chapter 21 stay with me


Don't move he groaned she felt something poking her ' you pervent' she quickly get up he stood up too, Mirabel work out and Lucian followed her and saw angelica wore a sexy cloth Mirabel who saw this couldn't help but smile at how stupid she post

" I will be leaving you sir" she bow while smiling she was about to leave Lucian stop her " don't you dare leave" he said " lucy" angelica called in a sexy tone,she went to him and grab his hand

" Lucy l_ " he cut her off " leave" he said to her ' Lucy l_work"' don't call me that ever again or I will cut off your tongue' Mirabel was confused at the scene that happening didn't she just keep bragging about her relationship she thought

" leave now before I lose my patience' she went out in fear ' what that about " she asked him " Angeli_ " she cut him off ' I don't give a fuck about her, I want to leave ' she said in an nonchalant tone

" you are staying with me tonight " " what" " am not staying with you" she said walking out,then she was stop by some guard ' move aside " she said " sorry we can't let you leave without the boss permission " Steve said she storm back inside

' Lucian I want to leave " she shouted at him" you can't leave till tomorrow " ' fine I don't have the strength to argue with you I will just sleep in the couch"

" she went to the couch and lie down Lucian went to the bed and pretend to be asleep some minutes later Mirabel had slept off Lucian who notice this and went to her

" such a stubborn woman now I have confirmed my feeling I really love you " he thought careless her face he will not allow anyone to touch what belong to him "she is mine,mine only he said he will make her fall for him,I will just take a baby step to make our relationship work" he thought

" I'm really sorry for what I did to you, am really heartless for what I did to you I hope you can forgive me,am really blinded for not even announce you as my finance instead I announce you as my maid am sorry am so stupid"

he whispered to her ear and carry her to his bed and placed her gently and he bend down and kissed her,sleeping beside her.

In the morning Mirabel woke up and yanked she felt a strong pair of hand wrap around her waist it warm around her waist she turn and her eyes wide open

" good morning baby" she was shocked and also confused "why am I on your bed? Why are you calling me baby?"

' the couch is really uncomfortable so I brought you to the bed and is it wrong for me to call you baby' " well it wrong and I don't like you calling me that, did I complain that the couch is uncomfortable ' she said ' hnmm' he said

" well let go of me I need to work " he was furious how can he allow I'd woman to work he calm himself down " you don't need to work I will ask some maid to do it " mmm have you forgotten that am a maid and that my job"

"well from today onward you are personal maid no one is allow to order you around expect me" he said he have to take baby step in her to like me he thought

" no no no I can't be your personal maid you know how hard for me to be a maid is like living in hell" she said she doesn't want to get close to him

' so I just made her mad' he thought " it OK if you don't want to be my maid, you can be my finance "

" no why will I want to be your finance or your personal maid I mean can anyone believe am from a noble family am just a maid and there is no way I will be your finance " Lucian felt a pain in his heart by her word.


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