Chapter 434 Repairing the Third Engine Turbine

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"Is that even possible?" Steve muttered, bewildered as he watched Caesar extinguish the fire with a single breath. He stood there holding a fire extinguisher, feeling momentarily out of place amidst the swirling wind.

"Captain, stop daydreaming. We've got incoming hostiles from behind," Caesar's youthful voice rang out before he flew out through the breach in the Helicarrier, hovering high in the sky as he headed towards the severely damaged third-engine turbine.

"What?" Steve snapped back to attention, glancing behind him. Sure enough, he saw several armed men approaching through the smoke-filled corridor. Though they were dressed as SHIELD agents, their cold, dark eyes betrayed their true allegiance. Upon seeing Steve, they raised their guns without hesitation and opened fire.

"Mind-controlled agents?" Steve thought, ducking into a tactical roll to avoid the incoming bullets. Sparks flew as the rounds struck the floor where he had been standing.

"Looks like they mean business. Try this!" Steve ducked behind a wall, aimed the fire extinguisher at the narrow corridor the attackers were advancing through, and unleashed a thick cloud of white powder. The armed men were momentarily blinded, their vision obscured by the dense fog.

Seizing the opportunity, Steve, a master of close-quarters combat and outnumbered battles, charged into the corridor. With his shield raised, he moved swiftly and methodically, neutralizing the mind-controlled agents with calculated strikes.

"Captain's handling things well," Caesar noted as he floated outside the Helicarrier, his keen eyes catching glimpses of the battle through the corridor. With a smirk, he refocused on the third engine, which was already heavily damaged and spewing smoke.

The turbine, resembling a giant mechanical Ferris wheel, needed all its components to function correctly to keep the Helicarrier aloft. With one engine down, the entire structure was off-balance, descending slowly. Two engines failing would spell disaster, resulting in a catastrophic crash.

"Let's see what we have here," Caesar muttered. Hovering in the air, he kicked away a piece of debris wedged in the turbine. More metal rods and plates protruded, jamming the mechanism. Narrowing his bright blue eyes, Caesar's gaze shifted from blue to a fiery red.

In an instant, beams of searing heat shot from his eyes, slicing through the steel obstructions with surgical precision. The intense heat left smooth, clean cuts, freeing the turbine.

"Clearing's done. Now to restart the engine," Caesar called out, turning towards the corridor. "Captain, how's it going in there?"

"Under control! Need any help?" Steve, panting slightly, had just finished knocking out the last of the attackers with a powerful shield bash.

"Yeah, find the external switch by the turbine's access point and flip it to restart the engine," Caesar instructed.

"Just flip the switch? That's it?" Steve asked, already moving towards the control panel.

"No, I'll need to give the turbine a push from inside. The switch alone won't be enough," Caesar replied, diving into the turbine like a miniature Ferris wheel.

Steve ran down the corridor, his face showing concern as he spoke. "If the engine restarts while you're in there, the blades will shred you to pieces. I can't let that happen to you!"

"Don't worry about me," Caesar reassured, positioning himself against the inner turbine blades. Bathed in sunlight, he harnessed the absorbed energy, using his superhuman strength to begin turning the massive turbine.

The small hands of Caesar dug slightly into the steel of the turbine. Despite its immense size and weight—thousands of times greater than Caesar himself—the third engine turbine began to move. Slowly at first, but then faster and faster, it spun into motion.

"It's now, Captain," Caesar's voice echoed.

Steve reached for the external switch, gripping the red handle with both hands. He pulled down with all his strength.

The third engine turbine, now rebooted and given an initial push by Caesar, accelerated rapidly. The immense force it generated halted the Helicarrier's perilous tilt and gradual descent.

"Caesar? Get out of there!" Steve shouted from the edge of the corridor, straining to see into the swiftly spinning turbine. The speed blurred the view, obscuring Caesar's presence.

"Alright, alright, no need to yell. You're going to make me deaf," Came a familiar, youthful voice behind him while a small, pale hand rested on his shoulder.

Steve spun around in surprise to find Caesar standing there. "But you were just inside..." He glanced back at the turbine, then at Caesar, with a confused expression on his face.

"That was a few seconds ago. Seriously, Captain, even after being frozen for seventy years, you need to keep up," Caesar shrugged. But before he could finish, a sudden, powerful tremor reverberated through the Helicarrier. Along with it came a terrifying roar that echoed through the corridors.

"What's happening?" Steve and Caesar exchanged worried glances before dashing towards the source of the disturbance.

At the same time, deep within the dimly lit lower levels of the Helicarrier, heavy footsteps pounded the floor.

A monstrous shadow stretched long across the corridor. The creature that cast it was immense and menacing, its form seemingly forged in the depths of hell. Towering at four meters, the beast was covered in explosive, bulging muscles. Its skin, tough as Iron Man's armor, was dark and laced with glowing white patterns. From its back, several sharp black spikes protruded.

This beast was pure malevolence, designed solely for destruction and combat.

The dark creature ground its teeth, each step causing the floor to quake and leaving deep imprints.

Nearby, hidden under some machinery, Eddie and Natasha crouched in fear. Their bodies shivered, covered in goosebumps, as they watched the beast pass by.

"What... what is that thing?" Natasha whispered, her voice trembling as she turned to Eddie after the monster had moved away.

Just moments ago, Dr. Banner had transformed into the Hulk. But instead of his usual green, his skin had turned pitch black, doubling his already massive size.

The monstrous being, a fusion of Hulk and Venom, had gone berserk, obliterating half the research lab with a single punch. It had effortlessly crushed Iron Man's armor like it was made of paper.

"Symbiote Venom... it's fused with the Hulk," Eddie stammered, terror etched in his eyes. "We're doomed. No one can stop it. This Helicarrier is going down, and it'll destroy New York City next."

The thought of Venom combined with Hulk created a chilling realization— it is an unstoppable force of destruction.

### To Be Continued...