chapter 71 Lucian what are you doing

Then he move to the warobe and begin to pack his things as he was done,he grab his bag and look at her...

" As from this moment you are no longer my fiance and this relationship is over,I should have done this soon,you really piss me off and annoy let alone me seeing your face every day disgust me"

Then he walk out " Lucian,you can't do this to me " she yelyas she cry

Lucian POV

Then Lucian walk to the receptionist " is there still a room" " yes sir,room 3100 it cost a million sir" " ok,I will take it" he swipe his credit card and collect the room key.

as it go to the room and dropping his bag as he then dial cherries number "hello Daddy" "hello sweetie, are you still at the game center??" " yes we are, we are going to be late it really cool here "

"oh okay,I want to tell you tell me your mom's room number" "what moms now with you ??" "yes she's angry at me I want to apologize okay I want her room number" " hmm ok her room number is this "

"thank you my love you " you hung up the phone not wasting the time he rush up to her room as he lock on the door.....

Quickly cleaned her eyes opening the door as she look up " luc-" quickly carried he could see as swollen face "she must have cry a lot" he thought..

He lift her up and walk inside locking the door as Mirabel just bury at a in the crook of his neck " I'm so sorry that I cause you trouble between you and your fiance pain"

" Don't apologize I'm the one that should be saying sorry and don't call her my fiancé I've already broke up with her" "what??" Mirabel remove her head from his neck looking at him,he already knows what she's thinking that he will become like her father...

" Don't worry let me explain my relationship with her " then he explained, as Mirabel breathe a sign of relieve

"So you don't love her???" He nodded " you just use her to silence your parents after I don't agree to your relationship" he nodded "oh thank God I was upset that I taught you fall in love with her and I will also break your relationship"

He just smiled at her voice while holding her as mirabel notice the position they were in and requested to get down "I like how am holding you" "Lucy" " I'm still not putting you down"

Mirabel just pouted as he smirked at her then he carry her to the bed and drop her gently" Lucy,what are you doing???" ,he removed his tie

" What do you think" he said looking at her lustfully " you know I've been holding back how we keep calling my name and looking at me and you succeed in seducing me,do you know he's been seven years since we are last had sex"