitioning from the "City of Economy" to the astonishing trend of the "City of the Future."


Caesar, alone in front of the Stark Tower, intercepted the armed helicopters of the terrorists in the air. Many details of this event were captured on video by passersby and circulated widely on the internet, in newspapers, and even on television, causing shock and uproar worldwide.

A child not even a year old, possessing the creative talent of Iron Man, the extraordinary strength of the Symbol of Peace, and the righteous qualities of Captain America, Caesar's popularity soared after this battle.

Some called him the "Hero's Successor," after all, he was the descendant of the Symbol of Peace, and achieving such results was worthy of the name of the hero family.

Some called him the "Son of God," after all, Caesar was still very young, yet he was one of the most powerful superheroes on Earth, so it was not excessive to call him a deity.

And many more people leaned towards another new name—"Superman"! A being transcending the realm of humans!

Of course, regardless of how the public discussed it, even if they ended up calling him "Lazy Superman" in the end, Caesar would not pay any attention to it.

Potts's safe return quickly stabilized the morale within Stark Industries, and the biggest beneficiary undoubtedly was Caesar himself. Once again, he became a hands-off manager, leaving the production of new products to God and formally returning to his leisurely life after awakening—

Occasionally, he would go to the SHIELD base to spar with Captain America, mastering the constantly increasing strength of his body;

Or he would go to Stark Industries to point out the research direction of new technological products, integrating some advaced technology into the current New York City;

Sometimes, he would take Eddie along, and the two of them would shuttle back and forth between the northern and southern hemispheres, rescuing large aircraft crashes, eradicating rampant terrorists, and even intervening in natural disasters in certain areas.

This was the daily life of the split Caesar on Earth.

And so, two and a half more years passed.

During this time, Earth did not suffer any extraterrestrial invasions, and everything proceeded in an orderly manner under peaceful circumstances.

December 24, 2011, Christmas Eve, was another new day today.

In the winter morning, golden sunlight shone in the cold air, overflowing into the window sill of a twenty-first-floor residential building.

Inside, clothes were scattered on the floor, and Eddie, wearing a complete set of pajamas, hugged the bulging quilt and slept soundly on the bed. A black cat lay lazily beside the bed, also snoring in its sleep.

"Knock, knock!"

Suddenly, there was a slight knocking sound from outside the window.

"Eddie, it seems someone's knocking on the window..." In the blanket, a woman mumbled unclearly.

"How is that possible? We're on the twenty-first floor." Eddie, still half asleep, muttered drowsily, not even willing to open his eyes, rolling over and continuing to sink into the winter dream.


Surprisingly, the black cat woke up, its eyes squinting as it stretched its body lazily, squatting on the ground and wagging its tail. It looked towards the window covered by curtains, a hint of human-like understanding appearing in its upright beast eyes.

"Knock, knock!"

The knocking on the window continued faintly, but Eddie in the room remained unmoved.

After three seconds of silence, the window suddenly suffered a powerful bombardment. With a humming sound of air pressure, the entire wall collapsed inward as if it had been hit by a powerful explosion, dust rolling in, and sunlight from outside flooded into the room unimpeded!

"WTF, is it an earthquake?"

Startled awake by the loud noise, Eddie jumped out of bed without any drowsiness, and hurriedly looked out the window, where a five-year-old looking blonde boy was walking into the room from high in the air, holding a lollipop in his mouth, his left hand in his pocket, and waving to him with the other hand, "Good morning, Eddie."

"Morning, Master," Eddie subconsciously replied, his gaze blankly sweeping over the wall that had been severely damaged by an external force. Then, he woke up as if from a dream and gritted his teeth, "Morning my foot! Can't you come in through the main entrance next time? I've had the windows and outer walls repaired dozens of times!"

The black cat leaped onto the bed lightly, licking its paws with a mischievous expression.

"I knocked on the window," Caesar replied expressionlessly.

"Oh, I see."

Eddie nodded, sluggish for half a second, then couldn't help but growl lowly, "Knock on the door next time! Jerk!!"

Caesar pointed to the hole in the wall seriously and suggested, "Or you can open a door on this side of the outer wall next time."

"Fine. Why did you come so early, and where do you want to go now? Don't tell me there's another sea monster to fight?" Eddie retorted weakly, extending his hand towards the black cat. The black liquid that constituted the Venom symbiote immediately detached from the black cat's body and rolled back into his own body.

"Today is Christmas, isn't it?"

With that, Caesar smiled and said, "There's a lunch gathering of the Avengers at noon. Steve informed me and asked me to bring you along."

"A party? That sounds about right."

Eddie exhaled lightly, changed his clothes, and prepared to follow Caesar to the SHIELD base. However, he turned around and found Caesar standing on the damaged edge of the building's floor, looking solemnly towards a distant horizon.

"What's wrong now?"

Seeing this, Eddie walked over in surprise. When he raised his head, he was astonished to see a strange, colorful light appearing faintly in the distant sky.

With complex eyes, Caesar remained silent for a moment before whispering, "An 'outsider' has descended upon Earth."

"What did you say?!"

Eddie trembled all over but soon felt relieved. He clenched his fists tightly and said, "After waiting for so long, they've finally come."

"Let's go. Let's meet up with the Avengers first."

Caesar grabbed Eddie's arm, and in a flash, they teleported from the room to the top floor of the building, then transformed into a stream of light and dashed towards the distance at supersonic speed.

Meanwhile, in the vast and distant expanse of outer space, separated from Earth by countless light-years.

There was endless darkness in all directions, with no distances to be measured. Only a few planets emitted faint Blinking lights, serving as coordinates in the void.


A Falcon-class Interstellar fighter jet, trailing a blue tail flame, continuously jumped through light-years in the vastness of outer space, as if aimlessly wandering. Although its speed far exceeded that of any spaceship of Earth's technology, it was still crawling compared to the vastness of the Milky Way galaxy.

Since Kyle and his team departed for Earth and embarked on their journey to the Galactic Union civilization, three years had passed imperceptibly.

The three-year Interstellar journey was not entirely in vain. At least, amid the constant corrections and modifications to their course, rumors of the "terrifying natives of Earth" had emerged in a corner of the starry sky.

And after multiple confirmations, the Falcon-class Interstellar fighter jet finally approached the region of space where the Galactic Union was located!

(End of chapter)