34. Helping Sophia and Earning Favours.

Disclaimer: The story that I have written here takes on the names of real people, but it is not intended to represent them or make any commentary on them whatsoever. This story is entirely fiction, and it should be viewed entirely as such.

I own nothing but my original characters and works. If you recognize it from somewhere else, surprise, it isn't mine.






Recap of the previous chapter -

Mark finally decides to not reveal his face in public, as he wants some degree of security and freedom in his life while still remaining a public figure. So the people will only know the pen-name of Marc Spector that had now become like his stage name and they will never find out about his real name and face.

When asked why by the reporters and Mr. Lourd, he just replied that he is a director and people should be focusing on his movies and not his face, that he is just an ordinary behind-the-scenes guy.

He signs the contract with CAA and then meets a new face amongst his friends, one Sophia Coppola. She vents to the group about her problems in life.






~ Sophia Coppola's POV ~



Date: April 18th,1990, the same night.


Location: In the reception hall of Eidolon.


Time: 07:32 pm.



She did it, she had let it all out. It felt like she had been freed from a huge burden from a very long time that she had unconsciously been carrying.

It had really started affecting her daily life from the past few months. She knew why, it was because of her fiasco with her latest movie. But now she felt free, felt like she was in a safe space.

Kevin had told her about the Inner Circle, she thought that he was joking as it seemed kinda childish. But the bond these people shared with each other was clear to see.

She envied that bond, she didn't really have any close friends with whom she could share her burdens. People who would give her advice, help her become the best version of herself, like Mark had said earlier.

After finishing her rant, there was a hush silence as everyone was looking towards Marc, the leader of their Inner Circle. He was the Marc Spector, the elusive, yet illustrious writer now an amateur director.

A true genius who had graduated from the NYFA with not just 1 degree like a normal person. No, he completed 4 degrees in the field of Directing, Screenwriting, Producing and Cinematography. Every single one of his published books was a New York bestseller.

And her instincts told her that he might have the answer she was so desperately craving. So here she was after befriending Kevin at a party, she was here at the inauguration of Eidolon.

From asking Kevin, she knew it had been just over a week from their graduation and Mark had already set up his studio. She had talked with the rest of the group, and she was stunned by the progress they were making in their careers and lives.

To be honest she felt envious, she wanted that surety for herself, of knowing what it was she truly wanted to do in life and maybe now she will. But her insecurities were haunting her, she knew that every member of the group was highly talented and competent.

Something she had always doubted about herself. And as this silence stretched, she just got more and more nervous. Maybe this was a mistake, maybe she should just leave. Before she could even try.

Marc asked her, "do you love it?"

"Huh," she was very articulate with her retort.

"Do you love acting, I mean." He asked her again.

She looked down, nervous, and fell silent. He just hummed in thought and then said that he could help her. But not here, it's too public of a place with reports swarming to scoop to have such an important conversation.

He told her that if she wanted their help, she must follow them to a more private setting. She trusted them, so she followed along.

They left the reception hall, and got into the van, this time with Kevin driving. Mark told him to drive to The Red Lotus, that he had a private booth ready.

After getting on, he removed his Mask. Sophia could finally see him in person. She felt grateful about him giving her his trust, they were sitting side by side.

Marc was just relaxing, stretching his shoulders.

"Hi, I am Mark Spencer." He said, revealing his true name to her, as he put out his hand for shake with a disarming smile on his face.

"Hello, Mark, I am Sophia Coppola." She introduced herself again with a smile. It was like she met him for the first without the mask she could tell, he was above average in looks.

"So Sophia, you don't like acting." Mark said confidently, after analysing this jew version of her and comparing her to the one he had heard of and read about in his previous life.

Before she could say something, he said, "don't bother answering, your silence before already gave me my answer. So Sophia, you told me you felt like a disgrace to your father's legacy."

"I personally don't think so, you just were going at it the wrong way. I can already speculate, but could answer some of my questions?" Mark asked at the end very politely.

"Hmm, sure, go ahead." Sophia nodded wanting to know what he thought of her.

"Okay, let's start off easy. On the set of Godfather, who did you look up to the most? Where did your eyes wander, whenever you were free?" Mark asked her with a knowing smirk, like he already knew the answer but was just teasing her.

She felt annoyed looking at that smirk, but took a breath to calm herself. "My father." was her reply.

"Good. And Sophia, what is your father?" Mark asked like he really didn't know.

"Hey!" She almost shouted but gathered her bearings. "He is a director."

"A director, so tell me Sophia, how would you add to the legacy of a legendary director by becoming a heroine, by becoming a disregarded showpiece in some movie? A Vase, huh?" He asked her with air quotes the vase part.

He stared at her, completely serious, urging her to tell herself the answer. She knew what he was hinting at, but after being mired in self-doubts for years. She really didn't feel confident enough to voice out her answer.

"Sophia, I can only show you the way to the answer, but I can't just hand it to you. You have to get it yourself. So, what's your answer? What do you want to be?" Mark asked with a gentle, encouraging smile.

She felt like she was in front of her dad, when she had done something bad, and he was gently prodding her to tell the truth. At that moment, to her, Mark felt like a jaded old man.

She shuddered as she said, "I want to be a director." her voice came out mousy and small.

"Again." Mark replied.

"I want to be a director." This time a little more confident and audible.

"Again." Mark said.

"I will become a director." This time she said it with her chest, confident and out loud.

"And Yes, you will. Now, Sophia, how do you feel about becoming an honorary member of our group?" Mark asked with an infectious smile.

"Honorary?" Sophia asked with a smile of her own. Finally, at peace with understanding her goal in life.

Jess came to rescue, explaining. "Well, it's like you are on a probation period. It's just Mark testing to see if you are good for the group."

"Don't worry, just be your normal self. You have already passed half the test." Mark replied.

"Test?" Sophia asked, confused.

"Yeah, almost everything with Mark is, he constantly likes to test us and himself. It's his way of ensuring that we keep improving." Melissa replied.

Upon reaching the destination, they alighted the vehicle and made their way to the counter. Mark had called Patricia early in the morning, to book them the private booth which had been newly built at the lotus, at his request.

The Maître d' led them to the booth and left after instructing them how they could call the waiter.

After they settled down with Sophia next to Mark for better communication. They had placed their orders, and Mark thought to continue the conversation from before.

"Let's continue where we left off, Sophia, to help you with your decision to become a director, I have two choices for you."

"Option No. 1 - Get admitted into a reputed university and spend 3 years learning theoretical knowledge regarding the craft. After that, you start your directorial journey. I will fund you with capital for your movies as well, it will take you around 5 to 10 more years for you to find your own style, your own way as a director so as to speak."

"This is the normal path and usually aspiring directors choose this. Obviously, they don't have a person to give them money to make movies."

"I won't blame you if you choose to do so as well. But due to you being a part of our group now, I have, another option for you." Mark said reassuringly.

"Option No. 2 - This is the more extreme approach. Learn under me, I know this will sound arrogant, but I graduated with 4 different degrees in the art of filmmaking. I can teach you the theoretical knowledge and also impart you with the needed practical experience as well, all at the same time."

"So what do you think, Sophia? Which option would you like to go for? Keep in mind, if you choose no. 2, I will not go easy on you. You cannot be just good, you must be perfection."

Seeing that, Sophia might be in a dilemma due to being afraid of offending him. Mark told her that no matter which option she chose, she would always be their friend.

She smiled at his assurance and told him that she really wanted to choose the 2nd option, but she also wanted to get a degree from a reputable university too.

Janet interjected with a solution. "You could actually still get the degree, Sophia. Just opt for the distance education option, with an apprenticeship under Mark. You would only need to take the midterms and yearly exams. And submit a short film for your final year."

Here Mark interjected with a grin, "but instead of a short film, she will be directing a full on feature film."

Sophia replied, "But Mark, that will be in less than 3 years."

"So." Mark replied nonchalantly like he saw no problem.

"Do you think I will be ready by then?" Sophia asked, seeming unsure about herself.

"Well, we'll never know if we don't try, but if you can keep up with my lessons. Then, yeah, I am confident that you will make a superb film." Mark said with confidence that she didn't feel in herself.

"Same goes for your seniors Janet and Chris as well. After we have made two blockbuster films, the studio will be branching out." Mark explained Chris' and Janet's situation.

"New crew will be hired for them and then, Janet and Chris will be shooting their first feature film. I already have the script ready in the pipeline."

"They will be making it together?" Sophia asked, as she knew both of them were aspiring directors.

"Well yeah, they have learned together and they have excellent synergy. So I thought, why not make their first movie together as co-directors."

"The year after them, will be your turn to shine. So, are you ready to discover the kind of director you want to be? To explore the different stories that you are passionate about bringing to the people? Because at the end, that's really what being a director is all about." Mark asked with an excited smile.

"I am," she said. "Thank you, Mark, for giving me this chance. Thanks, Kevin, for inviting me, and thank you everyone for accepting me into the group." Her eyes were watering as she said this.

"There, there," Janet said as she hugged her. "It's a happy moment. Why do you look like you are about to cry? Here." she said, passing her a tissue.

She got her emotions in control, but her cheeks were still flushed. There was a knock on the door of the booth. After she got herself presentable, Mark allowed them in and the waiters arrived with their dinner.

Mark had ordered something new, which he hadn't tried before. It was a dish from the Spanish cuisine. He was entranced by the fragrance of the dish when he removed the cloche and immediately began, demolishing his seafood paella.

After finishing that delicious supper, he raised his head to look around the table. Seeing that his friends were almost done as well, he dabbed his lips with a napkin to make himself more presentable.

He enjoyed tasting the wine as he waited for them to finish as well. Seeing that they were all done, he spoke. "I see we are all done, so let's talk shop, shall we. Eva, you are up first."

Evelyn nodded and put down the wine she was tasting and gazed at Mark, giving him her entire attention.

Mark said, "I want you to start the casting call. Also remember to coordinate with Kevin and Wendall about the list of roles and their basic requirements."

"You can also recommend some actors from CAA as well, but if they are a part of the main cast, then I won't give them any advantage or favors over the other actors."

"The support crew will also need to be put together but that can wait, you can start hiring them and put them on hold till the casting is finished and have them gather at the estate when the pre-production starts."

"Jan, remind me to hand over the props list to you. Some props will need to be built for blocking and lighting purposes during shooting, it will be mentioned on the list. I need you to communicate this with the prop master."

"Kevin and Sarah, I want you guys to take care of renting the camera and film equipment. I need it rented, yes." Mark said, seeing the confusion on Chris's face.

"But why?" Chris asked, confused because he knew Mark had enough funds just for the camera equipment budget to buy the needed equipment 10 times over.

"Well, it's because I got some news that there will be a major breakthrough in film camera development. It should be happening in the next few months or a year max, so I don't want to waste money on changing the camera equipment again."

"Instead, I want you to focus on buying the best quality dolly and camera grip equipment, you guys can get your hands on." He said at the end to give them a focus.

"Another thing Sarah, please remind me to hand over the film budget to you. Chris, you will be helping Sarah with this as well." Chris and Sarah nodded in acknowledgement.

"Throughout the shoot, I want you guys to manage the budget and see that things are being done just as according to plan and on time."

Chris replied, "we will take care of it, Mark." while Sarah just nodded, sipping a mixed fruit cocktail.

"Kevin, I will later on introduce you with my casting director, his name is Wendall Rand. Well, co-director of casting, actually, as you both will be equally responsible for the casting of the actors." Mark continued explaining.

"I will hand you my requirements list as well, the heights can be adjusted here and there, but the ethnicity of the characters are non-negotiable. Marta's actor needs to be a minority, preferably a Columbian, but that I will leave to you." Kevin nodded in understanding.

"Jess, how is the script revision coming along? I hope to see it in 2 days." Mark said in a serious tone.

"Don't worry Mark, with Peggy's help I think I will be done before time. Most probably, by tomorrow morning or afternoon, I will have the script ready." Jess replied with full confidence.

"That's great news, Jess, thanks for the hard work." Mark replied, grateful for her fast progress.

Jess just waved her hand and said, "it's no big deal, and it's all thanks to Peggy's help."

"Mel, how is the writing of Runeterra coming along?" Mark asked her, at last, he was saving this conversation for the end. As he knew, it might take a while.

Sophia was observing all this while enjoying her tropical punch. She had started admiring Mark's passion and conviction. The way, he just flipped a switch and entered his boss mode.

How his friends deferred to his leadership, he was completely in control, like a man with a plan. She hoped to one become like that, and after joining the Inner Circle. Sophia had no doubt that she definitely would.

Mel answered with enthusiasm, "well, it's going great. I am done writing the basic lore of the Yordle races' hometown - Bandel City, I have started writing the adventures of a trio of yordles - Poppy, Tristana and Lulu, though I am still ain't sure where to send them exactly." She ended her answer in a dilemma.

Mark thought about it for a moment, then answered.

"Well, if you are asking me for my suggestion, I would say send poppy to Ionia. Her knightly and righteous character would fit right in with them."

"As for tristana, hmm." Mark hummed in thought and then replied. "You should focus more on her and Lulu, on their friendship, their differences and finally at their peace with each other's role in their lives."

"I will write a small draft to give you a sense of direction for their story, the rest will be up to your creative discretion."

"Their relationship and the differences they have, both in their mindset and behavior, will be good for you. As it will force you to focus more on the humane aspects of the story."

The conversation between Mark and Mel continued for a few more minutes, as he wanted her to understand his end game for the yordles and their role in the world of Runeterra.

"I guess that should do it for now, if you have any questions, feel free to ask them any time, Mel." Mark ended the conversation, then turned to Sophia.

"Sorry for the hold up, Sophia, I want you to decide which university you want to join and the degree you want to major in." Mark then gave her his card, saying, "you can call, to let me, I will prepare the notes for you accordingly."

She nodded and thanked him for all the help. He just waved it off, saying that she was now part of their group.

While on the way to drop her off at her place. Mark said something to Eva, something about letting out the fact that he was writing a fantasy genre novel. And to build up hype for it by using their connections.






{Author's Note: Guys I am finally done with introducing most of the new characters and such. At Least the important ones who will play a huge role in the story. So now the speed will be picking up.

The chapters after this will be detailed but there will be more time skips. Like in the upcoming chapter 38 the timeline will skip around 12 to 15 days. Basically 2 weeks, such time skips will become common from now on.

Once again, thanks for reading my work. I am entirely motivated by interaction, suggestions and feedback. So please leave a comment or review and I will probably write faster.

If you like my work please throw a power stone my way so my book can climb the rankings. I hope you all have a beautiful day

Update schedule for this book: 1 chapter every 2 days.}