10. Meeting Evelyn Throne.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works. If you recognize it from somewhere else, surprise, it isn't mine.


Recap of the previous chapter –

Mark is done with making the list of people he is going to recruit for his dream team. He calls Evelyn asking her about the prep work and also tells her that he wants to meet her regarding the list he has created and needs her help to recruit his dream team.


~ Third Person POV ~

April 12th, 1990, morning next day, 05:53 am, in his bedroom.

As the sun began to peek through the curtains, Mark stirred in his comfortable bed, slowly waking up to embrace the new day.

Stretching his limbs, he rose from the warmth of the covers and started on his morning routine. He had discovered later in his past life how having a fixed morning routine and being disciplined can lead to a more active mind and productive day.

As such, he had made it his hard rule to never break away from his routine if possible. Mark made his way to the bathroom, splashing the cool refreshing water on his face to invigorate his mind and drive away the sleepiness.

He reached for his running gear, laced up his sneakers as he prepared for his morning jog. Stepping outside, the cool morning air greeted him, rejuvenating his spirit as he set off on the nearly empty pavement, exploring L.A.

His feet hit the pavement rhythmically, syncing with his steady breaths, as he immersed himself in the tranquility of the early morning. Finishing his routine 10 km/6.2 mile run under an hour he returned home, Mark felt the satisfying burn in his muscles.

He shed off his sweaty clothes and stepped into the soothing chill of the cold shower, letting the cool water wash away any lingering fatigue and sweat. Refreshed and re-energized, he emerged from the bathroom, ready to tackle the day ahead.

With an appetite sparked by his exercise, Mark made his way to the kitchen. He skillfully whisked together the ingredients for his beloved high protein and low calorie pancakes, a recipe he learned from his mom, creating a batter that promised fluffy goodness.

Breakfast complete, Mark felt a sense of accomplishment and contentment. He was now ready to take on the day, energized by his morning routine and fueled by a delicious start.


~ Mark's POV Current Time: 8:32 am ~


Mark stood in front of his open wardrobe, with a perplexed expression on his face. The room is filled with an array of neatly arranged suits, each vying for his attention. He rubbed his chin, deep in thought, as he contemplated which suit to wear for the day's important business meeting.

Mark stood there, whispering to himself, "Navy blue or charcoal gray? Decisions, decisions…"

Mark thinks to himself, half smiling, 'this navy blue suit has always been my go-to. It exudes confidence.'

He continues to contemplate, unsure if he should stick with his tried and true choice. His eyes wander to a nearby suit, a charcoal gray one, its classic elegance tempting him.

Suddenly, a sense of clarity washes over Mark's face. His eyes gleam with determination as he swiftly sets aside the charcoal gray suit.

He reaches for a crisp white shirt and begins to change into the navy blue suit.

Mark thinks, 'today is a day to exude confidence, to make a lasting impression.'

Mark steps into a pair of perfectly tailored trousers, fastens the buttons of his suit jacket, and turns his attention to his shoe collection.

He surveys the options, but his eyes lock onto a pair of brown leather shoes that seem to complement the navy blue suit effortlessly.

Mark grins to himself, happy with his choice of attire, "yes, the brown leather shoes add a touch of elegance to the ensemble."

He slips on the shoes and gazes at himself in the mirror, fully dressed in the dashing navy blue suit.

Mark says, with his voice exuding confidence, "This is it. I'm ready to conquer the day. Hollywood, here I come."

Mark took one final look, adjusted his tie with a pin and strode out of the room, radiating confidence and style.



~ Third Person POV ~



The sun began its descent behind the rolling hills as Mark embarked on the familiar journey to his estate, nestled in the outskirts of Los Angeles.

The sprawling landscape unfolded before him, vibrant and lush with greenery, a tranquil oasis amidst the bustling chaos of the entertainment industry.

Today held a significant importance to him. It was his first step into achieving his dreams. He was to meet Evelyn Thorne, his rookie CAA agent and dear friend, to discuss the formation of his core film production team.

As he approached the grand gates of the estate, the imposing iron structures welcomed him home. The gravel path crunched beneath his feet, and he relished the serenity that enveloped the surrounding.

Towering trees swayed gently, whispering their secrets in the breeze, a symphony of nature that echoed the melody within his heart.

At the heart of the estate stood a magnificent house created just to give life to one of Mark's earliest creations. It was the house of Harlan Thrombey, the world renowned author and the patriarch of the Thrombey family.

Entering the grand foyer, he was greeted by the echoes of his own footsteps reverberating against the marble floors. The air carried a sense of anticipation, an unspoken excitement for the ventures that lay ahead.

The magnitude of his goals became apparent to him at this moment: the establishment of a massive production facility, the aspiration to be the greatest film director ever, and the lure of romantic connections with Hollywood's most coveted female stars.

As he ascended the sweeping staircase, Evelyn's presence drew nearer. Her unwavering dedication to his aspirations and dreams had forged an unbreakable bond between them.

Little did he know that her admiration for him had blossomed into a profound love—a love that fueled her every action, her every thought, and yet remained unspoken.

Opening the door to the opulent meeting room, he beheld Evelyn, radiant and enthused, as she sat by the expansive windows. The panoramic view of the estate's vibrant landscape served as a backdrop to their rendezvous.

He saw her sitting on the edge of her seat, looking at a file without paying attention. It looked like she was lost in her own world.

~ Evelyn's POV, 30 Mins Earlier ~

I stepped out of my car, the warm California sun shining down on me, as I made my way towards the magnificent house. This is the first of many creations that Mark has envisioned, his first step towards his dream.

It took nearly 2 years to build this piece of marvel, whilst ensuring that it conforms to Mark's vision and looks well lived in. The set designer and decoration team did an excellent job at making it, not just look real, but rather become real.

Today was an important day for me, as I was about to meet Mark Spencer, my client and a dear friend. The wind blew gently, playing with my long, ruby-red curls, as I adjusted the strap of my bag on my shoulder.

Mark must have been waiting for me upstairs in his office, and I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness as I made my way through the familiar hallways and stairs.

But when I reached his study on the first floor, i found that he wasn't there. Maybe he was stuck in traffic, so I settled myself on the guest chairs waiting for his arrival.

The wait must have felt like an eternity as my mind wandered, reflecting on the incredible journey I had shared with Mark till now.

We had been friends for years now, ever since I first met on a fishing trip. Our parents were good friends and almost always planned vacations and parties together.

~Flashback Starts~

Mark was sitting on a deck chair while reading a book and ruminating about its contents, before jotting down some points, as if he had learned something from a fictional novel of all things.

I remember approaching him from behind, looking to make myself a new friend.

"Hi, I am Evelyn. What's your name?" I had said, introducing myself.

"I am Mark, are you with uncle Rey?" He introduced himself simply, and then asked about my dad.

"Yeah, he is my dad. What are you writing in that book?" I replied affirming his guess and asked about what he was doing.

"It's nothing much, just my thoughts and ideas about what I want my next book to be about." He had answered nonchalantly.

"Next book?!" I asked, sounding surprised, which I absolutely was.

"Yeah, I already published one, so I am working on my next one. I am thinking of the possibility of writing about dinosaurs this time." He replied again in that nonchalant tone like it was no big deal.

"What is the name of your first book?" I asked wanting to know what he had written.

"It's called Ben 10: Hero Time" his tone remained flat, very unlike a teenager who would be proud of his accomplishment.

But, I was startled by hearing his answer. After all this was the book that my younger brother had been fervently praising for the last three weeks. He usually gets bored with a book he read in a few days, but this one kept him hooked for weeks.

He had already re-read it over 10 times, and now I have come to find out that the author of such an acclaimed graphic novel is a young man who appeared to be around my age. I was amazed at Mark's talent and wanted to know more about how he did it.

"How old were you when you wrote it? Did you write it yourself? Did you come up with the drawings and look for the aliens as well?" I asked in rapid succession, unable to hold back my curiosity.

Mark looked stunned and then chuckled briefly. "Slow your roll, Eva, it's not like I am going to run off somewhere."

He put aside the book, thought about my questions for a while, and then answered smoothly.

"Well in the order of your questions, I was ten years old when I started writing Ben 10, yes I did write it myself while taking some help from my mom to look up information and research some details for the book. Like geography, distance between the planets, etc."

"I came up with the looks of my aliens myself as well. Obviously, some changes were made to aliens on the behest of my mother and the artist, who helped me improve my drawings and their color scheme as well. It was a collaborative effort, I would say."

"But she didn't want to take credit for her work. In her own words, she said, "You already knew what the aliens should look like. You just didn't know how to get there, so I just simply pushed you through."

"Now I am thinking about hiring her for all my future projects and getting her to help me with the artwork and design."

"That's incredible" I whispered in awe. "Thanks" Mark said, blushing lightly, not really used to compliments from peers.

~ Flashback Ends ~

That's how I became friends with Mark, and our friendship and bond only became stronger over the years. I had watched him grow and achieve success beyond imagination as an author.

His rise was meteoric and unimpeded, with only hit novels in his repertoire and all of them becoming New York bestsellers. He had become a world renowned author with his ability to create masterpieces that resonated with audiences worldwide.

But my admiration for Mark goes beyond his creative and artistic abilities. Though he is bit plain in his looks with a strong jawline but his piercing emerald eyes just drew me in, made me fall for him hard.

But the thing I personally love the most about him is how he cares for those who are close to him, like his friends and family. He has always treated me with utmost respect and saw me as a friend, oblivious to the feelings that he stirred within me. But I couldn't help but find myself captivated by his charisma and magnetism.

As he walked in, Mark's warm smile greeted me, and I felt my heart skip a beat. His presence alone was intoxicating, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of adoration wash over me.

He was dressed in an elegant suit, his long hair tied up neatly in a low ponytail, giving him an effortlessly classy look.

~ Third Person POV ~

~ Back in present time ~

She looked up from her desk, her eyes lighting up with joy as she saw him.

"Mark!" she exclaimed, rising from her seat. "You're here! I've been eagerly waiting to discuss your new project."

He smiled, appreciating her genuine enthusiasm.

"Eva dear, you look stunning as usual," He replied warmly, complimenting her, as he took his seat across from her after giving her a hug.

"I have something important to discuss with you today. A task that I can only trust you to complete."

Her eyes widened with a mixture of gratitude and happiness, because of the trust he was putting in her. She somewhat knows about his habit of not trusting other people.

"I have here a list of people," He began, sliding a file across the desk, "of the people I wish to recruit for my core film production team. But I've purposely left a lot of spots open. I want you to suggest some CAA artists for the crew. I trust your judgment and eye for talent. This is a chance for you to shine."

Her face lit up, a mix of surprise and gratitude washing over her. She understood the significance of this gesture, recognizing the immense favor he was bestowing upon her.

"Oh, Mark," she whispered, her voice filled with emotion. "Thank you. This means the world to me. I won't let you down." He nodded, appreciating her heartfelt response. The bond of friendship between them remained strong.

After knowing each other for almost a decade, he still couldn't figure out why she became an agent and not an actress or model. She had the face of an angel with the most beautiful shimmering green eyes he had ever seen. If he wasn't scared of ruining their current relationship, he would have asked her to be his.

But he knew what he wanted in this life, and didn't want to manipulate her into loving him and accepting the idea of him having a harem.


~ Evelyn's POV ~


His words echoed in my mind, and I felt a swell of gratitude. Mark had given me an opportunity to prove myself, to show him my worth. I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of indebtedness towards him.

My admiration and affection for him grew stronger with every passing moment I shared with him, and now, with this task, it felt like a chance to repay him in some small way.

As Mark continued to explain the details, my thoughts began to drift. I couldn't help but imagine a future where I could confess my love to him, where I could worship him as my god and follow his every command.

I envisioned myself by his side, loyal and devoted, supporting him in his every endeavor, whether it be conquering Hollywood or making the Hollywood starlets desperate for his attention, fighting to be the one to bed him and earn his favor.

I want to be there when it happens, kneeling by his bedside like a good pet for my master. Just his presence and authoritative demeanor made me wet on so many occasions that I have lost count. I yearned for his touch, his smile, and the mere thought of being with him sent shivers down my spine and butterflies in my stomach.

But reality pulled me back. I knew that confessing my love would risk our friendship, and I couldn't bear the thought of losing him. So, I buried my feelings deep within, vowing to keep them hidden, a secret locked away in the recesses of my heart.

With newfound determination, I focused on the task at hand. I would make sure to bring the best talents to Mark's team, going above and beyond his expectations.

I'd prove myself as more than just an agent, I'd also prove myself as a trustworthy friend who'd always be there for him.

As the meeting concluded, I left Mark's office with a renewed sense of purpose. The weight of my unspoken love lingered, but it fueled my dedication to him.

I would remain loyal and devoted, supporting him from the shadows, even if it meant suppressing my own desires. Walking down the hallway, the monologue in my mind continued, a secret symphony of longing and devotion.

I was his agent, his confidante, and in my heart, his unrequited lover. And as I drove out into the sun-drenched streets of Los Angeles, I knew that my journey with Mark Spencer was far from over, even if it meant walking in the shadows of his greatness forever.






{Author's Note: And bam here we are introduced to a new character Evelyn Thorne, Mark's old friend, confidante and a one-sided slightly obsessed yandere lover.

She is harmless though dont worry, won't be running after Mark with a knife anytime in this book (hopefully) hahaha, i am just joking. Or am I?

I tried my best to write character interactions in this one with the povs of Mark and Evelyn. Please tell me how you liked it or not? I tried writing more details so you could better imagine the world of Mark. I think I was somewhat successful.

But please share your feedback and thoughts with me. Anyways, Thanks for reading my work. I am entirely motivated by interaction, suggestions and feedback. Please leave a comment or review about what you liked or disliked about my book.

If you like my work please throw a power stone my way so my book can climb the rankings. I hope you all have a beautiful day.

Update schedule for this book: 1 chapter every 2 days.}