26. The Special Night. (I)

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works. If you recognize it from somewhere else, surprise, it isn't mine.




Recap of the previous chapter -

The perspective in the last chapter shifted to Jess showing her thoughts about joining the group, her new novel - Atomic Blonde is on its way to become a New York best seller.

She works on fixing the script of Knives Out and shows her admiration for Peggy's skills and talent. She makes many small changes, like removing, modifying and even adding new scenes to the script.






~ Evelyn's POV ~



Date: April 15th, same day.


Location: In Evelyn's car.


Time: 04:47 pm.



"So, Mark, where to now?" She asked, looking at him intent.

Tonight she felt something was different about him and couldn't help but fantasize about being together with him.

Mark answered while keeping his eyes on the road, "well we're going to your favorite, The Red Lotus, for a late lunch and some takeout."

"And after that, I have something very special to show you." He said with an affectionate smile.

Evelyn couldn't believe her ears. Mark was taking her out to eat at her favorite restaurant.

The surprising fact wasn't him knowing about her favorite place, she couldn't recall, but she might have told him about it before.

It was the fact that he had gotten a reservation at "The Red Lotus". Despite opening up less than two years back, it was already one of the best places to eat in LA.

There is at least a month-long waiting list for getting a dine-in reservation at the place. So she was quite surprised about how Mark had even gotten a reservation at The Red Lotus, when he had only been in L.A. for barely a week.

But she ignored it, because she was overwhelmed with happiness. Due to Mark's affectionate behaviour, she was so happy that she was even willing to endure her distaste for eating out in public places.

Usually she would just order take out and eat it in her room or office as soon as possible, to not ruin the flavor.

But now that the love of her life is taking her out to eat, she will endure it happily with a smile on her face.

She had been inside the place and loved the decor and the ambience, but due to her personal aversion to eating out in public, she was never able to dine in.

After they had arrived, Mark got out first, went around to open the door for Evelyn. She thanked with a kiss on the cheek, he smiled at her and stretched out his arm to take hers.

He handed the car key to a valet and made his way to the Maître d'.

He asked if they had a reservation, to which Mark replied, "yeah, it's a special under Spencer & Spector."

After checking his list, he nodded and then politely requested them to follow him.

He took them to the back end section of the restaurant. The huge dining area was separated into three different sections.

And to her surprise, their section was completely empty, after she sat down with Mark at their table. She couldn't hold in her curiosity.

"You did this?" She asked, her eyes glimmering with happiness.

Mark simply nodded. "Of course, I know this is your favorite place to eat out, but you have never even once dined-in here before due to your fear."

She held her breath, feeling nervous about Mark knowing about her flaws.

"So I bought out the whole section for the evening, and before you say that it was unnecessary. Don't worry, it didn't cost me a dime." Mark said with a smile and took her hand in his.

"Why do you own this place? Also, how do you know that I only get take-outs?" She asked jokingly at first, but then was stunned by her realization.

"He does, actually," came a woman's voice.

As she turned, she saw a beautiful woman dressed as a chef's uniform approach their table while pushing a small cart.

She looked like she was in her late 20s and had a mix of African American and Asian roots.

"Well, at least more than half of it." She said, while uncorking the wine bottle, she had brought.

"You didn't have to bring it out personally, you know." Mark said in an exasperated tone, but he was happy to see his friend again.

"I didn't, but I wanted to meet the woman who you hold so close to your heart." She said, teasing him.

"Hi, I am Patricia Harrington. It's a pleasure finally meeting you, Mark has told me a lot about you." the chef introduced herself to her as she filled both of their glasses with wine.

"Hello, I am Evelyn Thorne. It's a pleasure meeting you as well." She replied, happy to hear the comment about Mark.

"Both of you have ordered, leaner cuts of meat. So I thought a Pinot Noir would pair well with your meal." She said as wiped the bottle and placed it on the table.

"Your orders will be out in 8 mins, and what dessert would Ms. Thorne like?" Patty asked.

"Is there anything on the menu that you would recommend?" Evelyn asked, seeming unsure.

She replied with a generous smile, "well, how about a peach pie with coffee ice-cream."

"But I don't remember seeing a peach pie on the menu." Evelyn said, trying to recall.

She replied with a knowing smile, "It's not, but this is a special night, is it not."

Mark said, changing the topic, "I will have a toffee pudding with two scoops of vanilla ice cream please."

"Of course, I hope you both enjoy the food. See you later, Mark." Patricia said and left with the small cart.

They say quietly and enjoyed the exquisite wine in silence.

Later, Evelyn said with a teasing smile, "so you own the place."

Mark replied with a shrug. "Around 66% of it. Yes."

"You could have told me about it earlier, ya know." She said with a sigh.

"I wanted to surprise you, I hope you like the steaks. I built this place with the favorites of my friends and family in mind." Mark explained to her.

"I just didn't account for it becoming this successful."

That was a lie, though, Patricia had been one of the few women in Mark's previous life to win 2 Michelle stars in the U.S.

He had deliberately approached her, funded her culinary school expenses and even provided the required capital to build this beautiful restaurant.

"Truly suffering from success." She replied with a chuckle.

"Thanks for this special night, though, I really appreciate it." She said, touched by his thoughtful gesture.

Mark replied, "Well, buckle up, because it's not over yet."

They had a great time, talking about their childhood. Feeling nostalgic about the time they spent with each other.

Mark thought this was a great moment and couldn't help but ask a question to her that had been bugging him for quite a while.

Eva, you remember how I always told you that you were beautiful enough to become a supermodel or an actress, but you chose to become an agent instead. Why is that?"

"Hmm" she hummed and then took a sip. She replied, "well, do you remember when you told me your actual dream?"

"You were 14 at that time when you said you wanted to be a director. And all I could think at that moment was, how could I help you achieve that dream? A good director doesn't necessarily need a beautiful actress to help his movie earn money."

"But a competent and loyal agent/manager is always a must-have for any director. So I thought that would be my best shot at helping you achieve your goals."

"Wait, so you dedicated your career to helping me?" Mark asked, stunned, unable to imagine her dedication towards him.

"Yup." She replied nonchalantly like it was no big deal.

"It's not like I had a career I was gravitating towards. So I thought why not just help you out, after all you are the most important person in my life except for my family."

Mark was really stunned by her comment and swore to always take care of her and love her. He really felt bad about deceiving her later, but it had to be done.

After all, he couldn't explain his knowledge about her kinks and obsession because it was provided by his CE skill.

"And I actually love my job now, helping others succeed is a good feeling." She said with a happy smile.

Mark replied, feeling slightly less guilty. "I am glad you do."

"I will get the take-outs, and then we can leave." Mark gestured to the waiter that they were done with their meal.

With their takeouts in the backseats, they were back on the road.

Despite Mark's desire to keep things a surprise, Evelyn had spent years in this city, so she had easily figured out where he was taking her.

"So you're taking me to the studios," she said with a smirk.

"Bingo, but there is no reward for being a smarty-pants." Mark said, pouting at her for ruining the surprise.

However, the jig wasn't entirely up yet. She still hadn't seen the logo or the place that they had building to be his future studio.

"Hey Eva, close your eyes. I want you to see it from the perfect angle." Mark requested.

"Sure, sure," she said as she closed her eyes.

Mark said, "Ok, we have arrived, open your eyes."

As she did, she saw it, on a white background was an abstract shape in blue. She thought it resembled a lotus and Eidolon Entertainment written beneath it in black and white background.

She knew Mark loved creating stuff with hidden meanings and symbolism. So she couldn't help but ask, "is that a lotus?"

"Yup," Mark replied, smiling.

"Why a lotus, though?" She asked, looking at him intently.

He looked towards the huge electronic billboard as he spoke.

"Well, I chose the Lotus because lotuses usually blossom in the muddy waters of a swamp, where the water is all dirty and murky. Yet the Lotus looks so pristine and beautiful."

"I want Eidolon to be just like that, a symbol of purity and prestige in the cesspool of degeneracy that plagues the Hollywood industry. A shining beacon of an example of what everyone else should strive to become."

Well, at least that was the reason he could say that to the public, but there was another hidden meaning behind choosing the lotus as the symbol of his entertainment group.

It's because lotuses are known to bloom twice and the second time they bloom, it's even more beautiful sight to see.

It signified his second chance at life, a second chance where he will find his success and fulfill his dreams.

"I want to give artists a place where they can be free to truly explore their limits of imagination, with no discrimination or biases based on gender or ethnic background." He said at the end, looking back at her.

Evelyn just looked at Mark as he said that, feeling touched by his vision. She knew it won't be easy, but it will be a fulfilling journey by his side.

"Eva, I have something important to say. I love you." He said earnestly with sadness in his eyes.

She replied in an outburst of joy. "What? Mark, that's great, I lo-" but she was cut off by Mark.

"Eva, listen. This isn't a proposal with me asking you out, this is a confession. For I am your sinner."

Eva stopped smiling after hearing him say that, she was feeling nervous and anxious.

He said with a determined look on his face. "Eva you have known me for almost a decade now, I know, I haven't shown you all the skeletons hidden in my closet."

"But you know the kind of man I am, you know my hunger, my drive, my greed, my avarice."

"The truth is, I will never be satisfied with just one woman in my life. I want it all, power, status, wealth and a harem of women catering to my every whim." He said looking down pretending to be ashamed.

"I know, it's absolutely hedonistic of me to say this, but I don't want to lie and pretend like I just think of you as a friend. I don't want to just lead you on thinking that we could be a couple." He said looking towards her, finally taking off a burden off his chest.

"Especially after what you just said back to me, at the restaurant, about choosing your career just to help me succeed. I have come to realize that I can't keep running away from you."

He drew in a breath and said solemnly. "Listen, Eva, I can't be with you, because I can't give a normal exclusive couples relationship." Mark said at the end with some tears in his eyes.

He really was good at acting it up. He knew of her kinks, and he knew exactly how this would play out. But he wanted to do things perfectly, so that she would give herself to him willingly.

And it happened just like he had predicted, after his triage about his flaws and hedonism. Instead of getting angry like a normal person, she had a smile on her face.

"Mark, it's not for you to decide whether I can love you or not. I love you with all my heart, and I don't care if I have to be a part of your harem to be together with you.

"All I care about is being by your side, so am I the first?" She asked him after letting out her feelings.

"The first?" Mark asked, acting dumbfounded.

"The first member of your harem, obviously." Evelyn replied with a giggle.

"Well, yeah, I was so focused on working that I really hadn't had the time to begin. I thought I would start when I get some free time, maybe after the filming is done."

"Great, then I will be the first, the most senior. Establishing a pecking order is very important, I will even help you maintain order in the harem." She said wisely, nodding her head.

"Okay wisecrack, let's go inside, I think this is a conversation we should have somewhere more private."



Alternative Title - 27. The Red Lotus.



{Author's Note: And that's all for today this is a build up chapter leading to the R-18 content of the next chapter.

Another original character is revealed, she isn't that important to the plot and will be rarely seen but she serves as a way for Mark to make money through the food and hospitality industry.

Once again, thanks for reading my work. I am entirely motivated by interaction, suggestions and feedback. So please leave a comment or review and I will probably write faster.

If you like my work please throw a power stone my way so my book can climb the rankings. I hope you all have a beautiful day.

Update schedule for this book: 1 chapter every 2 days.}