30. A Call from Steven Spielberg.

Disclaimer: The story that I have written here takes on the names of real people, but it is not intended to represent them or make any commentary on them whatsoever. This story is entirely fiction, and it should be viewed entirely as such.

I own nothing but my original characters and works. If you recognize it from somewhere else, surprise, it isn't mine.






Recap of the previous chapter -

Mark wakes up and has some "fun" with his yandere waifu. He then tells her to get some hours of rest and then try to induct Mr. Bryan Lourd to their cause.

Evelyn indirectly manipulates Mr. Lourd to get a meeting with him. She then influences him with subtlety to see Mark's brilliance and join his bandwagon.






~ Steven Spielberg's POV ~



Date: April 15th, 1990, the previous day.


Location: In his study room, in his mansion.


Time: 10:24 am



He had been trying to get a meeting with the Elusive Spector for quite a while now and finally he struck gold. He had gotten the news through the vine that Mark was in town to film his first movie - Knives Out and it had proven true.

Ms. Thorne with whom he had tried to set up a meeting with through Universal but only to end in failure finally opened up and the meeting was set in his house. After meeting Mark, he came to know about his reluctance to deal with the Big Six studios.

He had been ruminating about his meeting with Mark and their deal for the entirety of last night. After coming to terms with all that was discussed, he decided to invite his friend who was the other person involved in making the Jurassic Park project a reality.

He called up Kathleen Kennedy or kathy to him and requested her to meet him at his home for lunch, telling her that he would then fill her in on his meeting with the elusive and illustrious Marc Spector.

It was almost half past one o o'clock in the afternoon when she finally showed up at his mansion.

Kathy was the one who was initially passionate about creating a Jurassic park movie, having support from one Universal's executive.

He was glad to have her as his friend both because of the passion they share for filmmaking and telling a good story on the silver screen.

She was very different from the rest of the producers who only stifled their director's creativity in the name of cost saving.

She was one of the few producers who ever gave him free reign which allowed him to create his masterpiece, his magnum opus, his E.T. and if he is going to surpass that, he knew he needed to have her on his team again.

"How have you been kathy?" He asked with a pleasant tone, happily, sipping on his coffee, sharing a conversation with a friend, optimistic about finally starting his new dream project.

She told him about her recent work other than planning to get Jurassic Park off the ground. Her production house had been involved in the production of an art film that had done pretty decent numbers in the box office.

Now she was looking for her next big production like Steven was after E.T.

Steven thought back on the conversation he had with Kathy about adapting Jurassic Park into a movie.

Kathy broke him out of his musing with her question, "Steven, were you finally able to contact that elusive spector?"

He blinked for a moment to get his thoughts together, "Yeah, Kathy, though this time I personally reached out to his agent and invited the two to my home for a conversation. That seemed to do the trick as this time she accepted my request for a meeting with the man."

"So how did it go, did he agree?" She muttered.

"I will tell you bout that later. Do you know what surprised me the most in our meeting, it was his age. I couldn't believe my eyes when I first saw him, he's just a 20 year old –."

She cut Steven off in the middle as she questioned him, "wait doesn't that mean he was just 16 years old when he wrote Jurassic Park?!"

"Yeah and that's not even the kicker, you know about Ben 10 right?" Steven asked, happy to get a rise out of his friend.

"Of course, I know about the super hit series of Marc Spector with over 50 million copies sold worldwide. Wait, how old was he when he wrote it?" She asked in trepidation bit scared to see the glimpse of the genius of the spector but also silently doing the numbers in her mind.

"He started writing it after his 10th birthday in his dairy," he replied beating her to the punch.

"Holy shit." She gasped in shock, cursing out loud, astonished by Mark's genius.

"Holy shit indeed." He said with a grin enjoying his friends shock before deciding to get back on topic of the Jurassic Park's movie adaptation.

"Now he has agreed to handing over the rights for Jurassic Park movie adaptation but he has some conditions he wants universal to agree to before he is willing to sign off the rights for his book."

"Did he ask for a lot of money or a cut of the box office?" She asked, thinking about how much she will have to spend to get her hands on the IP.

"If he had, I wouldn't be up planning from last night about how to get this deal to happen." Steven lamented at his misfortune.

"Here is the list of conditions, he requested in exchange for him giving us Jurassic Park." Steven said, sliding her a paper which listed Mark's conditions.

He decided not to reveal Mark's real name to her as he had promised and it was Mark's secret to reveal and he didn't want to betray the trust of his new friend. One who he hoped would be a constant future collaborater with him.

– List of Mark's Conditions –

1. Allow him to be the official Screenplay Writer for the movie and any derived sequel with due credit.

2. Allow his studio to use Universal's Marketing & Distributor channels to advertise and release his next 3 films.

3. Allow his studio to use Universal's International Marketing & Distributor channels to globally advertise and release his next 10 films.

4. Universal will be obligated to fulfill conditions 2 and 3 without trying to pressure Eidolon Entertainment into selling the movie rights of any movies or its sequel released through it in any shape or form.

Kathy read along then said in frustration. "Argh, who does this guy think he is, there has to be some subtlety when one negotiates a deal.

"He is so straightforward and bullheaded in his demands that it hurts me to even read them. Especially his fourth point, Steven you must realise thats the real dealbreaker."

"You must realise that Universal will never accept such a deal."

"I know." Steven said grumpily, he had already lost most of the rights to his popular movies to the greedy studios who just wanted to turn them into money making machines.

He knew very well how the Big Six Studios operate. If they like an IP and think it has the potential to become a money maker.

They will do anything to ensure it ends up in their hands and here is this young man who is outright demanding that they don't come for the copyrights of his novels or films.

This one will be a hard pill for Universal or any studio of the Big Six's level to swallow.

Kathy said mournfully, "As I have told you before I don't think they will agree on this deal my friend, this might be a bust unfortunately."

"Well he did make a very big concession, so all hope isn't lost yet." Steven said with some hope.

"What is it?" Kathy asked with a hopeful voice thinking maybe there might still be a way to salvage the situation.

"He agreed to let go of any share of profits from the movie and any derived sequels. He just wants to be involved in its creation as the main screenplay writer with due credit."

"So he doesn't want any compensation? So he has given up any potential share of the box office as well." Kathy asked with unhidden excitement in her voice.

With a concession this big she might actually be able to swing this deal around the execs at Universal.

"Yup everything, all he wants is the screenplay writer fees and due credit for his work out of the movie." Steven said in a perplexed voice, unable to clearly understand Mark's thoughts.

"Why do you think he did so?" Kathy asked, pondering the same.

"Well the only thing that came to my mind is that Mark is very confident about his movies."

"To him the value that he can get out releasing his movies with the backing of Universal is far higher than what he can earn for giving up Jurassic Park."

He said further explaining his viewpoint "You know, he is making Knives Out as his first movie. According to his estimate It's a 25 to 30 million dollar investment, even for an author as successful as him it's a pretty significant amount."

Kathy felt it was a very big leap for an amateur director, to just directly go for a multi million dollar project.

Steven told her that he thought that Mark would be second guessing himself and looking for some advice. He knew he would if he was in Mark's shoes, and Mark did ask for his advice and thought process on filmmaking.

But he told her that not once had he found doubt or fear of failure in Mark's eyes when they talked.

How Mark's eyes were brimming with confidence throughout their discourse, but with the amount of preparation Mark felt secure enough to share with him.

He told her that Mark really had no reason to fear, for his preparedness was near impeccable. "You know he even has enough capital saved up for shooting a second film in the highly unlikely chance of Knives Out's failure."

"That's great, he sounds like a young man with a good head on his shoulders." Kathy replied thinking about how a new star might be about to rise in the industry.

Steven just nodded quietly as he drew his final sip of coffee. He felt like sharing some of his observations about the man to his friend.

He told her that Mark was quite the deceptively straightforward man. For he had laid out all his demands clearly.

How Mark is confident enough in his work and ability that he laid out his plan bare for all to see. At least that's what it looks like at first glance.

For the domestic marketing and distribution he only covered his upcoming 3 movies, whereas for the international reach of his movie he demanded for his next 10 movies to be covered.

Kathy interjected with her interpretation. "Doesn't that mean that Mark is going to buy a domestic marketing and distribution house after his 3rd movie?"

He nodded but gave her a sly smirk as he said, "I am very sure that Mark has a secret plan, but that's only regarding how he is going to deal with the Big Five Studios after all he is the owner of a fledgling studio himself. So he must try to protect his interests."

He told her how conversing with Mark didn't really feel like having one with a youngster. Instead Mark gave him the feeling of an old soul with numerous tales to share and a wisdom in his eyes not usually found in people of his age.

Talking with Mark felt like he was sharing his ideas with a fellow experienced director, instead of an inexperienced junior.

Kathy then asked him about Mark's demeanor and attitude.

Steve let her know just how different Mark felt from anything he would have thought a genius 20 year old super successful author to be like.

"What is he like?" She was curious to know how this young man impressed Steven.

He replied with a fond smile, "while does have pride in his work and himself, but never once did it come across as arrogance or off putting. He doesn't even seem to think of his achievements as something to show off about."

"And the way he spoke about establishing his own studio. I couldn't help but feel like I did when I just started off in this industry." Steven said, reminiscing about his own start in the industry.

"It ignited my passion and filled me with conviction to start my own studio as well. It has been a dream of mine for a long time but I can't seem to put it into motion."

"It was only after meeting him that I realized it was just my doubts and fears of failure holding me back. I have decided along with my friends, after this Jurassic Park project is over."

"I will establish a studio of my own, which will be focused into the works I have always dreamt about making into a film. We still haven't thought of the name though, maybe you would have some suggestions, I always thought you were talented at naming stuff." Steven her looking for a suggestion.

She replied feeling emotional, "wow thanks Steven, I feel honored that you are giving me the chance to choose the name for your studio."

She murmured to herself trying to think of a name, "hmm focused into the "works" that you have always "dreamt" about creating.

"Works, Dreamt" she pondered on these two words.

"How about calling it DreamWorks?" She asked after being inspired by their conversation.

"DreamWorks?" Steven whispered, testing how it rolled off the tongue.

"DreamWorks" he said in a louder tone, feeling somewhat excited.

"It's perfect kathy, it perfectly fits my goal and idea. Thanks for the help." Steven said feeling happy about his newly named studio.

He will have to look into trademarking that name as soon as possible.

Steven then asked her how she felt now that she was all caught up on the matter.

She was frank in her reply letting him know that due to Mark's concessions, there was a good possibility that this deal could happen.

But they would need Marc's negotiation team and Universal's representatives to come together. She told him to contact Marc later and let him know about the same.

She would contact her friend who was an Exec Producer in Universal to get things into motion. They needed to get this deal done within a month as pre-production for a film on the scale of Jurassic Park will take at least over a year or maybe even two.

With that they parted with Steven going back to his office with thoughts about how to make a successful adaptation. He had thought about the last night as well and had come up with some great ideas.

His plan was to make Jurassic Park into a visual spectacle like no other in cinema but he still felt like he was something. Something important that will help take the movie to the next level.

He hoped Mark could help with this as the original creator of the work. With these thoughts circling his mind, he fell asleep thinking about contacting Mark tomorrow.



~ Mark's POV ~



Date: April 16th, current day.


Location: In his study room, in his estate.


Time: 10:24 am



Mark had finished his morning routine and even had breakfast with his friends. They could see that Mark was unusually happier than his normal self.

When asked what it was about, Mark just simply feigned ignorance and brushed it off. Seeing that Mark won't be answering they let it go.

After telling Kevin and Sarah to rent out high quality film cameras and equipment. He went about his own task i.e. writing the Mission Impossible script, he thought whether to use his Optimized Knowledge Script for the franchise.

After much thought he decided to not use it for Mission Impossible, after MI was a very flawed and simplistic movie with crazy stunt scenes that took the insane dedication of one man and an excellent film and stunt crew to bring to life on the silver screen.

Yet it was a beloved movie franchise that drew audiences in with its thrilling stunt scenes and action. The iconic run of Tom Cruise was also something much loved by people all over the world.

It was such a character defining moment in Mr. Cruise's life and career, he knew when Tom would come to him to beg him to take him as Ethan Hunt.

He could make the global superstar owe him a favor, make Tom understand just where he stood in the industry. After all he cant have Cruise become the Vin Diesel 2.0 overbearing and overestimating his worth.

In a way this would help Tom's career by making him more amicable to work with. His ruminations were cut short with a call.

A call from Mr. Steven Spielberg, himself. He picked it up promptly as greeted his senior, he understood that Steven was calling to let him know that he had four days before his first meeting with Universal Pictures for his deal.

He needed to get his negotiation team in order. A mix of corporate lawyers from Uncle Steve and Evelyn and a group of CAA reps should be enough.

He would be showing up to the first meeting as he was just starting out in Hollywood and also because he wanted to see the reactions of Universal execs about his demands.

He thanked Steven for the call and told him that he would be prepared and to just notify the time and place of the meeting to Evelyn. As he might be busy with pre-production work of Knives Out.




{Author's Note: So this chapter was a bit weird to write. I have already said I am practicing to incorporate 3rd person pov writing with dialogues. It feels kinda awkward in some places so maybe I will need to rewrite some parts later. Not sure.

Once again, thanks for reading my work. I am entirely motivated by interaction, suggestions and feedback. So please leave a comment or review and I will probably write faster.

If you like my work please throw a power stone my way so my book can climb the rankings. I hope you all have a beautiful day

Update schedule for this book: 1 chapter every 2 days.}