15. Meeting Steven Spielberg.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works. If you recognize it from somewhere else, surprise, it isn't mine.


Recap of the previous chapter –

We explore the scene from Melissa's POV, see them have lunch together. Mark discusses the plans in the short term, delegates tasks to his friends based upon their skills and abilities.

While letting know the current situation they are in together. Evelyn tells him that he has been invited by Mr. Spielberg to discuss a deal.




~ Mark's POV ~


April 14th, 1990, next day morning, 05:53 am, Jogging in his estate.


He got up early in the morning to go for a little run, by the time he was back home. Most of the occupants had already gotten up, after taking care of his morning ablution. He starts cooking everyone a generous and filling breakfast.

He stood in the spacious kitchen, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air. Seven plates awaited, and he knew exactly what to make: egg shakshuka, a dish that never failed to impress.

But first he decided to prepare a side dish. He cut off the head of four garlic cloves, seasoned them with salt, pepper, olive oil and just a touch of chili flakes on one of them. Then he put them side by side on a small skillet, covered it with a lid and put it in the oven for about 40 minutes.

He heated the olive oil into two large cast-iron skillets, the sizzle filling the room. Chopping onions, bell peppers, and garlic, their vibrant colors painted a picture of deliciousness. As the vegetables softened, he added crushed tomatoes, cumin, and paprika, creating a rich, aromatic base.

Cracking eggs into the tomato sauce, the whites danced and sizzled, while the yolks solidified. He sprinkled a handful of fresh parsley on top, the verdant green adding a touch of freshness to the dish. A final dash of salt and pepper completed the masterpiece.

He toasted some bread, rubbing butter all over it and pulled the roasted garlic from the oven. It had softened enough to be spread like soft butter over the toasted bread. After that he garnished it with some parsley and dried oregano.

Placing the skillets in the center of the table, he admired the vibrant colors and tantalizing aroma. Then he placed the delicious toasted garlic bread on their plates and breakfast was prepared.

He was about to go call them when the doors swung open, and his friends entered, their eyes widening with anticipation.

Together, they savored each bite, laughter and chatter filling the room, united by the magic of good food and friendship.

He was half way done with his meal when Evelyn told him about his schedule for the day.

"Mark you got your meeting with Mr. Spielberg at 10:30 am. I will be driving you there, it's a great opportunity for me to make connections. I hope you don't mind." Evelyn asked at the end.

"Well I will be discussing the distribution deal so I will need you there with me anyways." He replied not understanding why he would mind her presence.

"Where is the meeting supposed to take place? Are we meeting at the Universal Studio or some other place?" Mark asked.

"Well it's not Universal I will tell you that." Evelyn teased not giving him the desired answer.

Mark replied exasperated, "then where am I going, I need to dress appropriately eva. First impressions are very important, you know that and I want to build a good connection with the man.

Evelyn decided to end his suffering and answered with a grin. "Well then, you should dress casually, for we are invited to Mr. Spielberg's house the Pacific Palisades, you are scheduled for a meet up and then lunch."

"I-I.. see." Mark said slowly in awe. He knew he would go places in Hollywood, it was an inevitability with the advantages he had.

But never did he imagine it would be this quick. Looks like his books have had a much larger impact than he thought.

He will need to tweak the plans again and even speed up the IP acquisition part to be executed before the release of Jurassic Park.

Because after that movie earns 1 billion dollars in the global box office, It will paint a huge red target on his back, his every action will be monitored and scrutinized.

But such is the price of success.

'Eh it's alright nothing to worry about now, I should just focus on the present. I need to get my studio set up and pre-production started, if I want to catch up for the fall season that only leaves me five months to finish filming and editing the movie.'

'Even with my future knowledge it will be a tight deadline. But I really don't want to fight the Big Five studios in the Christmas file.'



~ Evelyn's POV ~



"Are you feeling nervous?" She asked, glancing at Mark from the corner of her eyes. Mark, being the gentleman, volunteered to drive.

She was grateful as she really hated driving through L.A. traffic.

"Nah I am fine, it's just that this thing really came out of nowhere for me. You know how private he likes to keep his personal life, so for him to invite me into his home suddenly, it's a big thing." Mark explained why he was feeling a little flustered.

It was also because he was a big fan of his filmography. Watching Jurassic park along with his mom was one of his favorite childhood memories.

Evelyn said, "Hmm well, don't worry about it too much. I can already guess why he wants to meet up with you and even go so far as to set up this meeting in his own home."

"I know it's because of my books, I haven't done the same with my movies yet." Mark replied with confidence.

'Yet, he just says it so effortlessly and with such confidence like it is the only possible outcome. I know with his foresight and planning, it's only a matter of "when" and not "if" he is going to achieve it.'

'Fuck that's hot.' Evelyn thought to herself feeling aroused. She could feel panties getting slightly wet. She shook her head and rolled down the windows to get some fresh air and divert her attention from the hunk sitting on her left.



~ Mark's POV ~



Mark said, "Hey Eva, can you call up the screenwriters that I am hiring and have them meet me separately."

"I want to meet them earlier than the rest of the crew. I want to get them set up as early as possible." Mark explained while thinking about the location for his future studio.

He thought about the place and decided to let Eva know about what he had decided on and also to ask for her opinion.

Mark said, "you remember the huge chain of buildings I bought on 1000 flower street along with the nearby warehouses. I am thinking about turning that place into my headquarters for Eidolon Entertainment."

"I was thinking about starting small and as I get more capital, I will keep renovating and expanding it. I have already bought the surrounding land as well. What do you think?" Mark asked Evelyn for her thoughts.

Evelyn was dazed; she really needed to get used to his preparedness. After thinking a while she answered. "Mark, it will definitely work. Just don't forget to provide me with a detailed structure plan about how you want to divide the two studios in that space. We need to keep things clear and separated or it will lead to chaos."

Mark replied thanking, "Thanks for the heads up eva, I keep that in mind."



~ Mark's Direct POV ~


Date/Time: 14th April, 10:27 am.



We had arrived at the grand gates of Steven Spielberg's estate, my was heart pounding with excitement and nervous anticipation. This was man whom I had looked upto as an idol my whole life and admired him from afar.

I had dreamt about living the same kind of he did and now here I was, at his home, being invited into his house as an honoured guest. It was surreal, but I had to get used to this feeling after all this was my life and I absolutely loved it.

As a successful author and aspiring director, this meeting held the potential to boost my career and the reach of my first film to heights I could only imagine. It would decide whether I would be having a smooth journey through using the connections of Universal and Mr. Spielberg or have to rough it out on my own.

Either way it would be an interesting ride, even though I planned for some of it. I still couldn't believe that my plan had worked so perfectly. I thought I would have to somehow get into contact and indirectly influence Mr. Spielberg that my book is worthy of his consideration.

Just the fact that Steven Spielberg himself had invited me to his house to discuss the possibility of adapting my book, Jurassic Park, into a movie. It was the culmination of all my planning to get here, at this point in time. I wasn't "lucky", I created this scenario and did my best to achieve it.

The gates of 'Pacific Palisades' Steven Spielberg's multi-million dollar mansion slowly swung open, revealing a sprawling mansion surrounded by lush greenery. The driveway led us towards the entrance and; Eva and I couldn't help but marvel at the opulence of the surroundings.

As I stepped out of my car, a wave of excitement washed over me, accompanied by a tinge of anxiety. I took a deep breath, steadying myself, and looked at Eva. She was looking nervous as well now.

I gave her a nod and put out my elbow, she slid her arm around it and gave me a squeeze as if to assure me that everything will be just fine. I took a deep breath and approached the front door. I rang the doorbell and patiently waited for the owner to invite us in.

The door swung open, and there he stood, the man who had brought countless stories to life on the silver screen. Steven Spielberg extended his hand with a warm smile. "Mr. Spector, it's a pleasure to meet you. Come on in."

I shook his hand, trying to conceal my awe. "Thank you, Mr. Spielberg. And please call me, Marc, sir. It's an honor to be here. I am fan of your work."

"And you must be Evelyn, thanks for finally setting up this meeting." Steve said, shaking Eva's hand. Then turning around to lead them inside the house with a welcoming gesture for them to enter.

He continued saying, "I have been trying to get in touch with the author of Jurassic Park before but you remained quite the mystery with only doing your deals through a lawyer or your manager and never showing up yourself."

I stayed silent not wanting to interrupt him as he seemed to want to get something off his chest.

"Your fans really did choose a very suiting title for you – The Elusive Spector. The Unseen One. You're so daring that you didn't even go to pick up the award you won for The Boys. The enormous crowd of reporters gathered at scene was a sight to watch, all going crazy just to catch a glimpse of you."

"But what they will be definitely be going crazy about in the future that you hid right beneath their nose the whole time while they frantically tried to find for an exclusive."

"How do you think they will react if they knew that the academic genius – Marc Spector who graduated from NYFA with multiple degrees in the various fields of filmmaking is the same person as the Marc Spector they crowned as the God of Creation."

We entered the house, and I was immediately struck by the elegant interior. The walls were adorned with movie posters and photographs, a testament to the incredible legacy Spielberg had already created and with many more to come in the future.

We made our way to a spacious living room, where comfortable chairs were arranged around a coffee table.

As we settled into our seats, Mr. Spielberg leaned back and said, "I must admit, I was captivated by your book, The Jurassic Park. It has all the elements of a thrilling blockbuster. I would love be given the opportunity to bring it to life on the big screen."

A surge of joy coursed through me. "I can't express how grateful I am, Mr. Spielberg. Your films have inspired me throughout my writing career, and to have you interested in my work is beyond my wildest dreams."

We spent the next few hours discussing movies, books, and storytelling. Spielberg shared his insights and experiences, and I hung onto every word.

His passion for the craft was infectious, and I found myself inspired by his commitment to creating meaningful and entertaining stories. I felt an instant connection with maybe it because mentally we're actually closer in age or maybe it because of our shared love for the art of storytelling and cinema.

But I decided to reveal my true name to him, he his compliment he didn't really react much. Except for the appreciation in his eyes that I felt comfortable enough with him to share such a secret. After I explained why I hid my name and would probably even hide my face when the time came for my eventual public appearance.

After our conversation, a butler escorted us to a beautifully set dining table. Lunch was served, and as we enjoyed the delicious meal, our conversation shifted towards the intricacies of adapting a novel into a screenplay.

Spielberg's knowledge and expertise in the field were evident, and I soaked up every bit of advice he offered.

Mark began his plan, "Steven, I think after the pleasant conversation we shared, you must have gotten to know me somewhat. I treat my creations like my own children."

He explained eloquently, "I want the best for them, I want to present them to the world in their best version possible. It is one of the reasons I wanted to meet you."

"After getting to know you better, I know with your passion and drive, you would do justice to my work and create a movie that will be remembered."

Here he changed his tone, finally revealing his hidden agenda. "But as you know, I am a director as well. And even though I haven't officially started out in Hollywood, I know its traditions and rules."

"The thing is Steven, I like to have full creative control over my work, till the very last clip is edited and the film gets completed in post production."

"The only way I found to achieve this is by producing and directing my own movies. As such I have decided to establish my own Movie studio."

Mark explained his concept for Eidolon Entertainment, the film studio he envisioned, with an enthusiasm that was impossible to contain.

"I want to create a haven for filmmakers, a place where creativity flourishes, where innovative stories come to life on the silver screen," Mark said, his voice brimming with determination.

"I want to foster a community of passionate artists, creatives and provide them with the resources, guidance, and support they need to create compelling and thought-provoking films. Films that make the their viewers feel emotional and just move them."

Steven himself felt moved by Mark's dream after all he knew very well first hand how many hoops and fires he had to pass through to be recognised enough to get the right to be the executive producer of his films, it was only a recent development in E.T.

He wished Mark success for he felt like creating his studio as well maybe after the filming of Jurassic Park. His friends Jeffrey and David had been insisting on walking their own path in hollywood.

And now he sees Mark a new, upcoming director with enough guts and determination to blaze his own path and create a studio. It lit a fire in him as well.

To forge ahead his own path and create the Studio of his dream, where he would be free from all the Hollywood studios politics and just focus on his work.

He heard about the Knives Out he was filming from the talks it would take him around $25-30 million dollars to complete.

To use such an expensive film as his debut was just crazy but he knew of Mark's conviction and vision for the film. His gut told him that Mark was most certainly going to succeed in this crazy gamble.

Mark earnestly requested. "But I still lack connections and a reputation, so I need your help Steven. I want to use Universal Studio's marketing and distribution channels for my films."

"If you are able to help me acquire the resources of Universal, I will gladly let you adapt Jurassic Park, hell I'll even write the script for you myself. Though I am adamant about not selling the movie adaptation for perpetuity and will be adding some stipulations to the deal."






{Author's Note: And here we see Steven Spielberg the legendary Hollywood director before he became a superstar director with Jurassic Park.

I devoted an entire chapter to this because I wanted to show Mark build a rapport with the guy. Afterwards Mark will be squeezing him dry for all the benefits. After all i hope you all remember Mark is a manipulative MC with only his own (family & friends as well) self interest at heart.

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Update schedule for this book: 1 chapter every 2 days.}