11. Meeting Uncle Steve.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works. If you recognize it from somewhere else, surprise, it isn't mine.


Recap of the previous chapter –

Mark had met Evelyn to give her the recruitment list. We see a glimpse of the Thrombey family house and things from evelyn's pov and little flashback about their first meeting. And Evelyn's hidden feelings for Mark are shown.


~ Mark's POV ~


April 12th, 1990, same day, 2:29 pm, in the meeting room.


As Evelyn was leaving, he thought about using the Character Evaluation skill on her, to get a feel for how the skill works.

'Character Evaluation Activate'

[Name: Evelyn Thorne

Age: 22

Current Relationship: Friend, Agent.

Favorability (towards Mark): 96/100

Hidden desires: To be in a relationship with Mark and ...

Hidden Kinks: Submissive, cuckquean, praise kink, ...

Thoughts about Mark: admired, devoted and in love.]

'What the hell, this can't be real, she is in love with me? Am I that clueless?' Mark's thoughts were spiraling as he came to find out that his close childhood friend was actually in love with him and not just love but with such kinks and some hidden desires that most people couldn't even fathom, let on the rest of the hidden kinks and desires.

'Vani, why can't I see the rest of Evelyn's hidden desires?' Mark asked out of curiousity.

[Well Mark, that's because you need to interact with that person more, use your skill more often on that person, then you will be able to reveal more of that person's hidden desires.]

'It's easy to do. I just need to see Evelyn more often and use the skill on her as much as I can. I only wanted to see their loyalty level, and their thoughts about me.' Mark thought to himself, feeling quite satisfied with the results of the skill.

Mark looked at his watch and the time was 2:34 PM. He thought about grabbing a hearty lunch at the Otium. His seat was already booked, he looked forward to getting the full experience at the renowned contemporary restaurant.




Date/Time: 12th April, 4:55 pm


~ Mark's POV ~

Mark's heart raced with excitement as he stood outside the sleek glass doors of the prestigious law firm, his gaze fixed on the brass plate that read "Steve Anderson, Esq. - Corporate Lawyer."

He took a deep breath, adjusting his suit jacket, and pushed open the door, entering the bustling reception area.

The polished marble floors gleamed under the soft glow of the lights, while the sound of hushed conversations and ringing phones filled the air.

Mark's eyes scanned the room until they settled on a petite, beautiful woman standing near a bookshelf, engrossed in a file. He instantly recognised her as his uncle's secretary, Donna.

Mark approached with a mix of anticipation and excitement, his footsteps echoing on the marble. As he drew closer, Donna looked up, her eyes widening with recognition and a warm smile lighting up her face.

"Mark!" Donna exclaimed, setting the file aside, and reached forward for a hug. "It's so good to see you. What brings you to the law firm?"

Mark hugged Donna casually while keeping a polite distance, returning the smile.

"Donna, it's great to see you too. I actually came here because I need Uncle Steve's advice and expertise. I have a dream and I want to open my own film studio."

Donna's eyes sparkled with curiosity and interest. "A film studio? That's ambitious, Mark. I've always known you had a passion for the arts. Tell me more."

They walked together towards Steve's office, passing by busy lawyers in sharp suits and walls adorned with degrees and accolades.

Mark explained his concept for Eidolon Entertainment, the film studio he envisioned, with an enthusiasm that was impossible to contain.

"I want to create a haven for filmmakers, a place where creativity flourishes, where innovative stories come to life on the silver screen," Mark said, his voice brimming with determination.

"I want to foster a community of passionate artists, providing them with the resources, guidance, and support they need to create compelling and thought-provoking films."

Donna listened attentively, her professional demeanor mingling with a genuine sense of interest in his dream.

As they entered Steve's office, she motioned for Mark to take a seat.

"Mark, you relax here, Steve should be done in a few minutes. Do you need a cup of coffee or tea?"

"I am fine Donna, just a glass of water, chilled if possible." Mark requested, sitting down.

"Of Course, Mark, I will be right back with you". Donna left with that.

'Hmm, Uncle Steve should be finished soon. Hopefully my ambition doesn't make him think of me as an arrogant, young man who doesn't know his limits,' Mark thought to himself.

Mark was lost in his morbid thoughts about his uncle thinking that he was too out of this league or that maybe he should start small.

This train of thought ended with the entrance of Steve Anderson. Dressed smartly in a gray suit-pant ensemble, looking like part of society's elite.

"Mark!" Steve inquired, "How have you been, my boy?! You had previously discussed the possibility of setting up a studio over the phone. Is that why you are here?" He asked while settling himself behind the impressive wooden desk adorned with past mementos.

"Yes, Uncle Steve, I want your help in establishing an entertainment group and two movie studios under it. I need your help with legally registering it and also to hire staff to handle the paperwork. I already have enough capital saved from my investments, your contacts would be a godsend for me." Mark replied with an earnest tone.

"Mark, I'm incredibly proud of you for pursuing your passion" Steve said, his voice carrying a hint of admiration.

"Opening a film studio is no small feat, but with the right guidance and legal structure, it can certainly be done. Let's discuss the steps you need to take, the legal aspects you'll need to consider, and how I can help you navigate the complexities of starting your own business." Steve replied with calm tone, feeling confident that he will take care of all of Mark's worries.

"Thank you, Uncle Steve. I deeply appreciate your support and having confidence in me, that I can achieve my dream." Mark expressed his feelings in a slightly emotional tone, feeling touched that his uncle believed in him.

"Don't get emotional on me, Mark. I am your Godfather, I have seen you grow up. Your journey from an 11-year-old, writing and publishing in his first novel to having every single one of your published works become a New York Times bestseller." Steve replied seriously, explaining why he thought Mark would mostly like succeed.

"You are a visionary Mark, you have a gift, the kinds of stories you come up with are the kind that go on to have a mass following. Just that Ben 10 series of yours has over 50 million in sales."

"Mark, with such tales in your possession, if you can recreate even just a fraction of their charm on the silver screen, then you will become a legend in Hollywood." He ended his explanation with a kind smile and reassurance.

"Yeah, Mark, you should really see him when he is bragging about you to his friends." Donna said, as she entered with a glass of chilled water.

Mark drank some of it to cool himself and said with some sass, "My goal was to recreate them in their entirety but still thanks for the vote of confidence uncle," trying to keep his cheeks from blushing due to the praise his uncle and Donna were pouring out on him.

"Well, you guys, talk, I will be right outside in case you need something." Donna left gracefully after that.

"Well don't thank me too early. Here, meet Harry Clarke, my apprentice and best man, he is a huge fan of yours and a man you can trust." Steve said, gesturing towards the new entrant.

Mark noticed the young man stepping into the room, he looked to be in his early 30s, sporting a neatly trimmed beard and a slightly large nose, and was dressed in a classy black and gray suit.

Mark got up to shake his hand and introduce himself, "Hi, I am Mark Spencer but you may know me as Marc Spector."

The stranger replied, extending his hand for a shake, "I am Harry, it's an honor finally meeting you Mark, I have heard a lot about from Steve."

"Only good things, I hope." Mark said, trying to keep things light.

"Absolutely, I am a fan of your work as well. I hope you could please sign an autograph later on for me and my family." Harry requested.

"Of course, I am always happy to meet a fan." Mark replied.

"Ok, that's enough introductions from you two. Let's get down to business, Mark, what is your purpose for establishing two different studios under Eidolon Entertainment?" Steve asked, trying to get the conversation on track.

"Well, Uncle, I wanted to make a clear distinction in my style of work." Mark start out explaining his idea with creating separate studios.

"The first studio, Nirvana Pictures, will be for movies that mostly I will direct, write and produce myself. It's going to be my signature, with an emphasis on pleasing both the audience and the critics. I will be the one making full investments into this studio, as I want to have full control over my work with no interference."

"Mark, you know very well that one of the unsaid rules of film production is to NEVER invest your own money into it." Steve said, trying to understand Mark's thought process.

"Well Uncle, it's like you said before," Mark replied with Steve's own words, back at him.

"If you can recreate even just 10% of their charm on the silver screen, then you will become a Hollywood legend."

"I have a clear vision for my work, Uncle. I have already finished creating the Knives Out Thrombey family estate to scale. I am putting all hands on deck, I am all in on this." Mark said with full confidence.

"Well, with such conviction and clear vision, I am sure you won't fail and even if you do just keep at it. So, what about the other studio? What is it for?" Harry asked with interest.

"Ah that well I want to make something just for the general movie watching audience as well you know just a mass entertainer." Mark replied smoothly.

"Those kinds of movies will be made by my second film studio - A-Team Productions, these films will be produced by me but with different directors and crew. I will only serve as the executive producer for this studio." He said explaining his role in the studios operations.

"I see, so basically this studio is there to make a distinction in your work so that the critics don't poke a hole through you with their words." Steve replied making his assumption.

"Yeah, you got it, uncle." Mark replied with a sigh.

Mark was thinking of how the critics still hold an important sway over the public opinion.

'Well, thankfully, it's only for a few more years before the internet gets popular, and the influence of the traditional newspaper critics decline.' Mark thought, hopefully.

"Uncle there is also another topic that I wanted to discuss with you, I hope you will be able to help me out with it. I have a script, Its story is a bit close to something which has already been done." Mark explained his situation slowly.

"But I have kept the plot different, with only its concept being the same and maybe its name. I wanted to know if I film it, will I need to change the name of the movie or will I be infringing on some copyright drama?" Mark asked with anticipation.




Over the next two hours, Mark, Steve and Harry delved into a detailed discussion about contracts, intellectual property rights, financing options, and the various legal intricacies involved in establishing Eidolon Entertainment and its two subsidiary studio's Nirvana Pictures and A-Team Productions.

Mark soaked up his uncle's advice like a sponge, grateful for the invaluable guidance and expertise he was receiving.

As the meeting concluded, Mark couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of determination and confidence. With his uncle's support, his dream of creating Eidolon Entertainment seemed more tangible than ever before. Standing outside the law firm once again, he bid farewell to his uncle, their conversation echoing in his mind.

Mark took a deep breath, his gaze fixed on the bustling cityscape before him. Armed with knowledge, passion, and the unwavering support of his uncle, he was ready to embark on the challenging yet rewarding journey of building his own film empire -

A place where dreams could be captured on celluloid, and Eidolon Entertainment would shine as a beacon of artistic expression and inclusivity in the industry, giving a chance to people of talent to showcase their gifts regardless of race, religion, country of origin, etc.



{Author's Note: And bam, here we are introduced to three new original characters briefly – Uncle Steve, Donna and Harry. Uncle Steve and Donna will be featured in small scenes throughout my book. Like getting a small POV or being mentioned in a passing conversation.

Whereas, Harry Clarke will be shown throughout the story more frequently as he will help Mark in all his day-to-day lawyer required tasks.

Anyways, Thanks for reading my work. I am entirely motivated by interaction, suggestions and feedback. Please leave a comment or review about what you liked or disliked about my book.

If you like my work please throw a power stone my way so my book can climb the rankings. I hope you all have a beautiful day

Update schedule for this book: 1 chapter every 2 days.}