16. Demands and Writing [Redacted].

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works. If you recognize it from somewhere else, surprise, it isn't mine.


Recap of the previous chapter –

Mark's plans are finally coming along, he gets an invite to Steven Spielberg's house to discuss the adaptation of his book Jurassic Park into a movie.

They talk mostly about movies and books and Mark uses this opportunity to make a good impression on Steven. By the end of the meeting Mark tells Steven about his requests/demands he has for Universal.


~ Mark's POV ~

April 14th, 1990, same day, 04:53 pm, in Mr. Spielberg's mansion.

I am willing to give Universal, the movie adaptation rights for Jurassic Park for the next 10 years, against which I have a few demands –

1. Allow me to be the official Screenplay Writer for the movie. With due credit.

2. Allow my company Eidolon Entertainment to use Universal's Marketing & Distributor channels to advertise and release my next 2 films.

3. Allow my company Eidolon Entertainment to use Universal's International Marketing & Distributor channels to globally advertise and release my next 10 films.

4. Universal is obligated to fulfill conditions 2 and 3 without trying to pressure Eidolon Entertainment into selling the movie rights of sequels of any movies released, through any shape or form.

"Of course, Universal will be getting their fair share of the deal, the Marketing and Distributor's cut. And we will give priority to Universal's channels in the future as well if we are given favorable conditions. Obviously, with stipulations for accurate bookkeeping and audits for the profits from the box office revenue" Mark ended his demands.

Steven replied calmly, "wow you really are a taskmaster huh Mark. The first and second conditions are easy to fulfill. But if your movie is a box office hit, then it's really hard to guess how the studio will behave."

"Anyway, I will try my best to see that your requests are heard." Steven said thinking about how to fulfill Mark's request so that he can get to film Jurassic Park.

Mark said, trying to show his gratitude, "Steven as a friend I am saying this now, it might seem a bit presumptuous of me to say this. But I still want you to know that you will always have a place in my studio. If you ever feel stifled or restricted by the Big Five Studios, come talk to me, and we will set you up. So that you can once again have full creative freedom and control over your work."

The afternoon slipped away in a blur of laughter, anecdotes, and shared enthusiasm. I felt a deep connection with Spielberg, a kindred spirit bound by our love for storytelling and filmmaking.

As the sun began to set, I knew that this meeting had marked a pivotal moment in my life. The chance to collaborate with Steven Spielberg on bringing Jurassic Park to life was an opportunity I couldn't miss.

With gratitude and a renewed sense of purpose, I bid farewell to Spielberg, knowing that our paths would cross again on the set of an epic adventure that would captivate audiences around the world.








~ Evelyn's POV ~

Date/Time: 14th April, 05:47 pm




On their way back, she asked Mark, "Mark, you seem to be very confident that Jurassic Park will be successful. So much so that you made it a mandatory clause in your demands that you want to be the credited screenplay writer of Jurassic Park."

"Of course I am, Eva. Throughout my discussion with him, I was observing him, trying to understand him. Mark started explaining, "I wanted to know what's his vision for the adaptation? Does he really know the soul of my work? Will he be able to do it justice and create a work that I would be proud to call an adaptation of my book?"

"From the way he spoke, I could sense his conviction and vision for the movie. It will be great, I can almost guarantee it's going to be a blockbuster."

"But he is missing something, I want to be the screenplay writer, so I can help him find what he is missing and maybe take the movie to a higher level." Mark ended with an optimistic vision.

She asked curiously, "What is it that he is missing? He is the Steven Spielberg."

"Eva", Mark called out, admonishing. "No matter how great or renowned somebody is, it doesn't mean they can always see the whole picture. They might miss certain details, that's why collaborating with others, with a humble mindset, is the only way to do a better job. After all, filmmaking is not a one person's job." Mark explained patiently.

Mark wanted Eva to understand that perfection trumps ego. It's why he gave the task of fixing the script to Jess, because that's her strength and he wanted her to get some experience writing official movie scripts for a change.

But the real reason why Mark is so adamant in becoming the screenplay writer for Jurassic Park is because of his System's reward. The Character Template item, he knows Jurassic Park will have a global box office of over $1 billion dollars.

He is not sure if he will get the reward as it states the user must be involved in the production of the movie, will being the screenplay writer be enough to trigger the reward?

He doesn't know for sure, but it's worth a try. After all, he doesn't lose much, all he has to do is write the script, and he will have a chance to get the item for free. Now that's what he calls a 200 IQ pro gamer strat.

She was watching the passing trees. After thinking for a while, she glanced at Mark and asked, "so you thought about it that far ahead, were you also aiming for an Oscar nomination for best adapted screenplay?" Her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"Woah, I didn't really think that far ahead, but if I do get it, I would be happy anyway. You know me, eva. It's not like I am obsessed with proving myself with an Oscar." Mark said, trying to dodge the question.

"I think the best proof of a good director is the box office. After all, if people don't even watch your films, can you even continue making them? But there has to be a balance between chasing the box office and making an artistic film. I want to create such movies that are loved by both the general audience and critics, at least in the majority." Mark explained his ambition.





~ Mark's POV ~


Back at the estate, in his study.



He was almost done conceptualizing what he wanted to write as the lore and backstory of the first champion he wanted to introduce. He was trying to give the "Legends of Runeterra" a coherent and easy to understand timeline. So he thought about starting from the very beginning, the one who created the star which Runeterra revolves around.

Yes, you guessed it right, he was writing about Aurelion Sol, a being as old as time itself, known as The Star Forger.

He began writing the background lore of Aurelion Sol -

Chapter 1: Early Existence

He wrote how Sol was a being as old as time itself being born at the beginning of creation, Aurelion Sol and his kin were alive for eons before Runeterra even existed. They wandered through the early universe, seeking to fill it with wonders. Aurelion Sol's passion was creating stars; he forged systems and galaxies as he traveled. He rarely met any equals in power and stayed away from the Aspects, who were egotistical and uninterested in creation, instead focusing on their own philosophies.

Chapter 2: Betrayal and Detainment

When Aurelion Sol returned to one of his earliest creations, he was surprised to see that there was a world orbiting it, a planet he had not formed.

The Aspects seemed invested in this world, Runeterra, where crude civilizations had sprung up. They urged him to come closer and guide the inhabitants. Flattered by the opportunity to have his glory praised, Aurelion Sol descended upon Mount Targon, taking the form of a cosmic dragon.

The Targonians named him Sol, after their sun, and the Aspects demanded they make him a gift to thank him for it. This came in the form of a golden crown, which they offered to him.

As soon as it touched him, though, it became clear that this was no gift. The crown attached to its head, etched with magic so powerful that even he could not remove it. It restricted his powers and placed him firmly in the control of the Aspects.

Aurelion Sol realized what was happening, but before he could retaliate, he was thrown back into space and prevented from coming near Runeterra. With Aurelion Sol at their command, the Aspects channeled his powers into a massive Sun Disc that the mortals had made.

Using his energy, they raised up mortals into god-warriors, and when the first Sun Disc fell, a more powerful one took its place. Aurelion Sol was forced to watch as these Ascended destroyed first their enemies, then Void-creatures, and finally themselves.

The stars he had created began to fade because of neglect, but he was still unable to free himself and help them. The Aspects ferried him between different planets to complete tasks for them, not realizing that the crown's bonds were slowly weakening.

Aurelion Sol decided that when he escaped, he would take revenge on the Aspects and destroy Runeterra for detaining him, and finally got the chance when a series of magical cataclysms rendered the planet almost defenseless.

Mark tried his best to convey Aurelion Sol's contempt and hatred for the aspects and the targonians, he knew the story would shift later on but he wanted to keep it a mystery for now. He would later build upon the lore of Aurelion Sol in the stories of other Legends like Pantheon, Leona, Diana and Zoe.

He ended the part of dragon's lore with Sol's parting words. He thought this line encapsulated Sol's image perfectly.

"When the time comes, I think I'll make an example of Runeterra. Perhaps I'll drag its smoldering husk around with me for all eternity. Like a toy. A dead, worthless toy. I don't know. I've not really thought about it much." - Aurelion Sol.

Mark yawned and stretched his shoulders and neck when he heard a knock on the door.

*Thock* *Thock* *Thock*

"Mark, I got some good news for you." Evelyn said from behind the door.

He said, "Eva, come on in. You know you of all people don't need to knock, if you have something for me."

"No, no, its okay. I don't want to just barge in on you, while you're writing." Evelyn said seriously, "I don't want to distract you, while you're in the zone."

"Well it's alright, so what was the good news about then?" He asked, wanting to get back to his work.

"Well, your recruits of the analyst and script department have been contacted and moved. They are in L.A. now and are ready to meet you at your earliest convenience." Evelyn said with a smile.

"Well, that is some great news, Eva. I need you to call them and set up a meeting here for 10 o'clock in the morning. That should give me enough time to set things up." Mark said, trying to think of the time it would take him to get the drafts ready.

"Also please inform Kevin of the same and tell him I want him to be present for this meeting. Is that everything?" He asked politely so that he could get back to work.

"Yeah, and take care of yourself, Mark. Please don't push yourself too hard." Evelyn said, placing a hand on his shoulder with a concerned look on her face.

He stated with a reassuring smile, "I have had worse, don't worry, I will be fine. And please tell Sarah to get me some coffee, just my usual but with no milk." He ended the conversation with a request.

He went back to writing the next legend.

It was just a few minutes later that there was another knock on the door.

"Come in." Mark called out, continuing to write.

Sarah entered holding a cup of coffee on a small plate. She placed it near him and took a seat across him at his gesture to be seated.

He passed her a sheet of paper with the demands he made to Steven for Universal's consideration. He asked, "Go through it and tell what are the points you think they will try to refuse or use against us."

Sarah knew this was another one of Mark's test. He liked testing their skills to keep them sharp, she just thinks he likes to see them struggle and squirm. She didn't reply, instead focused on the points.

The most obvious answer was screaming at her, but she knew it was not the one Mark was seeking from her. No, she had to look "underneath the underneath" it was after a solid minute of brainstorming that it hit her.

Sarah looked up at Mark from the paper and said with confidence, "You think they will reduce your global reach, by restricting the movie release in some countries or simply delaying the release a few weeks, which could severely damage the global box office of your movies. All this can be done without overtly violating the rules and can't be tracked."

Mark smiled after hearing her answer, he took a sip of his coffee and praised her of her astute answer.

"Brilliant, with just that small piece of information you were able to reach that conclusion. Your power of foresight is even better than mine, Sarah. I am glad you're on my side."

Sarah blushed faintly, she looked right at Mark and said, "You and me both know that's not true you can hide from everyone else, but I know that you knew the box office champions over the years with a 90% accuracy." Trying to deflect.

That's different, Sarah, Mark said earnestly. "My assumptions are based on the quality of the film and my instincts, whereas yours are based on audience preferences, critic reviews, word of mouth reputation and various other factors. It's more reliable and can be improved upon with practice and experience. It can even be taught to someone willing to learn."

"Okay, it's late. You should get some sleep. When you get the script from Jess, do an analysis for audience reception." Mark said trying to get Sarah to sleep.

"Okay, I will be leaving then. You should get to sleep as well, Mark. We aren't in such a time crunch that you need to pull an all-nighter. Please take better care of yourself, Mark." She said earnestly, in a rare display of emotion.

"I will, I promise." Mark said as he handed the cutlery for Sarah to take back.

He decided to finish the draft for his second movie after waking up early morning and went to sleep.



Chapter Title - Demands & Writing Legends of Runeterra.



{Author's Note: and that's a wrap guys, I tried to show Mark write LOR, it came out a little awkward. I hope to get better at it in the future.

The "demands" were hell to write out as I couldn't think of something that would be logically valid for Mark to ask for but still leave a small chance for Universal to try to exploit Mark and then get screwed over by him eventually for even daring to try.

Anyways thanks for reading my work. I am entirely motivated by interaction, suggestions and feedback. Please leave a comment or review about what you liked or disliked about my book.

If you like my work please throw a power stone my way so my book can climb the rankings. I hope you all have a beautiful day

Update schedule for this book: 1 chapter every 2 days.}