chapter 70 breaking the engagement

" I made you suffer which am still regretting if I have not done those things you & me will have been together now with our kids but am happy that I love you and you love me back that all that matters because I love you so much " she blushes a bit " I love you too" she said hugging him as he hug her back then Mirabel broke the hug,look at him shly

Before she could say anything else there is a scream

Clara scream " what the hell do you think you are doing with my fiance ???" She said angrily " how dare you!!" She screams getting everyone attention then everyone start gathering as Mirabel put her head on the table avoiding people and her knowing her or taking photos/video of her it might damage her popularity and reputation so bad

Then Clara walk up to them she didn't bother looking at Lucian face " how dare you go after my husy after all the men in this world you have the gut to go after my fiance you this filthy thing" she yelled so loudly

Then people start taking photo and rec the hole scene as they start whispering among there self

🗣️ How can she go after some else husband

🗣️she is really shameless

🗣️ She must be a prostitute

🗣️ What a homewrecker girl

Mirabel headed all this hatred comment as she thought "they were right I have done this in the first place I know he had a fiance but am still going after her fiance why did I even do it in the first place now am turning out to become my father no I must leave this place"

" Am talking to you,you slut" she yelled grabbing her hair forcefully pulling her face up as she quickly cover her face with her hand " you little piece of shit" then she released her hair and slap her face as she fall to the ground with her hand supporting the ground as she look at the ground still not reviving her self...

then she shed tear, Lucian quickly rush to her offing his jacket to cover he face as he support her to stand up then Clara angrily walk over to them trying to beat her....

As Lucian grab her " that enough" Mirabel quickly use the opportunity to walk off " you better run bitch" Clara yelled

Lucian had the urge to follow her but he had to deal with this bitch first as he grab her out they walk to there room then he pull her inside pushing her to the floor...

" What the f*ck did you just do" Lucian yell at her while his hand in his hair " Lucian I I " he cut her off

" This relationship is over" " Lucian,you can't end our relationship for that slut" then he grab her face harshly " if you dare used that word again,you wouikniw what will happen next" he glare at her deadly before release her face....

Then he move to the warobe and begin to pack his things