56. Meeting Diane Spencer and A Heated Interview.

Disclaimer: The story that I have written here takes on the names of real people, but this story is based in an alternate earth with some changes in its timeline.

This story does not intend to represent the celebrities/real people or make any commentary on them whatsoever. This story is entirely fictional, and it should be viewed entirely as such.






Recap of the Previous Chapter -

We see the third person perspective of Steven, George, talking about Mark after he escorted them to the screening hall. They were surprised to find Mr. Coppola there to watch in another booth. The POV then shifts from Sofia's friends and then to Ms. Vergara's siblings.

Then an unnamed man describes how his day wasn't going as planned due to a phone call. He is later revealed as Roger Ebert, a famous film critic. Mr. Coppola called him to come for the test screening of Knives Out. After much deliberation he decides to check it out.

As he watches the movie he is blown away by the level of detail, the subtle hints, the subtle discrimination of the family towards Marta, the performance of the actors and twist ending with the call back really impressed him.

Present in the audience is Mark's fanboy, Rian Johnson and he loves the movie as well but is a bit letdown by Marta not vomiting at Ransom's face. After the movie is over the public and special guests are separated into banquet halls where they're offered an open buffet.






~ Diane Spencer's POV ~


Date: 2nd August, 1990.


Location: At Eidolon HQ.


Time: 08:04 pm.


She had seen her baby boy grow up, there was always something special about him. Where many people stumble through life trying to find their niche, their "thing".

Her Mark was focused on being a creative person, whether it be writing a novel, or making illustrations of his works no matter how cartoonish and childish.

But he was a true genius, he absorbed information like a sponge and analyzed and interpreted like a machine. It was surprising for them when he had such a gifted mind but didn't want anything to do with science.

The only way she could even get Mark to study it was convincing him that it would help him in writing better sci-fi books. Yet there was hardly a moment of her life when she didn't see him reading a book.

Economics, History and Psychology were his favorite subjects; when she asked him why he would always read those three subjects. He answered her, "Mom, I read economics because I want to understand how money works, how to earn it, invest it and ensure that I am always ahead of the curve."

"As for history, well a philosopher once said, "those who don't know their history are bound to repeat." So I want to know the events of the past and also it gives me a lot of new ideas for my books." He explained why he was so fascinated with history.

"And psychology because I want to understand how the human mind works, at least in theory. How to tell when a person is lying, how to read their body language, how to influence people and so much more." he said, spreading out his arms to the side how huge it was.

"If I am to become some kind of a public figure later on in my career, I would need to know all these things to make sure I don't fall flat on my face and embarrass myself." said a 13 year old Mark to his mom.

He's the most mature kid she had ever seen, but he was also one of the most stubborn people she knew. He got that trait from her, as she could be very adamant when she wanted to.

When he came to her the first time asking to be a Hollywood movie director. She just asked him why and tried to dissuade him from what she at that time was only his childish dream.

Oh how glad she was that he didn't give up at her dismissal. He even struck a deal with his dad to get his help to make her give her permission and blessings to him. So that he could pursue his dream of being a Hollywood director.

It was one of her most favorite things about her son. His respect and love never waned, he didn't have a rebellious teenager phase or the awkward transition of a boy turning into a man.

No deep down, she knew, Mark always behaved like a man. Took responsibility for any mistakes he made and tried his best to keep a level head and treat everyone with respect and kindness.

She was glad because if he had given up on his dream, she wouldn't have gotten to this amazing movie. After watching this she very much believed that Mark would make it big in Hollywood.

But she also heard a few disturbing things about Mark from Evelyn when she picked them up from the airport yesterday. When they asked her about Mark's current work schedule and how he was coping.

She told them about how he was doing and some of the businesses that he was trying to get a stake in. When they asked why he would want to invest in other businesses.

Eva frankly told them that Mark was doing this to get the most out of his money and to legally pay as little tax as possible. They were slightly taken aback by the statement.

They knew Mark thought like a capitalist but he also understood and accepted the importance of the government. After seeing their questioning looks, Eva explained how she asked Mark about this and he said, "I would rather donate my money to a charitable trust I set up, that would actually help the poor than hand it over to the IRS."

Diane looked relieved after hearing that and chuckled when she thought to herself that her son hadn't gone full evil capitalist mode. The three shared a laugh as she mentioned this to them and then Harvey asked where she was taking them.

Eva told them that she had a really special place in mind for them to stay at. She didn't elaborate more about the place and just quietly drove them to the Knives Out estate. After Mark had been done with the shooting at the estate it had been closed off.

There was a small security team and a housekeeper to look after the estate. A team of cleaners and gardeners came in every few weeks to do their cleaning and maintenance work to keep it in a pristine condition.

Eva thought that they could stay at the estate for their brief stay in LA and enjoy the first of Mark's creations to be brought to life. The couple explored the estate with Eva, leading them and showing all the small details and props.

After watching that mind-bending film, she wasn't able to speak with him during the movie. As it had taken the entirety of her focus and attention, she didn't realize how fast the two hours went by.

When they left the screening hall, Mark took them to a private room. After removing his mask, he hugged her and emotionally said, "I missed you mom. I am so happy you guys could make it for my film."

He turned to look at his father, Harvey Spencer and spread his arms again. Mark was a physically big guy, he easily drew in his father as well into a three way hug. Telling how happy he was that they could be there for his special moment.

After he let them go, he asked them. "Where are you guys staying, was this Eva's plan to surprise me?"

"One at a time, Mark. I am not getting any younger." she replied with a smile holding on to her boy.

"Oh please you barely look like you are in your 30s mom. No one will believe you if you tell them your real age, that even I have no clue about." Mark said at the end to save himself.

"Nice save." his father muttered and gave him thumbs up.

"I see you have become better with your words. As for where we're staying, it's at the knives out estate and this was planned by both Evelyn and me to give you a surprise." she replied with a smile.

It was Harvey's turn to ask questions, "Mark, Evelyn told us about how you're going out of your way to avoid paying taxes. I know you wouldn't do it unethically but what I want to know is why."

"Well it's a very complex question, dad and the long answer to it would take hours for me to properly explain why I try to minimize my taxes." Mark sighed and replied as he didn't really want to talk economics and politics with his father.

"The short answer is that, I would rather donate my money to a charitable trust I set up, that would actually help the poor than hand it over to the IRS."

"How much have you already donated," she asked wanting to know.

"I will tell you but please keep it a secret as I don't want to be blasted in the media as a charitable person." Mark replied, asking for their silence.

They both agreed promptly and Mark revealed that he had donated over 20 million dollars anonymously to various charitable trusts and NGOs.

She was very proud of their son and hugged him again, telling him that he had been doing a great job. Mark was glad that his parents didn't question or judge him too harshly.

He led them both towards the exclusive banquet hall but they told him that they shouldn't enter together as it would draw too much attention to them. Mark agreed and left alone for the banquet, it was time for Eidolon to shine.




Roger Ebert had been patiently waiting for the arrival for Mark Spencer, the person who had guided him and Francis to the banquet had told them that he would arrive in a few minutes and if you would be so kind as to fill in the provided questionnaire.

Roger glanced at the questions, he found it to be an even more detailed version of the cinema score survey. With questions he didn't think anyone would ask about the movie. It was all multiple choice questions but the last was a fill in your answer kind.

It asked - What was your most memorable or favorite moment in the movie?

While he was torn between a few, in his heart he already found his answer because despite the amazing performances from the supporting cast.

Depp's final performance really stole the show, it sublimated the movie and brought it to a whole new level. He wouldn't be surprised if this performance of his gets nominated for the oscars.

As he finished filling in his questionnaire and gave it to the person in charge of collection. He saw Mark enter the hall, the moment he did so, there was silence and then people clapped and congratulated him on a spectacular movie.

He didn't approach Mark yet, as despite his burning desire to ask him some questions. He didn't want to come off as too impressed or happy as he still remembered rejecting the invitation to this very movie.

Mark was first approached by Steven and George, they congratulated him on a successful movie. He chuckled and said, "It hasn't even been officially released yet and you guys are already calling it a success."

"Mark, we have seen the movie. It is definitely in the top 5 of the year for. So it being a success is only a matter of when and not if." George replied with full confidence in his assessment.

"I see, well thanks for the vote of confidence guys, it means a lot." Mark said, thanking them for the kind words.

"By the way, what did you write as your favorite moment in the movie?" Mark asked, wanting to know immediately.

Steven replied excitedly, "For me, it would have to be Johnny's final performance and the end credits were brilliant, the bit with the characters being all clue card characters was very smart."

George continued, "But it was the group photo of the various departments of your film crew that was really inspiring. All these years they have been an unseen part of our industry. The people behind the scenes, thanks for doing this Mark. I will definitely be copying this style."

"Ah and my favorite part was actually Harlan's will reading scene, the chaos, the drama and the reaction. It was really fun to see them freak out at being left with nothing in the will." George replied as he chuckled at recalling the scene.

Mark chuckled as well and admitted that it was in his top 3 scenes of the movie as well. They talked about the movie for a while and then Mark excused himself as he prepared himself to talk with the press and media.

He headed over to a small stage with chairs arranged in front of it for the reporters and journalists to sit. Almost all the chairs were filled and he even saw some critics in the seats as well.

As Mark took to the stage and sat down on the chair to answer their questions, there was an emcee to officiate the process. She asked them maintain decorum and raise their hands if they had a question for Mr. Spencer and whoever he picks will get to ask their question.

With her asking Mark for permission the Q&A session began. The first was a female reporter from the L.A. Times. She asked him, "Mr. Spencer, just how much have you exactly spent on making this movie?"

Mark thought about it for a second then answered, "Well Ms…" "daniella," she replied with an apologetic smile as she forgot to mention her name.

"Ms. Daniella, I can't really go into the details about how much everything exactly cost me. But I would say it's in the ballpark of around 35 million dollars." Mark explained politely.

"Is that including the rumored 10 million dollars publicity budget?" she asked back.

"Yeah." Mark replied and then said, "next."

Another reporter from the LA Daily stood up and asked, "Mark, is it true that the Knives Out estate was built by you from the ground up?"

Mark replied, "I couldn't really find a house that would fit the description or my needs. So I had to order my art and set the department team to design and build the house from the ground up."

"That beautiful house you saw on screen, is the fruit of the efforts of my very talented Production Designer - Billy Joel, Art Director - Jeremy Woodward and Construction Coordinator - David Crank."

"The people who made the house look so real and classy were my Prop Masters - Edward Black, Brian Callavaro and Corey Curtin and my Set Decorators - David Schlesinger and Grant Gustin. They are truly masters in their work and I am grateful to have them on my team." Mark ended his explanation with gratitude and humbleness.

The next person Mark selected was from The Hollywood Reporter. He already knew a controversial question was coming his way and he wasn't disappointed. The middle-aged man stood up and asked, "Mark, is it true that one of your main actors is a former drug user and the other is an alcoholic?"

Instead of taking offense or panicking, Mark just chuckled and said, "man you guys really don't hold back do you."

Mark knew he had to play this one diplomatically as admitting drug abuse even on one's own self would mean damaging the reputation of his movie and that was simply unacceptable to him.

He said slowly, "Well it's not really my story to tell but I will say this, he is definitely in a better place now, both mentally and physically."

"As for your other comment about an actor of mine being an alcoholic I really don't know whom you are talking about because to my knowledge none of them are alcoholics."

"And even if they are, what they do in their private life with themselves is their own business. As long as they remain completely professional on set and perform well, I really have no complaints. As it's not my job to police their behavior and actions off the set. I am a director, not their spouse." Mark ended his reply with a joke.

After that there were a few questions from the other reporters, journalists and even a few critics - L.A. Sentinel, The New York Times, Chicago Tribune, etc.

The final question was from a beautiful Hispanic lady from "La Opinión," A major Spanish-language newspaper serving the Hispanic community in Los Angeles.

They were especially invited because of Marta Cabrera belonging to the same Spanish community and Mark wanted to appeal to them to drive his ticket sales.

She said to him, "Mr. Spencer thank you so much for giving a chance to Ms. Hayek. She had been a star in our Telenovelas but she couldn't really show her full potential in them as an actress, but in Knives Out she has truly bloomed."

"My question is that, Mr. Spencer I observed in the end credits photos and even the staff here. You've almost got a complete mix of all ethnic groups living in America. Is it on purpose or just a coincidence?" Despite her gratitude towards him, the question she asked was quite sharp and controversial. She after all was truly a professional journalist.

Mark was cool as cucumber, he just smiled and said, "the criterias we consider while hiring are a person's skills, their experience, their ability to co-operate and work as a team, etc."

"So ethnic background? Gender? I don't care about all that, only thing we care about at Eidolon is competence and capability."

"I pay my staff 30% higher than the industry standard, so anyone hired at Eidolon is not because of pity or to make us look good. But because they are the best at what they do. No more questions, thank you for coming." saying that Mark ended his reply. He stood up and left the stage.






{Author's Note: So this chapter, I wanted to show a small POV of Diane Spencer and how Mark was growing up. I tried to write some dialogues for them but it didn't flow that well. I think its because, most of the novels/anime/manga i read the mother figure of the MC is already dead or not shown in the story.

Still i feel like I didn't do that good of a job. Hopefully I will get better at it as I keep writing. Also my thoughts were constantly going towards the future chapters that I had plan already. So this one was becoming real chore to write, its also why this chapter is also a little shorter than the rest of my other chapters with it just being 3K words.

Anywhos, moving on, thanks for reading my work. I am entirely motivated by interaction, suggestions and feedback. So please leave a comment or review and I will probably write faster.

If you like my work please throw a power stone my way so my book can climb the rankings. Slurp some nice ramen and I hope you all have a beautiful day (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧

Update schedule for this book: 1 chapter every 2 days.}