33. The Inauguration of Eidolon.

Disclaimer: The story that I have written here takes on the names of real people, but it is not intended to represent them or make any commentary on them whatsoever. This story is entirely fiction, and it should be viewed entirely as such.

I own nothing but my original characters and works. If you recognize it from somewhere else, surprise, it isn't mine.






Recap of the previous chapter -

Mark takes the group on a tour around the newly renovated facilities of the Eidolon studios. He shows them the section of Nirvana Pictures where a fake coroner's office is being set up for an arson scene.

They eat out at The Red Lotus and meet Patricia again and have a good time. The scene changes to an Overwatch Operative spying on a Warner Bros exec meeting a famous critic to bribe him and his team of critics for their upcoming movie.

Then we see a 3rd person POV of the narration of how Overwatch Initiative came to be, and we are introduced to a new character, one David Boggins, the "Watch Commander" of Overwatch and Mark's most loyal operative.






~ Mark's POV ~



Date: April 18th,1990.


Location: At the backstage of the reception hall of Eidolon Entertainment.


Time: 06:42 pm.

Mark was backstage with Evelyn and the gang, he was getting ready to go out on stage. Reporters from the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, and numerous other reputable local media outlets were present.

They wanted to capture the moment when, Marc Spector, the world renowned author, started his career as a director with the establishment of his own studio.

This was to be Mark's first public appearance, and a decision had to be made. It was one he had been thinking about for quite a while now.

Anonymity or personal fame, these were his choices. Either, he could go out there baring his face and reveal his true name becoming Mark Spencer, the face of Eidolon and the man behind the elusive Marc Spector.

But then, for lack of a better word, he will be "marked" forever. He might never find peace and quiet again. As people tend to forget personal boundaries when meet their idols in real life.

Or he could choose to wear a mask and hide his face and his true name, in anonymity. He could secure his mental peace and quiet and still be happy, still be just another random face in the crowd if he ever chooses to.

He thought about it, while looking down at the mask he was holding in his hands. Evelyn looked concerned, she just wanted him to do whatever he felt like would make him the most happy.

"Just do whatever you feel like would make you happy." She told him so, and he looked up and gazed into her eyes and found his answer. No amount of excessive fame, prestige or fan following was as important as his own happiness and mental peace.

And it's not like he is going to be completely anonymous, they just don't have a face to put together with his pen name.

It's Kinda like being a superhero, everyone loves them, adores them, some even worship them, but no one knows their face or their real name and only know their superhero name.

In his case, it's just his pen-name. Maybe hiding his face and real name might even turn out to be a good thing for marketing, as it added an extra layer of mystery to his character. With his decision finally made, he put on the mask.

Eva helped him tuck in the bottom part of the mask inside his shirt collar. She also made some slight adjustments to his ensemble and he was off to the stage.

He wore his specially designed Armani suit with his signature - "Abstract Lotuses", embroidered all over it in different shades of black and midnight blue.

Though it was difficult to make out for a distance, it looked beautiful. He wore a black dress shirt and tie but contrasted it perfectly with an Ivory colored waistcoat which gave layers to his whole look.

His whole ensemble looked simple yet elegant, and it had just the perfect dash of vibrancy to break the uniformity, which came from a Red Lotus tie pin and Blue Lotus pinned on his left lapel.

He walked onto the stage, being introduced by an emcee by his achievements and affiliations. His public persona of Marc Spector the new film graduate of NYFA was now outed as being the same as his pen name, Marc Spector, the world renowned author now turned director.

He reached a tall glass podium and picked up the mic, tapping it lightly to test it and also to draw the attention of the crowd present. It was a mix of his crew, his family, his friends and associates that he had made till now in life.

His dream team had also finally been assembled, all 50 of them. Except for the happy accident with Mr. Singer. All of them have been successfully recruited under the banner of his studio.

He was happy not having to associate himself and his studio with a future sexual offender. As Mr. Bob Ross said, "there are no mistakes, just happy accidents." He had also decided to ban Mr. Singer from working with Eidolon in the future.

He could feel the jitters, yet a calm confidence seemed to envelop him as he stood in front of the group with a mic in hand. A hush silence had spread over the crowd as Mark came on to the podium.

Mark started his speech, "Hello, my name is Marc Spector, and yes, I am the one who wrote the Ben 10 and my other books. The Elusive Spector. Its nice to finally meet.

"Even if its through a mask, it have to do. After all I love my privacy." He said with a glancing at the media, as if challenging them to find out his real identity.

"Now, I have a few dreams that some might call grand or delusional, but I am not here to tell you about them or even make big promises, no, I believe more in proving myself through my actions."

"After all, actions speak louder than words."

He paused after that, looking out into the crowd for a moment, and then began again. "I would like to thank all my employees and associates gathered here, for putting your trust in me, for joining me on this adventure. I hope you are all prepared for this journey is going to be a marvelous one."

"But, before we start, I do have a few words for my employees. Just a few rules that haven't been mentioned in our dos and don'ts. Here at Eidolon Entertainment, we all hold ourselves to a much higher standard."

"All my crew members and employees get paid a 30% higher salary than the industry standard. This is not a handout but instead a compensation for the restrictions you will be subjected to while working at Eidolon. Now, I really don't like to interfere in the lives of my employees." He said in a serious tone.

"But when you're working on the set, filming, then your life isn't just yours anymore, it affects mine as well. So any problems that might be caused by you guys not having your act together will have consequences." He said slowly with pauses in a severe tone to build an air of oppression, showing that he was serious.

"When we are filming or working, any and all kinds of drugs, alcohol and other substances are banned on my set and workplace, more detailed information about this will be provided on the notice board."

He paused for a moment to gauge the reactions of the crowd. "If anyone of you finds this to be a dealbreaker, then you are free to leave, and I apologize for wasting your time." He bowed his head a bit as said the apology, expressing his sincerity and seriousness.

He continued solemnly, as if making a promise. "But if you choose to remain and later on, I find you consuming or possessing drugs or alcohol on my set or in the workplace then. You. Will. Be. Fired. This is not a threat, it's a promise. One, I hope none of you all ever force me to follow through on."

He continued in an sincere tone, "I believe you all have the potential for greatness, it's the very reason I hired you. And I think It would be really a shame to smother it before you even have a chance to reach your true potential."

He paused after making that "threat/promise", he chuckled as if embarrassed having to make that "threat".

"Ahh, that feel a bit too heavy.. but I really mean it though. Still, let's move on to a lighter topic, shall we."

"Have you ever questioned yourself? Why do we make movies?" His demeanor shifted adopting a more laid back and chill persona yet still passionate, happy to be talking about films.

"Different people have different reasons, some do it for the money, some do it for the fame, some do it because they want to tell a story."

"For me, it's because I consider "Films" as the most impactful art form known to man. Great films have a quality of substitution, it forces its audience to put themselves in the shoes of the protagonist."

"To just forget about the problems in their life and live a new one. Even if just for a brief moment, it occupies the minds of the audience so completely that they forget about everything else."

"This is what I want to achieve with my films. I want for the audiences who watch my films to forget their problems in life even if it's just for an hour or two. I want them to feel joy, feel happy, to feel like they are the hero in their own story."

"Maybe even put them in the shoes of someone less fortunate and induce in them the feeling empathy, to be able to feel the pain and understand the plight others go through in life, to truly understand how much better their own is. Because no matter bad you have it, there always someone whose having it worse."

"That to me is the power of filmmaking, that is what I wish to explore as a director as I already have as a writer. This is the beginning of a new chapter in my life and as always when starting something new, there will be doubts and uncertainties."

"But with your help and support, I hope to conquer them and become the best version of myself. So, from the bottom of my heart, I, thank you for helping me chase after my dreams." He sincerely thanked them and nodded towards his crew.

"I won't be talking any longer, as this is a celebration of us coming together as a crew. So please eat, drink and socialize; please get to know each other. After all soon we all will be working together, hopefully for years to come."

Mark said at the end and even though his mouth was covered they see he was smiling from his eyes. He went back to his group.

Jan said encouragingly, "Well that went pretty well, you somehow ended it on a positive note whilst showing humility and humbleness."

"It had to be done, Jan. You know how toxic the work culture of Hollywood is, if he doesn't set the tone now it might lead to a lot of complications later down the line," Kevin replied, trying to back up Mark.

Janet replied to Kevin, "I know, and I agree with you on this, I am just saying that he didn't need to do it now, it's just an orientation and a welcoming party. We could have waited for the first of day of the shoot to haze them."

"I wanted them to realize that I am serious, I am not some amateur nobody who they can just roll over because I'm the new kid on the block." Mark said in slight frustration at not being treated seriously, to get his point across.

Evelyn cut in, "Mark, Mr. Lourd is waiting to meet you, with the contract, let's not dally any longer."

"Yeah, you're right, lets go." Mark replied in agreement.

"Anyways, you guys enjoy the food, we will talk more later. After I'm done talking with the CAA rep" He said and left, following Evelyn as she led to the aforementioned gentleman.

Mark saw a man in his early 30s, ambitious and hungry for power. Just the kind of man, he knen, he could manipulate with a profitable deal and get on him on his side to help take over the CAA from the inside.

"Mr. Spector, it is a pleasure to finally meet you." Bryan said shaking Mark's hand.

"The pleasure is all mine. Please call me Marc, I head from Evelyn that you're her senior in the agency. Please take care of her, she is an old friend of mine." Mark said, smiling from his eyes.

"So I heard you have a contract for me, Mr. Lourd" Mark said with a questioning look, going straight to the point as he didn't want to play around.

"Please call me Bryan, Marc and yeah, I do. I think you will pleased with the terms we have proposed." Bryan said with a confident grin.

"Well do tell." Mark said nonchalantly.

"Your new contract will have you provided with an auxiliary film crew chosen by Evelyn from a list of seasoned CAA contractors." He said trying to sell him on the idea that CAA is truly the best agency for him.

"Evelyn will still be working as your manager/agent. You will also be provided with a PR agent, a business manager and a few personal assistants."

"We were also going to provide you with a hair and make-up stylist. But it looks like you are got that covered, by the way, if you don't mind me asking. Why wear a mask?" Bryan asked at the end.

Mark replied, "it's alright, Bryan, I don't mind the question."

Mark then explains to Bryan that he wears the mask to separate himself from his public persona. How he is a very private person and by wearing this mask he wants to hide at least his face as well his name in anonymity.

He said with a sigh, "I do this to secure my mental peace, quiet and still remain happy, despite becoming a Hollywood celebrity. I still get to be just another random face in the crowd if I ever choose to be."

"You might think that I am overreacting or paranoid, but I just take my personal space and boundaries very seriously."

"I really don't want a crazy fan or stalker harassing me in public, I don't want to be a public figure, I am just behind the scenes guy who makes films. I didn't sign up for this." Mark said expressing his frustration.

"But Marc, you have to realize this might lead to a lot of misunderstandings and problems. People might try to impersonate you, and what about eating or drinking on social occasions?"

Bryan asked, completely dumbfounded by Mark's reply. Every single person working in Hollywood wanted fame, yet here was a guy hiding behind mask, wanting to remain anonymous.

"That's not my problem. I have better things to do than defend myself because of people impersonating me, that's a job for my lawyers. As for drinking in social events. I don't drink."

"Maybe in the company of friends to celebrate, but nah, I don't really care much for alcohol. All anyone is ever going to get anything about Marc Spector is just this." He said, pointing to his mask.

"I am a director, so they shouldn't really care about what I look like, or anything to do with my personal life. What they should really focusing on and judge is my work, the films that I will write, direct and produce." Mark said, ending his impromptu speech.

Mr. Lourd was fascinated by Mark's approach to being a public figure, so he decided to go with it. "Well, okay, I will let your PR agent know about your decision to remain incognito. But I did save the best for the last, though, the commission we will charge you is only 4%."

Mark was a little stunned, Evelyn had mentioned a 5% commission, and he was already pretty satisfied with it. After all, he had yet to prove it worth, still he covered quickly and answered.

"I feel very honored by such a generous offer, Mr. Lourd, if you don't mind me asking, why? I am just an amateur, trying to direct my first feature film." Mark wanted to know why Mr. Lourd changed the terms in his favor.

Bryan replied with a smile, glancing at Evelyn. "Well, I got to know a lot about you from a mutual friend. I have a good feeling about your career Mark, so CAA and I would like to bet on you and give you our full support."

"I have already talked to Steven and Evelyn has also told me about your ongoing deal with Universal. If you hire as your exclusive agency, we will give out the best service."

Mark replied with a devious smile, not that Bryan could see it through the mask. "Sounds tempting, Bryan, but I have to hold off on exclusivity for now. I like to keep my options open, but if you can facilitate a good deal with Universal, I would definitely be willing to reconsider."

"Let's sign the contract now." Mark said.

"Sure," he turned around to take it out and hand over 3 copies to be signed.

Mark signed them promptly and took his leave, stating that his friends were waiting for him at the table and hoped they enjoy the party.

He met up with the reporters from the New York Times, Chicago Tribune and the other local newspapers as well. He gave a short impromptu interview, reiterating about his goals with starting Eidolon and how he wanted to be the one tell his stories on the big screen now.

He ended by stating that his first feature film was already in pre-production, and they're going to start casting soon. The film is going to be based upon one of his own novels. He didn't say which one, though, stating that it would be a good surprise.

When he finally came upon the table alone as Eva had to remain behind with Mr. Lourd. He saw a beautiful woman with long auburn hair sitting next to Kevin talking animatedly with Jess.

He took his seat and gestured to Kevin to introduce his friend. Kevin nodded and turned to his friend to introduce her.

"Mark, this Sophia Coppola, she is a new friend I made. Sophia, this is Mark Spector." Kevin said with a grin as Mark and Marc were so similar in pronunciation that nobody could tell it apart.

Mark said ribbing on Kevin. "I think she already got that from my speech, Kev. But still thanks."

"Good evening, Ms. Sophia. It's lovely to have you here with us. Is the place to your liking?" Mark asked.

"Yes, it's beautiful and very spacious. Kevin was kind enough to take me on a small tour with the group." Sophia said with a smile.

"I see, well, Kevin is truly a gentleman." Mark said, with a wink, teasing Kevin.

After spending some time talking about random things and hobbies, Sophia started to relax and get along with the group.

Mark, seeing that now was a good time, decided to ask his question. "So Sophia, how has life been treating you, what's next in your sights?"

Sophia's breathing, hitched and she fell silent. She looked around at the group, but instead of the usual judgmental looks, she only found gazes filled with understanding and kindness.

After spending some time with the group and Kevin especially who she had met few times in particular now, she felt this warm and cozy feeling with them, like she was in a safe space.

She took a deep breath and just let it all out. All that she had been trying to bottle up inside of her; her frustration at herself, at the critics, at the audience, at her own family for forcing her into becoming something which she wasn't even good at.

How she felt like she would never be good enough and that she was ruining her father's legacy. She was drowning in self-doubt and hatred; had no idea about what to do with herself or her life.

She thought that Mark would have the answers she was looking for. After all, she was at a crossroad of her life, unable to really pick a place where she felt she might belong.

After hearing her out, Mark didn't say anything but stared at her with sympathy in his eyes, he could feel her pain at not being able to live up to her father's legacy.

He knew her actual talent and path in life, so he thought about helping along and speeding things up a little bit. Maybe even earn a favour from the big man himself, after all her father had very powerful connections in Hollywood.

Right now, she needs two things in life the most.

1. Like-minded friends who would push her to grow, improve and become the best version of herself.

2. Guidance towards her true calling in life. To be a director.

That thought didn't even come to her mind because she was a female, or maybe because no one ever encouraged her. He would be the first and in doing so, he would win her friendship and loyalty.

And with the extensive network of contacts she had, she could be of help to them as well. After all, the entire Hollywood knew her legacy, to befriend her and get her firmly tied with their group would bring them great benefits for sure






{Author's Note: So this is a chapter that has been in the works for a long while. I have been planning for this one.

I even dropped hints about Kevin making a new friend, who was lost and excited to see, thinking that maybe he could help her.

That special friend is none other than Sophia Coppola, daughter of Francis Ford Coppola, the legendary Hollywood director, who directed The Godfather.

Mark plans to make her a part of their group, help her in making progress in her career. Because her network is really vast, especially her father's. How will Mark accomplish this, keep reading to find out.

Once again, thanks for reading my work. I am entirely motivated by interaction, suggestions and feedback. So please leave a comment or review and I will probably write faster.

If you like my work please throw a power stone my way so my book can climb the rankings. I hope you all have a beautiful day

Update schedule for this book: 1 chapter every 2 days.}