chapter 22 A plan

Bella & Rose POV

Bella woke up " ouch how can she beat me like that with a rolling stick what if I had die hmmm my back oh she done for you just wait till I tell rose you are done for " she stand up ' ah my back' and went out.

as she was walking to their room and heard somebody banged the door calling for help the voice sounded familiar she walk closer ' that Rose voice ' she gasped and quickly went to the door and open it

Rose woke up and felt pain all over her body " ouch that bastard " she looked around and see she still in the store room she stand up ' ah' and went to the door she try to open it but it locked she shake the door handle then she started to bang the door " somebody help me "

" Rose who lock you up" " it that bastard Mirabel and why is your face full of bruise " " well Mirabel use a rolling stick to hit me to am unconscious and you what happened " " well the same thing that happened to you" "what are we going to do now" Rose smiled I have a plan let go to miss Angelica

Angelica POV

Where is Rose & Bella when you need them she went to the bathroom and take a bath she brought out a sexy grown it a net exposing too much of a body she wore it and went to apply a little makeup then she went to Lucian room.

she heard Lucian groan in his bathroom she thought to herself this perfect she walk to the bed and post sexy,she saw Mirabel came out angrily and Lucian came after her try to hold her Angelica notice Mirabel sore lips

" could it be" she gasped" are dose two dating " she thought then Mirabel notice her and smiled at her" is she smiling because she dating him" she thought she felt anger rise in her body she calm down and Lucian notice her ' get out' Lucian said she left in fear she went inside her room and cry

" how can he threaten me Lucian she don't want you she only after your money but I love you am in love with you Lucian why can't you see that?" Angelica said crying then Rose and Bella came in and saw Angelica had scatter her room sobbing on the floor

Angelica look up and thought Lucian had come to beg her but she saw Rose and Bella "what happened to you guys" she said cleaning her eyes ' Mirabel ' ' how dare she hit you' ' miss don't stress yourself up were have a plan' rose came closer to Angelica and whispered to her ear Angelica smile

Lucian POV

I don't want to discourse this with you now let me go' Lucian let her GI not wanting to upset her Mirabel when out angrily to her room she saw that Tracy in not in the room anymore she decided to take a bath and she wore a new dress and when to the garden she sat down Steve came in ' sir' " follow her make sure you report to me if you see her with a guy" Lucian said coldly " yes sir"

Mirabel & Tracy POV

" so you spent your night in Dave room" " yes" an hour later they had finished the bowl of meat as they were talking some guard grab Mirabel " hey what are u doing let me go"


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