29. CAA Shenanigans. R-18

Disclaimer: The story that I have written here takes on the names of real people, but it is not intended to represent them or make any commentary on them whatsoever.

This story is entirely fiction, and it should be viewed entirely as such. I own nothing but my original characters and works.

If you recognize it from somewhere else, surprise, it isn't mine.




Recap of the previous chapter –

Mark and Eva finally have their first time together, it's a passionate coupling where Eva requests to call Mark as daddy.

Their night together ends on a high note with a blowjob and Mark cleaning up after, then cuddling with Eva, the first member of his harem, to sleep.







Date: April 16th, next morning.


Location: inside the bedroom of his office apartment at the HQ.


Time: 06:43 am.




Mark can be seen blissfully asleep, having had a restful sleep after his tango with Eva last night.

Whereas Eva had woken up and already got to work, the outline of her body could be seen on the blanket as she worshiped her master's morning wood.

She was lost in her own world, completely unaware of the passage of time. Just suckling on his cock; and smothering her face on his balls and sucking on them gently.

She heard him groan in pleasure from her ministrations, and she knew he was about to wake up. So she raised her fervor as she wanted him to ejaculate just as he got awake.

Mark's eyes fluttered as he dreamt about Eva giving him a blowjob with such passion and intensity that he couldn't hold back and came down her throat.

His dream broke, as he felt himself cumming down someone's throat. He removed the blanket to see Eva, who was worshipfully sucking his thick, veiny cock.

Leaving kisses on his shaft till she reached the tip and started suckling on it, making sure to get all his seed.

After she gave his cock one last loving slurp and kiss, she let go as she rose up and opened her mouth to show him the huge load he had busted in her mouth.

Mark could see that her mouth was filled to the brim with his seed. He just smiled at her and just commanded, "drink" and without a moment's hesitation she gulped it down with a smile.

After she was done, she opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out all the way out to show that she had swallowed it all.

Mark just smiles and pats her head, he hugs her close and kisses the top of her head. After sometime with them just sharing their warmth, he lifts her up in a princess carry and takes her to the bath.

He fills the tub with warm water and turns on the jacuzzi mode. He gently lowers her into the warm water and takes his time to clean her properly.

He gently massages her thigh muscles and her core as he knew she would be sore from the intense sex from last night.

Even though, he was rock hard and raring to go again for a second round. He knew Evelyn couldn't handle him now, as her vagina was still quite inflamed and needed proper rest.


So he just carefully bathed and toweled her off and laid her down to rest on the bed. He changed into some running T-shirts and sweatpants and made his way to start his morning routine.

He gave her ass an affectionate squeeze and made to leave for his run. Eva groaned as she tried but failed to rise, her bruised core and aching muscles protesting.

"Rest, sweetheart." Mark instructed. "You'll need time to recover, it was our first time together. Spend a few hours in bed. That's an order."

She pouted, "I wanted to make you breakfast before you left. I've been practicing to impress you."

Mark replied, "next time, it's still early, get a few hours of rest. Only then are you permitted to start the contract renewal work, I don't want to see you run yourself haggard."

He added, "you know a Brian Lourd? He must be your senior at the agency. Get him on the table and tell him all about me if he asks, but just the stuff that can be shared with the public."

She recognized the name of the person Mark mentioned as someone rising through the ranks of CAA and was currently a senior agent.

"I will get it done." She replied, agreeing.

"Great, I will see you later than for dinner at the Red Lotus, you can let me know how the deal with Mr. Lourd went." Mark replied as he kissed her head and then went on his run.

Mark had chosen to go for Mr. Lourd because of his accomplishments in his previous life. Bryan Lourd eventually became a partner, managing director and co-chairman of Creative Artists Agency (CAA) in October 1995 in his previous world.



~ Evelyn's POV ~


Date: April 16th, afternoon, same day


Location: outside the CAA HQ.


Time: 01:23 pm.



She had just finished her lunch and had thought up of a game plan on how to get Mr. Lourd on Mark's side. She had dug up all she could about him discreetly.

Furthermore, she had found that he had some good connections with execs at Universal Pictures and found out about the junior agents who reported directly to him, one of whom is her friend.

Now all she has to do is talk to him about the new happenings with Mark, especially hinting on the deal with Universal Pictures for a multi-million dollar movie project with Steven Spielberg at the helm as its director.

She was confident that Mr. Lourd will take the bait.

And lo behold it worked out even better as her "friend" had requested her to meet the man and here she was sitting across from him in less than an hour.

"Hello, Mr. Lourd it's a pleasure meeting you. I am Evelyn Thorne." She introduced herself.

"Pleasure meeting you, Ms. Thorne. Please call me Bryan." He requested trying to build a rapport.

Just this interaction was enough for her to know that he was amicable to getting on board with her.

He asked her about her current clients and if she was facing any problems with them.

She perfunctorily replied to his questions, that she was fine as she had only two clients, both of which were doing great in their careers.

He asked her to speak more about her director client, "Marc Spector was it?" He said, trying to play it off, not wanting to show his interest.

Finally, after getting all that he could out of Evelyn, which wasn't really a lot. Most of which he knew already, but he got to know now that Marc had already been invited by Mr. Spielberg to his home.

That allowed him to understand how much importance Hollywood's current star director attached to this new emerging director, who is already a very successful author.

He decided to put his chips on Marc Spector as well, his instincts told him that he had the potential to go far in his career as a director.

"Evelyn, I have a proposition for you." Bryan said.

"And what might that be, sir?" Evelyn asked with a poker face.

He answered, "I want to provide my support to this rising star as well. Marc's contract with us is expiring soon, isn't it? How about we give some incentives to tie him to our agency."

"That would certainly be a good start." Evelyn replied.

Bryan asked her how well she knew him and how much she could influence him.

Evelyn answered him with half-truths, how they had been friends for years and later shared a dream of getting into Hollywood.

He asked her about what kind of help they could provide him currently, which would allow them to gain his favor and trust.

She told about Marc's recent plans and activities, about how he had established his own studio and is in the pre-production phase of his new film. The film he is making is based on his hit detective novel series - Knives Out.

She told him that Marc plans to collaborate intimately with the CAA and is looking to hire a support crew and also CAA affiliated actors.

And also that, Marc had given her full authority over the support crew to be hired as well as the recommended CAA affiliated actors.

She finally also told him about the deal that Marc was currently trying to broker a deal with Universal and is in search of a good negotiating third party.

She told him that if CAA can serve that purpose successfully, then Marc will definitely choose CAA as his go-to agency for all his future needs.

Bryan was pondering upon the new insight he had gotten from Evelyn. After ruminating for a while, he finally spoke.

"I will later introduce you to Clark, he is our lead at HR. He will get you a list of experienced industry personnel to choose from, for the support crew."

"As for the negotiation with Universal, after hearing all the details about Marc's demands. It will be difficult to pull off, but definitely not impossible."

"I have some connections in Universal that can help with this, now coming on to the new contract terms. Has he asked for any changes in the old contract?" Bryan finally asked.

Evelyn said, "well sir, he did say that due to establishment of his studio and pre-production work of his first feature film, his workload has grown beyond control."

"So he is in search of a good personal secretary to whom he can delegate some of his work to, and he also wants to continue with me as his primary agent and manager, but with a better commission %."

"Tell him the lowest we are willing to go is 6.5%," Bryan said.

"Sir, he won't agree to anything above a 5% cut." Evelyn said

"5%?!," Bryan exclaimed, "does he think he is Steven Spielberg?"

After taking a deep breath to calm his mind, he thought about asking Evelyn for her opinion on Marc's offer.

"What do you think about his offer, objectively?"

"Well sir, please don't be offended, but Mark only offered a 5% commission rate because of me, if it was someone else he won't agree to anything above 3%."

Bryan gasped as he heard say 3%, but he didn't stop her.

"And to be completely honest, I think even that would be a good offer. 5% is definitely something we can agree to." Evelyn replied, she looked at the doubtful face of Bryan Lourd and decided to explain why she thought as such.

She went to explain to him about how at just the age of 10, Marc started writing his novels, how all his novels have successfully climbed the sales charts to become New York bestsellers.

Each of his works at the bare minimum have sold over 20 millions copies worldwide, and that is with almost no marketing and advertising at the beginning.

It was all achieved with the power of word of mouth, and as Marc's reputation grew, his pen name became a brand of assurance that buying his book will be money well spent.

"The brand of Marc Spector already exists, sir, think about the kind of influence such a man can have, someone who has never failed once."

She explained that Mark, who had unerringly created such works of art that are loved and appreciated all over the world, was finally ready to tell his stories on a bigger platform, on the silver screen.

She told him about the total sales volume of his books. After hearing the number, Bryan finally understood why this woman was staunchly standing by Marc's side.

It wasn't because she was biased as his friend, but rather because she was one of the very few who understood his true creative genius and potential.

Bryan thought to himself, 'even if he fails completely as a director, with just his repository of novels. He can become a force in Hollywood, he is certainly someone I want on my side.'

Bryan told her, "Evelyn, I want you to inform Marc that the CAA agrees to his demands and also draw up a new contract for him as soon as possible."

"You told me that he is holding an inauguration event to celebrate the establishment of his studio. If possible, I would like to meet him there." Bryan asked her to arrange a meeting with the Elusive Spector.

She replied instantly, "Of course, sir, Marc will definitely be gratified to see a senior agent accompanying me to sign the new contract."

Bryan finally asked her to tell him more about Marc Spector as a person, his thought process, his goals, his work ethic, etc.

He wanted to know whether Marc is someone who is disciplined, focused and goal oriented, someone who can be beneficial to their cause.

Or whether he is a wild card and just does whatever he feels like, regardless of the resulting consequences or reparations.

Evelyn diplomatically replied, "Sir, Marc is his own person, he won't ever be controlled, but we won't need to because from what I have observed and know about him and his dreams, our goals align."

"Mark wants to create the best studio in Hollywood, and CAA wants to streamline the hiring process and provide the greatest opportunities and services to its customer so that we can once again become the undisputed best artist agency of Hollywood."

"Marc can help us accomplish that sir, currently we are in some dire straits, there is no nice way to put this but sir we both know that the CAA needs to showcase it's influence once again to establish our authority and power in Hollywood."

"By helping Marc with his deal with Universal, we can bring ourselves back into the limelight."

She further elaborated, "just the fact that he came to us for hiring the support crew and the actors as well, when he could have easily gotten a much wider range of talents through an open recruitment."

"It is an act of good faith from Marc, sir. He is trying to put his best foot forward, and we should as well." She ended her piece.

Bryan then asked her if she thought he would succeed as a director.

She told him that his creative genius as a novelist is well known, his books have cumulatively sold over 200 million copies worldwide.

And that, she believed, he could create the same miracle in filmmaking as well. She said, "It's a little far-fetched to say this right now, sir and I might even sound biased when I say this, but I have absolute faith in his ability."

"So I would like to sincerely request that the CAA also try to foster a good relationship with this budding director." She requested sincerely.

She elaborated, "Based on my knowledge of Marc's personality as a childhood acquaintance, I am confident that he will greatly appreciate our kind gesture and the assistance we are providing him in his time of need."

She gave up this information to build his trust, as nothing ever stays a secret in Hollywood. They will eventually find out that she and Mark are childhood friends.

"Marc is a really prideful person who doesn't like to owe people, so he will definitely return the favor to the best of his capabilities."

"He is a man of his word and tries to do good to those who do good by him. That is one of his best qualities that I have observed throughout the years we have know each other."

"I see, thank you for telling me all this. I have a lot to think about, especially about how to pull off this deal in Mark's favor. You may leave now." Bryan was satisfied with Evelyn's answer and dismissed her.






{Author's Note: This chapter was an experiment of mine trying to mix third person perspective writing with direct dialogues, I personally felt it lacked in some places. But overall I am pretty satisfied with this chapter.

Once again, thanks for reading my work. I am entirely motivated by interaction, suggestions and feedback. So please leave a comment or review and I will probably write faster.

If you like my work please throw a power stone my way so my book can climb the rankings. I hope you all have a beautiful day

Update schedule for this book: 1 chapter every 2 days.}