Chapter 387 The Great Escape, Flying at Top Speed!

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On the scattered Freedom Square.

"We're done for, completely done for."

Green looked around at the sky filled with dense aircraft-like locusts, slapped his forehead hard, realizing that there was no escape or refuge, and could only lament in despair.

"We're not afraid so why are you panicking?" Lorna glared at him irritably.

Green twitched his mouth, his face full of sorrow as he spoke, "You don't understand. Nova's laws are unusually strict. Just causing a disturbance is enough for a sentence, let alone attacking and killing other lifeforms! We're now major criminals in Nova Empire. Once caught, we'll be locked up in the most heavily guarded prison for the rest of our lives."

"I want to see what methods the Nova guards have..."

Although Lorna said this, she looked around at the sky and the ground, feeling a vague sense of apprehension about the approaching disaster brought by the Nova Legion.

Nova was one of the top civilizations in the Galaxy, possessing strong national power and highly advanced technology. Their armed forces were not to be underestimated.

Although she was confident in her magnetic control, she dared not directly confront the military forces of an alien civilization.

Lorna turned her gaze to Kyle and asked, "Boss, what should we do?"

"Let's get out of here first, there's no need to tangle with them." Kyle remained calm, seemingly unaware of the magnitude of trouble he had caused.

Wide-eyed, Green exclaimed in disbelief, "Master, are you kidding me? Leave? How do we leave now? We've all been locked on by Nova satellites and the Nova Legion. With Nova's top-notch spacecraft flying at supersonic speeds, there's absolutely no chance for us to escape."

"You won't know until you try."

Kyle smiled faintly and called out "Venom". 

Venom, parasitic on his body, immediately spread a pair of dark wings with lightning patterns from his back.

As the Nova Legion was about to arrive, Kyle wasted no time. Dark keratin membranes quickly covered his entire body, and his arm muscles continued to swell and elongate, resembling the giant claws of an evil black dragon.

With a quick grasp, Kyle's massive hands grabbed Lorna and Green, and with a seemingly gentle flap of his wings, a hurricane roared as he transformed into a black streak of light, speeding out of the square toward the horizon.

The hovercars that had rushed to the scene from the ground were a step too late as they abruptly braked and surrounded the small open space where they had been.

The Nova guards who got out of the cars looked up at the sky and were stunned seeing Kyle and the others as black dots in the distance, they hastily opened the communication channel with the nearby Nova Legion:

"Emergency situation— criminals are flying! Repeat, a team of criminals is flying away at supersonic speed towards the east side of Freedom Square. Request immediate interception by the guardian forces in the airspace!"


"A team is preparing for a joint interception!"

"Other teams, prepare for pursuit! We must not let the criminals escape!"

Countless responses echoed as the aircraft gathering around Freedom Square swiftly adjusted their flight directions, their engines roaring as they accelerated, chasing after Kyle and his companions who were flying at top speed.

No matter how the situation was outside, within Nova's territory, the Nova Legion was the absolute enforcer. Over the decades, countless troublemakers from outside had caused chaos in the Nova Empire, but as soon as the Nova Legion arrived, the turmoil ended.

And today, at noon, it seemed that this farce was just beginning.

Above the bustling city district of Nova Empire, alien residents could look up and see countless guards' fighter jets and unmanned drones swarming in the sky like a dense cloud, buzzing closely behind the entirely black figure of Kyle.

The distance between the two sides was rapidly closing.

"Oh no, they're coming!"

Green, held by Kyle's left hand at the waist, felt like he was hanging in mid-air. Due to the strong wind pressure coming head-on, his limbs drooped downward, swaying wildly in the wind, even his saliva flying all over himself in his howling.

Lorna and Calvin were relatively better off. Kyle intentionally enlarged his right hand into a deformed shape, allowing his palm to act as a cocoon, neatly wrapping the two of them inside, shielding them from the wind pressure and suffocation caused by supersonic flight.

Hearing the dense engine noise behind them, Kyle remained silent, turning slightly to look back. The swarm of Nova Legion fighter jets was still accelerating, closing the distance from a hundred meters to ten meters in less than half a second.

Two Interstellar fighter jets approached Kyle from his left and right sides, targeting him, and their loudspeakers blared a warning: "Attention, four criminals, you have violated Article 51 of Nova Law, suspected of killing lifeforms, and Article 120, illegal escape. Please land immediately and surrender! Otherwise..."


Before the loudspeakers could say more, Kyle's dark wings flapped, leaving behind concentric circles of white vapor in the air, increasing the flight speed by another level, reaching the terrifying pseudo-light speed, and once again pulling away from the Nova Legion's aircraft.

"Aaaahhhhh..." Green let the airflow collide with him, and his howls became even more heart-wrenching.

At the pseudo-light speed flight, on Earth, even the most advanced aerospace rockets couldn't catch up.

But in Nova, pseudo-light speed flight was just the basic standard of flight, a technological feat long conquered and far surpassed.

In just a moment, the Nova guard's aircraft approached Kyle's side again, and the warning from the loudspeakers sounded: "This is Nova's final warning. If you don't land immediately, the Legion will use force against the criminals!"

Kyle still ignored them, maintaining the maximum speed of his dark wings. In the next moment, he frowned slightly, and his wings suddenly flapped upwards, narrowly avoiding several laser beams that skimmed dangerously close beneath him.

"Land immediately!" The threat from the Legion's aircraft's loudspeakers was persistent.

At the same time, several aircraft that were chasing the closest to Kyle each launched linear light arcs, connecting and weaving into an orange mesh. With the increasing flight speed, the giant light net, like a hunting trap, enveloped Kyle's back.

"It's over..." Green rolled his eyes, his head tilting back, and seeing this scene, he couldn't help but show a relieved and miserable expression on his face.

"Over? No, No. It's just begun."

Kyle smiled, and suddenly took a deep breath, and the dazzling daylight gleamed in his broken golden pupils as if he had opened a main switch, and a powerful force within him began to awaken and activate.

"Sizzle, Sizzle, Sizzle..."

The colorful fusion energy, like a powerful electric arc, surged violently from Kyle's chest, swelling and bursting from his body like a BUFF halo!

Kyle, at this moment, completely turned into a dazzling stream of light, he was so fast that even the airflow pressure had not yet been disturbed before it was all thrown far behind.

The giant light net had already approached within five meters, and it seemed that it was about to catch up with Kyle. But at the moment when the fusion energy appeared, the giant light net, Interstellar fighter jets, and even the laser beams of bombardment, all blurred and retreated rapidly like shadows!

The light-speed threshold was easily crossed, and then there was an endless increase and transcendence!

The alien pilots of the Nova Legion's aircraft, looking through the windshield, at the criminals outside with only a trace of tail flames visible, all stood still like statues, completely stunned.

(End of this chapter)