Chapter 415 Ego's Planet

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The middle-aged man stood on the silver star shuttle, which resembled a skateboard. His hair and goatee showed traces of gray, indicating that he had reached a certain age, entering the twilight years of his life.

The cockpit of Star-Lord's Spaceship opened, and Quill, fully armed and wearing an oxygen-protective helmet, jumped down from the cockpit with his guns in hand. He looked at the middle-aged man who parked the star shuttle on the lake, his gaze alert. "Who are you?"

"Quill, after all these years, I finally found you."

The middle-aged man sighed with emotion, turned around, and his eyes, as bright as the starry sky, were filled with affection as he gazed at Quill.

As their eyes met, Quill's heart seemed to skip a beat, his hand gripping the gun trembling violently, finding it hard to believe. "You are..."

The middle-aged man nodded gently and spoke with a smile on his face. "Yes. I am your father, Ego."

"How... could..." Quill muttered, subconsciously lowering his gun. Seeing this, Ego's face softened into a gentle smile. "You've suffered, my child."

After a moment of shock, Quill's eyes narrowed, and he growled like a wounded beast, "Where have you been all these years? Do you know that when my mother was on her deathbed, she was still calling out your name while holding my hand?"

"My departure was also forced." Ego sighed.

Quill took a deep breath to calm himself down and looked at Ego and asked in a deep voice. "I have many questions to ask you, about my mother and about myself!"

"No problem, but this isn't the best place for a family reunion." Ego glanced around the forest wilderness and pointed to the star shuttle beneath him, suggesting, "Let me take you to my home planet. There, I can answer all your questions in detail."

With countless unresolved questions about his childhood, his father's mysterious disappearance, his mother's sudden illness, and being taken away from Earth by aliens, Quill naturally had no reason to refuse when faced with Ego, who had been confirmed as his biological father.

Quill glanced at the star shuttle, then at his Spaceship, hesitating. "I guess it's okay, but I have some friends on nearby planets."

Ego smiled. "It's okay. Come with me. After a day, you can come back to arrange things with your friends. Or maybe by then, we can invite them to visit our planet together."

"Alright." After hesitating for a moment, Quill nodded in agreement.

Soon, with Ego's star shuttle in the lead and Quill's Spaceship following behind, they began their journey through the stars, heading towards the galaxies beyond the Milky Way Alliance.


Meanwhile, Kyle was still flying through outer space. Since he didn't know the exact location and the tracker only worked within the same star system, he could only follow the direction where the signal disappeared.

Traveling at superluminal speeds, far surpassing even the most advanced Spaceships, sometimes it would take months for ships to reach their destinations. But now, in just a few minutes, Kyle had already covered a vast distance.

After crossing countless star systems, finally, as the green light blinked on the tracker, a marker in the shape of a ship reappeared on the screen.

Flying while glancing at the screen, Kyle muttered to himself, "The ship has stopped. Has it already reached a planet? The location... it's not far ahead!"

Following the navigation prompts from the marker, Kyle gradually slowed down his speed. Soon, he stopped in outer space, still emanating a dazzling colorful light. However, when he saw the sight of the planet in front of him, Kyle couldn't help but shiver with a sense of dread.

In front of him lay a planet no less than the size of Earth, with lush green and blue colors indicating abundant life. But its overall shape resembled the head of a middle-aged man, with mountains, rivers, and other features vividly resembling facial contours.

"This is... a Celestial. Am I too late? It's so ironic that he managed to find Quill just in time."

Narrowing his eyes in thought, Kyle activated his long-unused stealth skill. A dark mist enveloped his glowing figure, and then he descended towards the planet's surface at a normal ship speed.

Passing through the atmosphere, Kyle's speed decreased further. He soared through the sky like a giant eagle, admiring the beautiful scenery of green mountains, blue waters, and blooming flowers. 

But whenever he thought about the countless remains of lifeforms buried beneath this beautiful scenery, including those of Lucy and Logan, Kyle's eyes turned as cold as ice.

'I hope Lucy and Logan are still alive. Otherwise, regardless of this Celestial or the entire life-bearing planet, my wrath will consume them all!' Kyle silently thought to himself.

Following the tracker's guidance, Kyle found Star-Lord's Spaceship parked in front of a palace garden on the planet.

Kyle approached stealthily to the side of the palace, his ears suddenly twitching. With his ultra-sensitive hearing, he caught snippets of conversation between Quill and Ego, as well as the voice of a maid.

"Master Ego, Master Quill, the refreshments are ready."

"Good, you may leave. Without my orders, do not disturb our reunion."

"Yes, sir."

After the conversation ended, accompanied by light footsteps, a maid in a snail-like dress, with two tentacles on her head, emerged. She held a watering can and scissors, tending to the flowers and plants in the garden outside the palace.

Hidden in the corner of the palace, Kyle watched the mai and disappeared back into the shadows.

Humming a tune, the maid watered the flowers, when suddenly, amidst the commotion in the bushes, a small orange cat lazily peeked out.

"Oh my, where did you come from, little one? I've never seen you around here before." The maid was initially surprised, but then she raised a finger to her lips, glanced at the palace behind her, and whispered anxiously, "Don't make a sound, if the master hears you, you'll be in danger."

The small orange cat blinked its eyes, tilting its head in confusion. Touched by the maid's kindness, the maid put down the watering can, crouched down, and reached out towards the cat, saying, "Good kitty."

Before the maid's hand could touch its fur, the small orange cat exaggeratedly opened its mouth and swallowed the maid in one gulp. Then, without looking back, it ran out of the garden.

A few kilometers away from the palace garden.

When the small orange cat spat out the maid onto the grass, the maid, coughing continuously, opened her eyes to find Kyle standing directly in front of her, gazing down at her.

Startled, the maid hugged her chest, curling up into a ball. "Who are you? An outsider?"

"You're the maid Howard mentioned, aren't you? The one who helped him escape from this planet five years ago." Kyle spoke calmly, knowing that if it weren't for this reason, he would have forcibly extracted the maid's memories with Venom long ago.

Upon hearing Howard's name, the maid visibly relaxed and asked, "Are you friends with him?"

"That's not important. Now, you answer me one question first."

Kyle clenched his fists. "Are Lucy and Logan still alive?"

(End of Chapter)